Chap. 75

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Within a week the Mafia was back to business, sorting out files and recovering some that were lost in the explosions. Eli had gotten back to his office to recover lost files. Naib resorted to helping the other male despite his protests. As he was looking through, he found a small shattered frame under the desk. He picked it up, brushing the dust off it before he passed it to Eli.

"Oh... My family photo. Thanks, Naib."

"The frame and glass is all shattered though. You should probably replace it."

Eli thought for a while, then shook his head. He placed the frame carefully on the shelf and went back to organizing files. A pang of guilt surged through him as he thought about his parents. He hasn't visited them in months, and he doesn't even know if they heard about the whole incident. His mother hasn't called in so long. Maybe when he had the time he could bring Aesop to visit. But then his father...

He sighed, staring up at the files in the cabinet.

"Hey Naib, you wanna go grab lunch first?"

The other male eagerly agreed, glad to finally take a break from staring at the thousands of papers. They headed down to the cafeteria, meeting up with Aesop on the way. Naib excused himself to go to the finances office, leaving the two males to themselves. Eli wanted to bring up visiting his parents, but he didn't seem to know when to bring it up. He hadn't even decided what date to visit them.

"Something on your mind?"

"Sorta... I'm just trying to decide something."

"Oh? For what?"

"About when to visit my parents. And if you um, if you'd like to come along."

Aesop's face lit up as he took Eli's hands in his, grasping it tightly.

"I'd be glad to come!"

Eli had never seen the man so determined. He was already deciding what gifts to bring to his parents, what to wear for the occasion, maybe even planning what to say. All while holding onto Eli's hand. The other male smiled, not wanting to ruin Aesop's mood but not wanting him to have a nasty surprise on that day either.

"Aesop I don't think my dad would be too happy about me being with you."

The other male paused in his mumbling, looking up at Eli.

"He's a bit on the homophobic side, I mean. My mom is fine with us but my dad he-"

"It's fine, Eli. I'd still want to make a good first impression regardless."

With that he went back to planning, leaving Eli to gnaw at his meal. The man contemplated texting his mother about their visit, but decided to call instead. It surprised him when she didn't pick up immediately. He shrugged it off, thinking it was because she was busy with work. Leaving a text, he pocketed his phone and finished off the last of his meal.


Naib didn't bother knocking on the already unlocked doors. Norton was sitting inside, looking through some lists. He seemed relieved that Naib had dropped by and put down the list. The mercenary looked around, surprised that Jack wasn't around.

"Where'd the shithead go?"

"Off to the other offices. Had to collect some stuff."


He sat at the small couch, lying against the soft cushions as he watch Norton work. A while later he got up and went over to his desk. The other male didn't look up, still absorbed in the list. Naib couldn't help but stare at him, quietly admiring the way his black eyes looked even when half-closed. His chest rose and fell steadily as he took in slow breaths, his fingers thrumming against the desk occasionally. Naib couldn't help himself as he got up once again.


He moved Norton's arms aside and settled comfortably on his lap. The executive stared at him, his hand still holding the paper at his side. He chuckled, wrapping his free arm around Naib's waist as he continued looking at the lists. The shorter male leaned against his chest, tracing his fingers across his collarbone. He could feel the other's grip on his waist tighten a bit and smirked. The office door swung open as Jack waltzed in, a box in his hands. He pouted when he saw Naib on Norton's lap.

"Without me? How cruel!"

He put a hand over his chest while saying mockingly. He set the box on the table and dragged his chair over beside Norton. The other executive passed him the lists he'd put aside. Jack slid them into a file and set it aside, one hand tilting Naib's chin towards him for a kiss. The mercenary didn't mind as Norton slid his hands across his chest, having finally put down his work.

"I'd say its better if we continued this after work Jack..."

"Hm~ Scared of being caught?"

"Reputation, Jack."

He laughed and left a playful peck on Naib's cheek. He moved away and started with his own work. Naib got up and stretched, swiping a chocolate from Jack's desk on his way out. The executive noticed, but didn't say anything, only chuckled.


Freddy Riley finally awoke to a loud clanging sound. He blinked at his surroundings, sluggishly turning his head. It took a while for him to finally realise that he was locked in the Mafia's underground cells. His wrists were bound tightly by a rough rope. Outside the bars, a tall figure was leaning against it, a cigarette held loosely between his fingers. When the figure noticed him staring, the cigarette fell to the floor as he laughed.

"Bi'An! He's up!"

Freddy felt his blood freeze as he looked up into Wu'Jiu's eyes. Bi'An seemed to drift into view, their steely gazes combined seemed to cut through his skull. A smile creeped onto Bi'An's face.

"Boss set a rule a long time ago for liars, and I'm pretty sure you remember it well Mr Riley."

"And if I remembered correctly you said you were a man of your word and would never betray the boss."

The two of them began to laugh, an eerie noise that echoed around, not carrying a single bit of humour in it. It was about time the two of them got to have some fun, after all.

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