Chap. 68

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Naib had half an hour left.

Eli was constantly checking his watch more than the roads outside now. If something had happened to the mercenary after he left. If something bad had happened, then...

"Don't think too hard."

Aesop glanced over at him. Eli sighed and leaned against the cabinet beside his boss. It would be his fault if he left Naib alone just to die in the dark tunnels. He felt his back and ass leaving the ground and yelped as Aesop lifted him onto his lap. He nuzzled into Eli's neck, not at all bothered by the stickiness of sweat at all.

"When all this is all finally over, I want to get married..."

"Get... Married? With who?"

Aesop huffed, chuckling lightly.

"You, of course."

Eli stared at him incredulously. Gay marriage was definitely possible, but his parents-

"We'll get married and I'll buy us another house, it'll be perfect. You can be mine forever. That is... If you agree?"

Eli sighed and kissed his nose.

"Of course I do. But Aesop what about my parents-"

He was cut off by a crackling noise from the device. It was very faint at first, more static noise than words, but then it cleared. Eli had never felt more relief when he heard Naib cursing at the other end.

"Stupid connection. Can y'all hear me or not?"

"Yes, Mr Subedar, we hear you."

"Alright, good. I'm gonna need some people at the west exit of the tunnels. Just a few will do, and make sure they've hidden well within five minutes."

He said no more after that, but in the distance Eli could already see Jack and Wu'Jiu dashing to the west exit. Aesop looked over at Eli and shrugged before getting up as well.


Netherwalker dashed through the tunnels, Freddy limping close behind. He didn't bother to open the steel door properly, rather just kicked it down and continued through it. At the end of the tunnel was the west exit. The helicopter should be there, waiting for them. There didn't seem to be anyone else there.

Hah, that dumb mercenary really thought this was it?

He slowed down his pace, more relaxed now. There was only silence around them as he approached the stationary helicopter. The doors were still tightly closed as he got closer, tinted windows concealing the interior. The taller of the two got into the back, tossing his gun aside. Freddy got in beside him, making himself as small as possible in the corner. The two pilots remained silent in the front. Netherwalker was starting to get impatient.

"Are we gonna leave or are you gonna pray for your life first?"

No response. He scoffed and leaned in front, tapping the back of their seats. And when there was still no response, he finally leaned his head forward. However, any words he had died in his mouth as he saw the state of the pilots.

Headless. the both of them. Blood dripped down to their feet, a glistening pool of crimson. Their hands were folded neatly in their laps, no, holding onto their severed heads. The helmets were still on their heads too. Freddy seemed to have sensed something was off too and leaned in front. Unlike Netherwalker, he couldn't contain his yells of horror. Netherwalker grabbed his gun and pushed the door open.

"Y'know maybe you should've stayed inside there."

He looked up, locking eyes with Naib Subedar. There was a short moment where his eyes widened in shock, knowing Naib had beaten him to the chopper, and that the mercenary had already known their escape plan all along. The slide of the blade across his throat was fast, fast enough that he never even exhaled the breath he'd held in the whole time. There was a dull thud as Netherwalker's body fell to the ground. Freddy backed up against the chopper, mouth agape in horror at what had just unfolded before him.


Naib had known the chopper escape plan before Eli. While they were searching the rooms, Naib had come across a small sheet of paper with plans for attacks like this just in case. He'd pocketed the paper just in case. While he had been in the tunnels he used the map on the back and found his way to the west exit. The chopper was indeed there, and it hadn't been easy to take control of it since there were two pilots inside. It was a pain to clean up the mess and make it seem as if nothing had happened. It wasn't hard to hide on the chopper either.

But as he lay in wait, he contemplated what he should do. He wondered if he should call some backup, or try to settle this by himself. There were two ways this could turn out. Either Netherwalker surrenders or they settle this with their fists. After a moment Naib decided there was no way Netherwalker would just give up. He groaned and lay on his back, trying to think of how his old commander would execute the plans.

When he finally saw Netherwalker appear from the tunnels, he slid under the shadows and waited until the two saw the state of their precious pilots. Kukri gripped tightly in his hand, he leaned over the edge. He silently prayed that in case something went wrong, backup have already prepared.

He stared down at the mask of Netherwalker as he reeled his arm back, muscles tensing.

Cut the head off the snake.

Hs commander had told him once.

You've only got one chance.

He took his aim with the blade and swung, just as he had taken at the enemy officer years ago.

Netherwalker's body crumpled before his eyes, crimson spurting from his neck.

Cut the head off the snake, Subedar. Then you'll gain the unlimited respect of your comrades.

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