Chap. 32

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Aesop had arrived to the office and, accompanied by Naib, went up to his office. Aesop looked through his files, Naib moved parts of the furniture to find any cracks. None of the important documents were disturbed, nor were the locks of his cabinets picked with.

"What exactly was that drilling noise then..."

"Turn off the lights for a moment."

With a flick the room was plunged into darkness. The sun wasn't fully shining yet. Aesop took out a small black light from his desk and turned it on. He directed it at the ground, and Naib could see small specks illuminated on the lush carpet. They led up to a mass of them in a patch near the couch. Naib pushed the couch aside as Aesop went to turn on the lights. Naib stared at the patch of carpet, brow furrowed. His brain was already fuzzy from lack of sleep. Aesop crouched down and examined the carpet, running his finger across it. He stopped at one area and ran his finger over the same area.

"Excuse me for a bit..."

He moved over and took off his gloves, Naib holding them for him. He felt at the carpet and dug his fingers under an edge, one that was hidden very well. He gripped it tightly and gave it a strong tug. It came away with a sharp tear, revealing a patch of rickety wooden planks, good enough to replace the drilled out part, but not strong enough to hold Aesop reeled back a fist and slammed it against the wood. It splintered, revealing a small device. It was letting out frequent, soft beeps, a green light flashing every now and then.


Naib began, but Aesop held his finger against his lips. There were footsteps outside as Eli came in, having heard the wood splintering. He saw Aesop's gesture and silently made his way over, careful to not make any sound. He took the small device in his hand, turning it over for a look. After some fidgeting, the light stopped blinking, and the beeping noise ceased. Pocketing the small spherical device, he pulled both of them out.

"Listening device?"

"Quite a strong one. They didn't even need to plant it somewhere better to be able to hear everything."

"Why in the floor though?"


"Maybe it's to be able to know when people were walking around the office. If it's silent they'd know there's probably nobody inside."

Eli took out the device again, turning it around.

"This is some advanced Abyss tech..."


Naib scratched his head.

"Abyss...Heard of them. The most powerful ones in the underground trade, aren't they."

"Indeed they are. I have only heard rumours, but some say they have a grudge against us for constantly holding up and preventing their illegal shipments and cargo to pass through."

"Why would the Mafia-"

"Why would we interfere? Well, our reputation seems shady enough as it is, but even so, I do not think anyone here would bear thoughts to harm the citizens?"

Aesop said, a small smile lifting the corner of his lips. Naib fell silent, he had a point there.

"It seems we have crossed a line for the Abyss..."

They were silent for a few moments as Naib tried to register what exactly the Abyss was. Some research was definitely in order.

"From what I know, they follow the orders of the Call of the Abyss, do they not?"

Aesop nodded. Thankfully, Eli explained it to Naib.

"The Abyss is an underground organization. It strives for power, and only, for power. In the past they have tried overthrowing governments and high-ranking officials. Their strengths are in tech, and with all the illegal supplies, they can easily create powerful devices or weapons. Their organization follows the order of their head, or rather they follow the Call of the Abyss."

"According to some rumours, almost nobody has ever seen the person issues the orders to the Abyss, they follow the Call from messages delivered from the head's most trusted messengers."

Naib nodded slowly, taking in all the information. It all summarises up to one thing - war. Well maybe not war, but from Naib's decades of experience, disagreements like these between two factions this huge in power often lead to a war. He was deep in thought when he felt a hand on his shoulder. Eli had noticed him thinking hard.

"We'll try to solve this without using violence, Mr Subedar. Don't worry."

Naib tried to smile, but he shook his head. He knew there was no way this could be solved with just peaceful chat. The two continued to examine the device as Naib retreated to his office. No doubt the small devices would soon be found everywhere in the building. He sighed, knowing the storm that lay ahead of them.

A drink was in order.

"The Abyss at it again?"


Aesop looked around his office. He was worried, and it was evident as Norton stepped in, holding a few more of the listening devices. All of them had stopped blinking or beeping, but the other male seemed content on keeping his lips sealed tightly. He bowed and left, closing the door. Eli went over and took one of the devices between his fingers.

"I can tell you're worried Aesop. You're all tensed up."

He further proved his point by poking Aesop, who jerked away. He sighed, leaning against Eli, comforted by the warmth of the other male. Indeed he was worried, but he was more concerned for his employees. The orders to interfere with their shipments were. after all, issued by him. He wanted his employees to have no part in it. He pulled Eli onto his lap as the other continued looking at the devices, starting to peel at the shell.

"Put that thing away..."

"Hm? Why?"

"I don't like it... We can have a look at it later, just, leave it for now?"

Eli sighed and put it aside, letting Aesop pull him closer. Even with his calm appearance, indeed he was also worried.

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