Chap. 23

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The men moved the last of Eli's documents to the office upstairs while he packed up his laptop and some of the files. His new office was indeed huge, which gave him a lot of space to organise all his files. There were windows and brighter lights in that room, which had already been swept and wiped clean. An air conditioner shone from all the cleaning it just went through.

"Are these all of the files?"

"Yea, thank you for your assistance."

The men left Eli alone to his new office. The cold air from the air conditioner blew down. He was going to miss his old office, but he would have to get used to his new one. The silence rang, only the low hum of the air conditioner could be heard. He thought of Aesop's advice to him earlier about not concealing his troubles. Indeed he had never had anyone bother to ask him about his issues.

Getting up, he decided to head to Aesop's office. He felt guilty for being so rude to his own boss earlier, and an apology was due. He steeled himself before the closed door, hand poised to knock. It took a while, but he gathered enough will to do it. Pushing the door open, he peeked in. Aesop was at his desk, speaking to someone over the phone. When he saw Eli, he put the phone down and gestured for Eli to take a seat.

"Do you find the new office suitable for you?"

"Yea, it's pretty good. Um, there's something I need to say..."

"Go ahead then."

"I uh, sorry for being so rude earlier. I just...Really hate it when people spread false rumours."
"Ah? That's alright. I understand."

Eli shifted a little awkwardly.

"How about I treat you a drink tonight?"


Eli had never drunk in his life, or gone to a bar. The offer to join seemed tempting, but he remembered he had to visit his parents the next day, and turning up at their door smelling like alcohol didn't seem like a good idea. Politely, he declined Aesop's offer, but promised he'd join some other day. He couldn't help but notice a little hint of disappointment in Aesop's eyes as he left. He must've had things planned out already.

When he got back to his office, he pondered for a bit before picking up the phone and dialing his mother's number. It rang a few times before she picked up.

"Hello? Deary is that you?"

"Hey ma, how have you been doing?"

"Oh just fine, that old prune of your dad isn't though, haha. What did you call for? Do you need some snacks for work?"

Eli chuckled at his mother's enthusiasm.

"Ma, I have something to ask."

"Ooh, go ahead."

"Is it okay if I um, go out with my boss this weekend instead?"

He paused for a moment, before realising it sounded a little bit wrong.



Eli leaned back in his chair, sighing. He smiled a little as he listened to his mother cheer. He hasn't heard the woman this happy in a long time.

"Of course you may! Take some photos and send it to me okay?"

"Ma I told you-"

"Alright alright you should get back to work now, byee~"

There was a dull click as she hung up, leaving Eli in the silence once again. He felt guilty that he wasn't able to visit, but at least his mother seemed happy that he was hanging out with people. He got up and stretched before exiting his office once again to go to Aesop's office. He was so busy thinking, he didn't notice someone else walking in the same direction as him.

"As I was saying he kept- AHH!"

Freddy Riley fell back with a crash, his phone dropping from his hand and skidding across the floor. Eli apologised and helped him up before bending down to pick up his phone.

"Riley? Riley are you there?"

Freddy snatched the phone over and shot Eli a glare before he responded to the other caller. As he walked away, Eli couldn't help but notice they were having a rather peculiar conversation. Right before Freddy was out of Eli's earshot, Eli heard, faintly, the man say,

"Of course, sir. I'll bring them in soon when it's all clear."

He ignored it and proceeded to Aesop's office.

"Is there something you need, Eli?"

"Well, not really. Just wanted to say I'll go with you tonight."

Aesop paused and looked up from his laptop. His eyes were fixed on Eli's, disbelieving.

"You will?"


"Well, that's...That's great!"

A huge smile broke out on his face. Eli smiled too as his boss started making plans and marking down places, all while he was smiling. Eli couldn't help but stare - it was rare to see Aesop smile this brightly. Even if he did, it was always for a brief moment before he looked away or regained his dull expression. He hadn't realised how much it had meant to Aesop when he accepted the invitation.

It was settled. Eli would meet Aesop at his office after work, and they would head out. He wouldn't have to worry about his car, as Aesop had said. The night shift will be here, so nobody would steal it easily. The executive felt a little nervous to be back in Aesop's car. He'd already missed the soft leathery scent of it. As he worked, he willed the rest of the day to pass quicker.

"Alright, all settled?"


The two got into Aesop's car. Eli couldn't help but take a deep inhale as he got in. Aesop pulled out of the parking lot into the busy traffic as they had done the other day. The car engine purred softly as they stopped at a traffic light. Aesop turned to look at Eli.

"You've never had alcohol."

"That's more of a statement than a question, isn't it?"

"Ah, so I guessed right. Don't worry, though. They serve alcohol-free drinks too if you don't feel comfortable drinking too much."

"That's reassuring, but I do wish to try some."

Aesop shrugged.

"We'll go ahead. But remember this place we're going to isn't exactly suitable for people if they're lightweights."

Eli gulped. Seems he was down for something tonight then.

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