Chap. 2

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"Say no more, sir. I'm on it."

Naib Subedar, an experienced mercenary hired by the Mafia, known to be able to kill someone without them knowing and get rid of all evidence. Of course, all of that comes for a certain price, and that was the sole reason he ever joined the Mafia - money. Now that it's been brought up by Eli Clark, he's all for it. With the promise that he would get extra pay, he's made a deal to stay near the armoury and watch over it tonight.

Heading down to the reception area, Aesop received a notification from his device. Taking it out and checking it, he saw that it was from Eli, saying that he managed to get Naib to keep watch of the armoury. He smiled to himself as he stepped out of the elevator. Eli was, to him, the best among all the executives. Not to mention he cares more for the safety of Aesop than his own. Lost in thought, he didn't realise he'd already reached the front desk. Sitting there sorting through papers was the receptionist, Joseph Desaulniers.

"Mr Desaulniers? Could you spare a few moments to check the records of the last few people to exit the building?"

The receptionist looked up from his work, clasping his gloved hands on the desk. For a short moment he stared back into the unblinking eyes of Aesop. Ten seconds later, he blinked and shook his head before sheepishly smiling.

"Apologies, sir. I may or may not have spaced out. Could you...Repeat that again?"

The man sighed as he repeated what he said once again and this time, the receptionist heard. Getting up, both men headed to the end of one corridor. There, a small locked door awaited. After a lot of fiddling and lame jokes, Joseph finally found the key to open the door. Wires and switches covered every inch of the surface, each connected to different systems.

"Last few people to exit the building...Let's see..."

Joseph put the recorded footage on fast forward as he watched the last moments of that day recorded by the cameras before they were shut down. Halfway through, he paused the video and scrunched his eyebrows. Fingers moving deftly across the keyboard, he zoomed in to the picture frozen on the screen into someone's face.

"What's wrong here?"

Aesop leaned down to glance at the screen. It took him a while to realise the person in the screen was none other than Naib Subedar. What in the world was he doing here?! He decided not to jump to conclusions first as Joseph pressed the play button again. Just as he stood still and talked into his phone for a moment, a tall figure suddenly dashed into the screen and shoved Naib into the room behind him.

"Mr Desaulniers, do you think you can figure out who was that person?"

Sure the receptionist was an air-head, but he was the only person that was good with technical work. As Joseph got to work, Aesop continued to watch the rest of the footage. The same man continued on to the armoury floor and checked where the twins normally stood on guard. Once he made sure they weren't around, he left the area immediately. He then headed into the control office and-

The footage stopped playing as that was all it had recorded of the moment. There was a knock on the door before Eli peeked in to make sure everything was okay. He'd brought them some coffee and snacks from the cafeteria since they'd been down there for a while. Slipping a candy into his hands at the same time, Aesop took the snacks from his sub-ordinate's hands. He watched as Eli unwrapped the candy to eat it, the image of a small child in his head.

"No hope here, sir...I tried..."

Joseph looked up from the panels, defeated. The figure had made sure his face would not be easily spotted by the camera. With less than half of his face seen, let alone a single eye, there was no way they would manage to figure it out. Aesop sighed and decided to call it a day. Their only hope right now was Naib, and hopefully he doesn't fall asleep while he's on watch.

Standing in the elevator, Eli began explaining his plans to find out who went into the armoury. Stationing Naib there overnight, they may be able to catch the intruders red-handed if they decide to strike again. By the time he finished explaining everything, he was out of breath. Sitting down at his desk, Aesop offered Eli a seat so he could rest first before he continued his work. Immediately, Eli collapsed down into the seat and shut his eyes to take a small nap. The man was tired after all that planning, so Aesop let him have his deserved nap.


"So I heard you got an offer?"

Naib Subedar looked up from his drink. The bar certainly does have some brilliant mixes... Towering over him was Norton Campbell, the assistant of the finance executive, Jack. The mercenary never knew his surname, nor has he ever heard of it.

"Come on Campbell you're gonna scare the shit out of everyone you meet if you keep doing this."

A tall man appeared behind him, dressed in a navy blue suit and a mask covering half his face. Sure enough, the assistant never went anywhere without his 'boss'. Probably to make sure he doesn't terrorise anyone wherever he goes... Naib thought as he poked at the ice inside his glass. The two of them sat down on either side of him and ordered themselves a drink. It got awkward as the three just sat in silence with their drinks, so Naib decided he'd leave and escape the awkwardness. Unfortunately for him, a hand grabbed him by the collar and pulled him back to his seat. Norton glanced sideways at his tall colleague, who looked pretty relaxed as he plopped Naib onto the seat effortlessly. After a few moments of Naib flailing to get out his strong grasp, Jack finally set down his drink and with a small grin and spoke.

"Getting nervous huh? C'mon, just stay with us for a short while...Maybe we'll have something to talk about by the end of this..."

Having been sandwiched between two men, both taller than him, with no route for escape and one person unwilling to let him go, Naib sighed and ordered another drink.
Man being short makes things ten times harder...

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