Chap. 45

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Jack sighed as he watched Aesop down one shot after another. Even the barmaid, Demi Bourbon stared as he ordered another shot. When she passed him the drink, she leaned over to Jack and whispered.

"Did your buddy here um... Lose a lover or something?"

"Well you could say that I suppose."

"I see..."

She slid away to continue mixing drinks as Aesop tipped another glass. It was pointless to tell Aesop to stop at that point. Jack would have to drag him out of the bar later tonight. It's been a week since he started coming here, and he's already had every drink on the menu. Rosa had the wine storage locked away, but Jack supposed it didn't seem to help. Faintly he heard Aesop slump on the table again, and he sighed.

"Take this for your troubles..."

He slid a $20 to Demi before plucking Aesop from the counter. The man felt like a sack of potatoes, maybe a little lighter from all the weight he'd lost due to not eating. He slung Aesop over his shoulder and loaded him in the passenger seat, buckling him in. The ride was silent, with the whole car being filled with the scent of alcohol.

This went on for a whole month. Aesop had to be locked in at some point.

"He's going to harm his own health if he keeps doing this. We have no choice Jack."

Andrej had said this when Jack protested. He knew it was for Aesop's own good, but cooping him up in the house didn't seem to do him any good either. Jack knew he would eventually have to go to the bar to pick up Aesop again. He was getting tired of seeing Aesop this miserable, but he didn't know what to do about it. He hasn't seen the man smile ever since he witnessed the building blow up before him.

"Aesop please stop drinking so much, you'll kill yourself."

Naib sat across them. He'd happened to be at the bar and saw Aesop. Of course, Jack had spent a good fifteen minutes talking to him, trying not to cry as he hugged the mercenary. Now they were seated in a booth opposite Aesop, who was still taking long swigs from the bottle in his hands. The male stared blankly ahead of him.

"What's the point?"

"What- What do you mean 'what's the point'?"

Aesop shrugged and tilted the bottle to take another swig. Naib reached over and snatched the bottle away, placing it on the other side of the table far from Aesop's reach. It didn't seem to concern him as he slumped back in his seat. Before Jack could hold back the mercenary he'd lunged onto the table and grabbed Aesop's collar.

"What the fuck's wrong with you?! When did you give up so easily huh?"

The anger in Naib's voice was unmistakable as the other male glanced into his eyes. Just as Jack was about to say something, there was a loud crash behind them. Naib loosened his grip on Aesop to look as well. A squabble was happening in a corner, where two police officers were holding down another officer, who seemed panicked. In the shadows, there was a figure of a man in a light brown coat. Between his slender,gloved fingers, smoke wafted up from a cigarette.

"W-wait! This has to be fake! Y-you have no evidence! None!"

He looked up at the two officers who held him firmly. One of them was already calling for backup. The man in the trench coat got up, calmly approaching the struggling man. He crushed the cigarette between his fingers and knelt down to meet the man's eye.

"You'll tell that to the judges and the other officers during the interrogation, not me."

The officers dragged him out of the doors as the trench coat man took out a small box of cigarettes from his pocket. He considered for a moment before slipping them back in his pocket. He went back to the bar and got a drink, having a nice chat with Demi. Naib shifted his attention back to Aesop.

"Are you just plain stupid or did you just give up?"

Aesop didn't reply, only moved over to grab the bottle. Naib snapped and sprung up. He wound his hand back and gave Aesop a sharp slap. Jack watched in horror and he reached over to wrap his arms around Naib's waist, pulling him back. The trench coat man seemed to have noticed and was watching from where he sat. There was something strange about him, now that Jack noticed. He seemed to have a blindfold over his eyes, yet he has no problem with seeing what's around him.


Aesop sighed. Naib huffed and sat back down.

"Is there something wrong here, gentlemen?"

The three of them turned around to look at the blindfolded male in front of them. Naib scoffed.

"I bet you fifty that you can't get our buddy over here sorted out."

He gestured over and Aesop. Jack moved to the side and got up.

"Would you like to have a talk with him?"

The stranger shrugged and sat down at the table. He seemed a little amused by the whole situation, but was more focused on Aesop. Jack dragged Naib over to the counter, where they would soon have a competition on who drinks the most. Aesop was avoiding 'eye' contact with the stranger He didn't feel like talking to anybody, but something about this stranger seemed special.

"So... Aesop Carl?"

Aesop jolted a little. Despite being tipsy, he doesn't recall either Jack or Naib telling the stranger his name. He could feel himself growing more and more sleepy. It seemed to be quite late, suddenly they were alone in the bar. Demi was already cleaning up and wiping down the bar counter.

"I should... Be getting home... Ukh-"

Aesop fell to the side. The other man held him by the arm.

"If you don't mind, I can drive you home. Do you have a car?"

Aesop nodded. What could even go wrong anymore. If this stranger happens to want to kill him, he would just die like that. He has nothing more to lose anyway. They got into his car and buckled in, the other male sitting at the wheel.

"What... What is your name..?"

The stranger looked at him and chuckled. He reached behind his head and loosened the blindfold.

"Remember me? Mr Carl?"

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