Chap. 61

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Eli stared out of the window happily, handmade rose bouquet in hand. Aesop also had a smile on his face as he drove back home. They'd spent most of their morning in the fields, gathering flowers. Aesop had gotten some red ones to put in resin and mail to his parents later on.

"Are you sure we could pick these flowers though?"

"Mn. I went to this place as a child. My parents would always... Er..."

Aesop grimaced as he thought back to when he was a child. Andrej would bring Rosa there every year on the day that they first met. While Aesop played around, Andrej would gather a bunch of roses and give it to Rosa. The male remembered he used to grimace while they kissed and pull a bunch of faces.

Gross!! Mommy and daddy are kissing!

He would yell as he stayed far from them. Rosa would tell him that maybe on day he would kiss somebody he liked too. Aesop had said he would never at that time. Now that he thought about it, he felt quite stupid. The love of his life was still admiring the flowers he had picked and tied together with a long bit of grass.

"Like them?"


"Then I'll buy you a huge bouquet on your birthday."

"Hm... I'd prefer cakes!"

"Haha, alright then. Cakes and a huge bouquet."


Andrej dodged to the left as a knife whisked past his ear.

"Seriously, Rosalee?"

"Damn it. It's been two decades yet you still know."

"It's been two decades and you still make attempts to kill me."

Rosa sighed and tossed the knife aside. It bounced against the wall, bending a little.

"It was a rubber knife anyway. You're always so tensed up these days, so I wanted to see how you'd react. Looks like nothing has changed."

Andrej smirked. He'd learned to be careful after Rosa's first attempt to stab him from behind. Even after their marriage she loves pulling tricks behind him although knowing he'll be able to avoid it. It's pointless, but fun. Andrej probably already knows all her tricks by now, seeing as it's been almost 23 years.

"So how's the plan coming together?"

"Quite well. As well as nobody messes up and everything goes like how I expect it to, it should be fine."

"Please be careful on that day..."

Rosa slid onto his lap and kissed him, eyeing the notes he's been working on for a long time. Andrej pulled her into a hug, and Rosa noticed the dark circles under his eyes.

"It's not like I've never gotten hurt before anyway. Plus, don't you want me dead?.."

"Damien Andrej Carl... If you die, then I'll have to go back to killing other people for money..."

"You swore you would never go back onto that path."

"So long as you're alive..."

Andrej chuckled, enjoying the comforting weight of Rosa sitting on his lap. The faint scent of perfume helped ease the stress he felt slightly. As long as the plan went well, then nobody had to die. Nobody on their side, at least. The dead weight he felt on his lap told him Rosa had fallen asleep. She hadn't been sleeping well lately either. Andrej slowly got up, holding her in his arms. Laying her on the bed, he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear before kissing her cheek and leaving.

Maybe a cigarette was in order...


Aesop waited outside of Eli's home, fiddling with his keys. Eli was inside, having insisted he brought along a few of his own clothes so he didn't have to constantly borrow Aesop's. The male stared around outside his home. It was quite small, and having not been home for quite a while some weeds had started growing in the cracks of the walls. It had come to his knowledge that Eli had moved out of his home the moment he graduated because he could no longer stand being at home.

His father was a drunkard and would constantly beat him or his mother. As a child Eli had been taught to be independent and learn to take care of anything by himself. When he had trouble doing anything, it was always his mother that would help him, never his father. Eli needed to have perfect grades when he started elementary school.

Dad said I couldn't eat if I came back home with imperfect grades. I didn't think he was serious until the time I failed a subject and went to sleep hungry that night.

Aesop remembered how Eli had bitterly chuckled when he said that, yet he never heard Eli complain or say he hated his father for that. As a child Aesop had never lacked the love of his parents, but at some points he would think they're too busy to care for him. Most of his time was always spent with the maids when he grew older. They took care of him while his parents were overseas working. Because of that and private tutoring, he never had the opportunity to make much friends.

When he met Eli, he had swore that he would take care of Eli and show him all his love. He would give him the love that his parents had failed to give.

"Aesop! I'm done. I hope I didn't take too long..."

"Nah, you didn't. Is that everything that you want to take?"

Eli nodded. He shoved his bags into the backseat before getting in next to Aesop. They continued on to Aesop's house, where Eli dragged his bags into. As he hung up his clothes in the wardrobe's empty space, he couldn't help but notice Aesop clinging onto him a lot. He smiled, dropping the hanger he was holding and pressing a kiss to Aesop's lips.

"Stop thinking about that nightmare. I'll never leave you Aesop. I swear on my life."

Aesop couldn't help but smile, holding Eli close.

"If that's the case, then I guess I don't need to worry anymore..."


hhhHHhHH hostel wifi sucks

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