Chap. 56

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It was midnight, but Andrej couldn't sleep. This wasn't the first time, but it's been happening a lot lately. He lay awake, holding Rosa close to him and trying not to wake her. But his attempts seemed to have failed.

"Can't sleep again..?"

"Did I wake you? I can go lie on the couch if you want."

"And leave me alone here? I don't think so..."

He smiled softly, running his fingers through her silky hair. There were too many thoughts for him to sleep, and lying there really didn't help with anything. He waited until Rosa had fallen asleep again before slowly getting up. The kitchen was pitch-black as he walked in, careful not to trip over anything. Making himself a coffee, he ran the plans over and over in his head. There would be no room for error if they wanted this to be successful, not to mention avoid as much death as possible.


Joseph yawned as he shut his notebook. He's decided to learn how to use firearms - no more feigning innocence. Wu'Jiu had been surprisingly patient enough to give him tips for basics while Bi'An promised to help him practice during their free time. The male swore that if the other two were putting all their efforts to help him, so would he. But for now, he really needed some sleep.

As he was changing into his pajamas, he looked down, grimacing at the scars he had left from the Abyss. They were healing and fading, but very slowly. If Claude were alive he would've laughed at them then apologized later and said it didn't look so bad. Sighing, he slipped the shirt on and went to bed, instantly falling asleep, dreaming of endless dandelion fields, and a laughing voice he would never hear in his life anymore.


While everyone was already asleep, other than Andrej, the twins were also hanging around tunnels. Bi'An was putting his mid-length hair back into a ponytail while Wu'Jiu looked around. Andrej had sent them down to check on the Abyss' tunnels system to make sure they didn't change it. The two were quite nervous being so close to that area, constantly looking around and behind to make sure they weren't being followed.

"Let's just circle around the area and check for entrances and exits."

Bi'An said with a sigh as he picked up his gun. Wu'Jiu nodded and followed after him into the dark tunnel. He could feel the area right where his arm had been severed itching every now and then. The male had developed a fear for deep waters after the event. He would've drowned had it not been for Bi'An, who risked his life as well.

When they had been floating down the river, Wu'Jiu had been unable to stay above the water's surface. While Bi'An tried keeping the both of them afloat, a hanging vine caught around his throat and nearly strangled the man, yet at the same time it gave him something to hold on to, albeit choking him. He grabbed onto the vine with his remaining arm and hooked his legs around Wu'Jiu, proceeding to slowly haul them up the to the sides.

"谢必安你发呆了吗?" (Bi'An are you daydreaming?)

The male jolted and looked at Wu'Jiu. Suppose the other male had been calling him for quite a while. Wu'Jiu only ever used Chinese when they were alone or if he's really concerned. Bi'An apologised and composed himself once again.

"若不舒服我们可以先休息。" (If you're not feeling well we can rest first.)

Bi'An smiled, shaking his head and adjusting his fedora. He continued on, this time focusing on the tunnels. Wu'Jiu didn't seem so convinced, but followed anyway. They would continue this until they deemed it was enough information before going back and getting rest. After all, the darkness provides much more coverage.


The first rays of sun shone through the curtains in Aesop Carl's estate, as did they through the curtains of the hotel room Naib was sleeping in. He slowly opened his eyes, wincing at the pain in his dry throat and his head. The first thing he realised was that he was sandwiched between two other men, the second was that he didn't have a single ounce of energy to get up at all. He groaned softly, attempting to prop himself up on his elbows. The twinge of pain in his ass and hips flashed through his body, causing him to let out a choked cry.

"Already up..?"

Norton whispered. His hands slipped down to Naib's waist, holding it gently. Jack was also up, kissing the top of Naib's head.

"Hurts doesn't it?.."

"A lot..."

"Haha~ We told ya it would."

Naib smacked his fist against Jack's chest as Norton slowly massaged his hips.

"You best be glad they have a bathtub."

Jack sat up, stretching his muscles. Norton yawned as he slid his arms under Naib, lifting him up with little effort. The mercenary let out a yelp as he felt another twinge of pain. Jack was already running the taps, testing to make sure the water temperature was just right. The warm orangey light was more comforting

"Put him in, it should be warm enough."

Naib sighed in comfort as he felt the warm water lapping at his skin. He leaned against Norton as Jack poured shampoo over his skin and thoroughly scrubbed. All this was really making him feel sleepy again, but the soreness near his hips was sure to keep him up if he tried to sleep later on. He felt Norton gently kiss his neck, and all the marks Jack had left.

"All covered in little souvenirs, how cute~"

Naib huffed at the statement, not daring to meet any of their gazes.

"To think neither of you had the balls to confess. How long did you guys even-"

"Before the whole disaster."

Jack answered without any hesitation. Water was starting to spill over the tub. Norton pulled up the plug and let the soapy water flow out as Jack helped Naib out. Since they never brought any extra clothes with the, they had to wear whatever they were wearing the night before.

"We should probably check out now."


Jack leaned down and picked up Naib. The other startled as he was lifted in a bridal-style carry and taken out the door. Norton smirked at the sight while Naib turned to face Jack's chest, hiding his face from the crowd as they went down to the lobby. People stared and whispered a little, but Norton and Jack remained unfazed, striding through the people to the door after returning the keycard. Norton snickered.

"People would think you two are getting married soon."

The other male didn't reply, only chuckled as they went out into the parking lot.

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