Chap. 35

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Aesop stood in the elevator all the way up, Freddy's gun never leaving his back. There were already two members of the Abyss outside his door. They opened the door for him, and even with the amount of hatred he has for them for holding his employees hostage, he gave a small bow and entered. Nobody was inside, so he sat at his desk, making a pot of tea. Even with a gun held right at his face, he was surprised he could keep this calm.

"So what was the need to have such a... Grand entrance?"

He raised his eyebrow at Freddy, who startled slightly. He said no more, nor did he keep pressing on when Freddy didn't answer. He took a sip of his tea when suddenly the door burst open again. A bunch of men streamed in went to either side of Aesop, grabbing him by his arms and dragging him to the middle of the office. There was the sound of boots on the floor, slow and taunting. Aesop was held on the floor as a man walked in.

"Ah, Aesop Carl. Such an honour to finally be able to meet you."

Aesop dared himself to meet the gaze of Netherwalker. The other male stared down at Aesop.

"A bit rude there. Considering you want to speak to me but you have me like this in my own office building. And hold my employees hostage?"

The Netherwalker tilted his head and in a split second had his large hand wrapped around Aesop's throat. Aesop's eyes widened as he felt his feet lift from the ground, but he showed no visible panic.

"I don't see you caring every time you interfere with the Abyss' business."

He flung Aesop across the office, watching as the male slammed against the back of the small wooden table by the couch. The porcelain teapots came clattering down and breaking upon hitting the floor. Aesop sat up, clutching his side as bits of porcelain poked into his hands. Meanwhile Netherwalker took a seat at his desk, propping his feet up against his desk.

"Now before you think of any way to try negotiating, that ain't happening today. You've meddled with the Abyss for too many times. Foiling our many plans, interfering with shipments, even killing a few of our trusted members. The plan to ruin the government's election could've been perfect, but you decided to send your twin guards over."

Aesop couldn't help but smirk at that small achievement, and it earned him a kick to the stomach. He coughed, doubling over in pain. The next things Netherwalker said were a blur to Aesop as the pain in his side stung even more. Eventually he came to realise a piece of porcelain was poking through his suit and piercing his skin.

"-and that will be the end of your little company."

Aesop looked up. He hadn't caught the front part of the sentence.

"C-come again?"

Damn. He was stuttering. The pain was blurring his vision a bit.

"I said. You. And your little company here. Are going down to ashes."

He took out a small switch and waved it at Aesop's face.

"If you promise one thing though, perhaps I can reconsider..."

Aesop scoffed as he finally managed to get the shard of porcelain out of his side.

"If you promise to never meddle with the Abyss again, maybe you can get out of here alive still."

The male was surprised he had the nerve in him to laugh. Even as he felt the Netherwalker's boots connect with his side and launched him all the way to the glass window. He heard something crack as his back slammed against the thick glass.

"Ha... You really think- I will promise that so easily? Never. You and your dumb Abyss. You'll never accomplish anything."

A burning pain seared through his arm as a knife sunk all the way in, burying itself up to its hilt. The Netherwalker smirked under his mask as he grabbed Aesop's throat. If the man wasn't going to promise him that easily, then fine.

He would beat all that nerve out of him.


Norton was slowly counting under his breath. Jack was still comforting Eli, who leaned against him with Aesop's coat around his shoulders. The executive wanted to call Naib Subedar, tell him it wasn't safe to come to work. Then again, he doubted the mercenary would care.

"The fuck you counting for? Your braincells?"

Jack muttered. Norton stopped counting and was silent for a moment.

"The moment I get to 300 I'll promise you half my salary hellfire is going to break loose."

"Oh? I'll be waiting for that then. Do I need to ask for an invitation?"

"Don't play the fucking fool Jack. We all miss a bit of bloodshed sometimes."

Vera looked over and raised an elegant eyebrow. She didn't say anything, but she too, was sure to join in. Jack smiled under his mask. Norton went back to counting, the number closing to 200. There were footsteps crossing the lobby as members approached the executives. Harshly, they pulled Eli to his feet and took him to the elevator. The other male did not protest, but held on to Aesop's coat.


Another loud crash as Aesop slammed into the wall. Blood dripped out from the corner of his lips as he received another kick in the abdomen. Netherwalker slowly strode over and bent down.

"Promise yet?"

Aesop sat up slowly, gripping his bleeding side and grimaced. He shook his head, biting back a groan as a loud slap echoed in his ears. His shirt was torn and bloodied from the shards of glass, porcelain and even bits of wood from his desk. He hoped they could get things sorted out downstairs. Hopefully keeping Netherwalker occupied could bring some time. His wounds could heal over time if everything went well, but if he lost the company...

"We brought him up, sir."

The door swung open, giving him some time to catch his breath. Breath ragged, he turned to look at who was standing there. Eli stood by the door, held by two guards. His eyes met with Aesop's, immediately widening when he saw the state of him. Ignoring the others, he struggled free from the guards and stumbled over to Aesop.

"Aesop...Aesop what happened why are you-"

he trailed off, holding Aesop close to him, careful not to hurt him even more. Netherwalker had gone behind Aesop's desk, reaching behind and under the floorboards. Eli panicked when he saw the amount of blood seeping through Aesop's blue suit.

"Why... Why all this?..."

Eli let his tears fall again as Aesop tried to wipe them away. Netherwalker pulled a large device from under the floorboards and set it on the desk. It was black and green, the same as the listening devices, except this one had a timer, which was currently at 00:00.

"Hold him at the side."

The guards nodded, dragging Eli to the side and holding onto his arms. Netherwalker approached Aesop once again, holding a gun and the controller.

"Last. Chance."

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