Chap. 19

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Freddy Riley sat at his office desk, typing away furiously on his computer when suddenly the office door bursts open. In comes a Naib Subedar, pulling a fake act of enthusiasm over himself. He went over to one of the secretaries, Helena Adams and pretended to strike up a conversation. He knew she was always quite busy, and because of her eyesight, it takes her a while to finish up jobs.

Despite not really liking these sorts of jobs, Naib secretly hoped that she would have something for him to do. He needed a reason to stay around in the office to watch Freddy. Lucky for him, Helena did have some things for him to do. Quite a lot actually. There were files that were to be sorted, dates to be printed and papers to be organised. All of them did not require Naib to leave the office, but he would have to settle a time with Helena.

"Ms Adams? What time do these need to be completed?"

"Er...By next week I suppose. Oh don't worry! You were going to ask if you needed to finish them today right? Haha, don't stress. It's big help for me if you could..."

Naib let Helena chatter on his he worked out a plan. He would enter the office again later that night, possibly for the next few days with an excuse to help Helena sort out files. While he did that he could keep an eye on Freddy. If the man ever stepped foot out of the office, he could keep track easily. But for now, he would just have to keep up the pretense and get more jobs from Helena.


Aesop walked down the hallway, shoes echoing along the empty halls. He looked around at the cameras in the corners and sighed. Standing outside Eli's office door, he considered once again if he actually wanted to enter. He pushed the door gently, surprised when it didn't open up like usual. It was rare for Eli to lock his door, let alone close it fully. He smirked and went back to his office, where he picked up the phone and dialed Eli's number. Of course, the executive answered, but he sounded a little startled.

"Is there anything you need, sir?"

"Please come to my office."

He said nothing else and hung up the phone. Meanwhile Eli stared at the ceiling, trying to gather enough energy to sit up. To be honest, he didn't want to face Aesop anytime soon. He was worried that Aesop would start asking about the dream again. Regardless, he went up to Aesop's office. He knocked nervously before opening the door. Aesop was at his desk waiting for Eli, who approached him like a scared animal.

"I-is there something you needed..?"

Aesop beckoned for him to get closer and pulled out a chair in front of him for Eli to sit down in. The executive sat down, not expecting the chair to immediately be pulled closer to Aesop. They were now only centimetres apart from each other. Eli's grip on the armrests tightened as Aesop gripped his chin hard, turning his face around.

"You're going to tell me right now what you dreamt of."


"You've avoided me and my questions for a whole day now, and you know I can be very curious sometimes. That should be enough stalling shouldn't it?"


Aesop raised his eyebrows as Eli took a deep breath. Aesop leaned back in his chair and watched as Eli stuttered to speak. It took him almost ten minutes to fully get the full process of the dream out. He was so flustered in the end, Aesop actually found it quite amusing. He watched Eli move around a little under his gaze, clearly uncomfortable having said everything he kept hidden for a whole day.

"So you dreamt of...All that?"

"Yea...Go ahead, laugh."

"Ah? Why would I laugh?"

'I don't know, don't you find it weird that a male has these...Dreams, about another male?"

"No, not really. In fact..."

He got up and leaned up close to Eli again. He was so close, Eli could almost see every shade of colour there was in his eyes. The amber colour began to fill his vision as his surroundings blurred

"I feel quite honoured that I would appear in your dream like this."

Eli's vision swam a little. He couldn't seem to focus on Aesop that well as his already blurred surroundings started to darken. His attention turned to Aesop's lips, where he found himself focusing on before he passed out completely.

"You really are quite an interesting person, Eli Clark."


Aesop watched as Eli's eyes rolled up and closed. He carried the male over to the couch, where he would rest once again until he woke up. As he poured himself some tea, he wondered what would happen if he actually did that to Eli. He sighed, wondering how long he would have to hold it. He did, however, find something that Eli had said quite interesting.

Don't you find it weird that a male has these...Dreams, about another male?

He wondered whoever told him that was weird. Settling down, he hoped that he could convince the male that thinking in that way was wrong and that having dreams like this was normal... Wait no, now he sounds like a creep. He pushed that thought aside and took another sip of tea. The fragrance was wonderful.

Leave it, let him have his own decisions, you can't force him into agreeing with something just because you're okay with it.

There was still work to be done. He let Eli rest on the couch as he typed out a list for an upcoming meeting about the night shifts and guards.

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