Chap. 77

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Eli stared at his father, gun hidden behind his back. Aesop was glancing at the two men, air tense between all of them.

"So you finally decided to show your disgusting face here. After being gone for so long."

His father finally spoke, stepping forward. Eli did not flinch, or back up. He clenched his jaw, steeling himself to where he stood. Aesop dialed a number, muttering quick orders before he hung up. The body upstairs was going to need proper care, and if things went bad, there would be another body to deal with.

"Your mother was always sooo worried about you. She wasn't doing any of the chores or cooking properly because the bitch wouldn't sleep."

He paused for a moment, licking his cracked lips.

"Since she wouldn't sleep I decided it was time to help her out w-"

A loud crack rung in his ears. Aesop looked up to see Eli, having heard enough, wound back his hand had swung his fist at his father's jaw. Yet of course, the older man was not going down so easily. His eyes became unfocused again and he advanced towards Eli. Aesop made to grab him, but Eli's gaze told him not to interfere. He clenched his fist and held himself back. His father made a dash for him, hands outstretched to grab his neck. With a flash of silver a hidden knife was in Eli's hand. He'd slashed his father's arm, blood streaking from the cut onto the dirty floor. Eli started advancing, his grip on the knife shifting while his other hand remained behind his back.

"Pa you look like you could use some sleep too."

He raised the knife, slowly, baiting. Of course, with him already being this drunk, his father swatted it away, lunging once again for Eli with his uninjured arm. Eli finally removed his hand from behind his back. The sound of the gunshot muted the scream of pain Aesop heard as he watched Eli's expression. Never had he seen the executive looking so cold, expressionless, merciless. The drunk man fell to the floor, writhing in pain. Aesop thought it was all done now, but just as he was about to take a step, Eli fired again, aiming at his father's abdomen.

"Eli that's enough he's not getting up anymore."

Eli held Aesop off. He continued firing, drawing more yelps from his father. A grin spread on his lips, though it held no true hints of happiness in it. Blood was pooling under the fallen man, staining the shattered glass around him crimson.

"Eli. Eli stop that's enough. Eli Clark!"

The executive dropped the gun upon hearing his name being said with such authority. Aesop rushed over as Eli stumbled back, raising his bloodied hand to his face. He started to laugh as Aesop tried to sooth him, it sounded unhinged. His shoulder shook as more hysterical laughing forced their way out of his mouth. A van pulled up outside as suited men started getting out. Eli was lying against Aesop's chest, tears leaking out the corners of his eyes and mixing with the drying blood. Aesop looked up at the men and pointed upstairs before moving his finger to his lips in a shushing gesture. They nodded and silently strode past the two to the stairs.

"I killed him... Aesop I killed him!"

"Shh... It's okay Eli it's okay..."

Eli gasped as he took it mouthfuls of air, trying to calm himself. Aesop kicked the gun away from them and pulled Eli closer to him, kissing the top of his head. The smaller male whimpered as he saw the men carrying his mother down the stairs. He tried to form words with his mouth, his hand reaching up shakily. Yet, he let it fall back to his side as his eyes lay on his father's body. Aesop would later on carry Eli back to his car and put him in the back seat to lie down. He went back to the van that was still outside.

"Make sure to clean it up properly. It won't be fun if someone smells his rotting body."

They nodded silently, bowing before they left in the van. Aesop returned to his own car, sighing as he slid off his jacket. Eli was already sitting up, staring at his bloody hands in his lap. Aesop debated whether he wanted to give him a moment to calm down or just drive him home. Seeing the blood on his hand, maybe it would be better to drive him home and give him a long bath. Just as he started the engine, he felt light tapping on his shoulder.

"Could you give me a moment..?"

Eli peered over, tears having never stopped flowing at all. He got out of the car and went back in, clutching his sides. It took him a few minutes, and just as Aesop was starting to wonder if he was alright he emerged from the door once again. He had a small box in his hands, holding onto it dearly as he got into the car. Aesop peered into it, realizing then that they contained a dress and some jewellery. He asked no more as Eli began to cry softly.

By the time they reached home, Aesop had to pry the box away from Eli and have a sub-ordinate pick it up later on. Carrying the limp man to the bathroom, he began unbuttoning the stained suit. Eli's knees were already beginning to give out under him as he leaned against the wall behind him. Aesop didn't bother to take off his own clothes. He lifted Eli up and into the tub with him. the other male lay against his chest as Aesop started to scrub the dried blood off his palm.

"I'm sorry Aesop..."


"I swore before that I wouldn't kill again... After what I did to them I couldn't stand the nightmares, I was scared to sleep and everywhere I went I could hear them saying horrible things... Aesop I'm scared to experience it again Aesop I'm-..."

He collapsed into a fit of sobs again. Aesop could only hold him close, knowing there no was point in trying to calm him down, and so, he let the male cry until he tired himself out. Only then did Aesop hoist him out of the bath, dry him up and tuck him into bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2021 ⏰

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