Chap. 24

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The bar was so dimly lit Eli almost stumbled as soon as he entered. It wasn't like the bars he usually saw drunks tumbling out of with loud music and half-naked women. This one had soft lights and distinctive chattering instead of loud cheering. A man with a huge hat sat on the small stage, playing a tune on his guitar. Small tables were set around the area.

"C'mon. Those tables are for people who came for some food."

He took Eli's wrist and pulled him to the back of the area. A small bar blended in with the atmosphere. Eli took a seat as Aesop, who seemed familiar with the bartender, ordered some drinks. He went back beside Eli and gave him a small smile.

"I got you something that should be fine for starters. I'm not sure if you're familiar with a drink called Honey Deuce, but you'll like it."

Eli nodded and smiled too. Aesop really seemed to know his way around when it came to alcohol. He wondered if he should tell him about the weird conversation from Freddy he'd overheard, but he didn't want to bring down the atmosphere, so he kept silent. The bartender slid the glasses to the two males. The small glass was decorated with chopped bits of honeydew. Tentatively, he took a small sip, pleasantly surprised by the cool fizzing liquid. The slight burn of alcohol came after, but it wasn't a bad one. Aesop watched him take another sip before drinking too.

"Like it?"

"Mhm, it tastes quite nice."

"That's good then...Wanna try something else after?"

"Of course! I'd like a challenge too."

Aesop chuckled. The man certainly was excited about drinking for the first time. For the next hour, the two drank glass after glass, each with increasing alcohol content. The bartender watched, amused, as he served glass after glass as well. It got down to a Bloody Mary, which was still a challenge for Aesop to down in one go - he didn't like spicy drinks. However, Eli seemed determined to drink it. The male was already tipsy from all the glasses and clearly had trouble staying on the seat.

"Eli, we can stop if you don't feel well. Don't force yourself."

"*hic* No! I want to- hic- Finish this."

He grabbed the Bloody Mary and tipped the glass. Aesop watched as the liquid slowly drained from the glass into Eli's mouth. The bartender brought out a plate of skewered lobster and leaned over to Aesop.

"Impressive one, he is. I've never seen a starter drink this much."

Aesop smiled and nodded before the bartender moved away to take someone else's order. Eli slammed the glass down and swallowed the last mouthful. Aesop didn't finish his, only took a lobster skewer and picked away the shell. He gave it to Eli, who was lying face down on the wooden surface. The executive sluggishly chewed the lobster meat before letting out a groan.

"Had too much?"


"I told you to stop if you didn't feel well."


"What to do with you now..."

"You ever had a girlfriend?"

Aesop didn't reply, only looked over. Sure Eli was drunk, but that was very random of him to ask. Eli continued mumbling things as Aesop picked through the rest of the lobster. Half of what he said came out as inaudible mumbling, but one sentence seemed clearer to Aesop.

"I had a crush on someone before...But it was a guy..."

Aesop raised an eyebrow. Now this was something he'd never heard of. He listened on in silence, willing for Eli to continue.

"I started work at this place, and this guy...*hic* he was very nice to me...And out of all the people I met from all the jobs I'd applied for back then, he was the nicest..."

"I didn't know if I wanted to tell him or not...He seemed straight, *hic* and pa always said a guy couldn't like a guy. But I always wondered if I should tell him...*hic*"

"And then one day I was like, yaknowhat, screw it. Nobody *hic* would want the likes of me, not even him. He's only nice because I'm an employee. So I *hic* forgot about it and let go of my feelings towards him. I've never liked anyone since..."

Aesop thought for a moment as Eli remained silent. The alcohol was clearly drilling a hole in his head as he lay on the table, wasted. He wanted to know who it was that Eli had once liked. He never even knew the man had applied for past jobs. It could be anyone, seeing as combined, there were probably countless people Eli knew that were guys, he didn't want to get his hopes up too high.

"We should probably get home now. I hope you don't mind um, staying at mine again..."

Eli didn't say anything, but nodded and allowed himself to be led outside to Aesop's car. Everything seemed to be spinning around him as he exited the bar, lights blurring around his eyes. Aesop would rather carry him instead, but he didn't want people to stare. Eli slumped in his seat as Aesop buckled him in.

The drive back was shorter than the last time, and he had to get one of the maids to help Eli into the room. The male fell into bed as another wave of pain washed over his head, dragging Aesop with him. Aesop protested a little, trying to push Eli off.

"Let me get some water for you, you need it!"

Eli groaned and clung onto his suit tightly. Aesop sighed and pulled Eli close. He'd have to wait until the executive was too tired to move then peel him off and get some water. Maybe something for his headache tomorrow too. There was silence between the two for a moment before Aesop, out of curiosity, decided to ask.

"Eli, can I ask something?"

Eli nodded groggily.

"Who did you have a crush on back then? I promise I won't laugh, just curious."

Eli looked up with half-closed eyes.

Y'know a man called Aesop Carl?"

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