Chap. 50

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Rays of sunlight peeked through the velvet curtains. Eli opened his eyes groggily, blinking a few times before he yawned. Aesop was already up, playing with Eli's messy hair. He wanted to turn around into Aesop's chest, but let out a strangled yelp when he felt a sharp twinge of pain around his back and hips. Aesop chuckled as Eli tensed up, trying not to move.

"Ow ow ow... That hurt really baaaddd... This is your fault!"

Aesop laughed and reached to pull him closer, jokingly apologising. One of the maids came knocking at the door and the two of them panicked.

"Sir? Would you like tea or coffee for breakfa-..."

Aesop made to pull the blankets over Eli when the maid opened the door tentatively. There was an awkward silence as the three of them stared at each other, both the men naked and one covered in bites and bruises.


"Get him an ice pack as well!"

Aesop yelled after her as she slammed the door shut and ran down to the kitchen. Eli winced as he sat up, leaning against Aesop. After much bickering, Aesop carried Eli to the bathroom and set him down gently in the bathtub, running cold water over his body. He got in as well and lifted Eli above him, letting the other male lie against his chest. There was only silence as water filled the tub, engulfing the two in comfortable iciness.

"You're gonna stay in bed all day, mister."

Aesop smiled a shit-eating grin as he reached down near Eli's swollen and sore hole. The other male swatted his hand away and turned around to pinch him. Aesop took this opportunity to press his lips to Eli's, swiping his tongue across his bottom lip. He flipped Eli onto his stomach to make it easier for the other, never breaking the kiss. He only stopped when Eli pulled away, gasping for air. He stared at the bruises on Eli's neck, a reminder of their 'adventures' last night.

Secretly he hoped they could do it again soon.

When they were done, Aesop insisted that Eli stayed in bed while he brought some food up. Aesop sat beside him, munching on a pancake. He was wearing a loose white shirt and hadn't bothered to tie his hair up. Eli already had his blindfold on after he slipped on the clothes Aesop passed him. His back and hips were still aching, but it wasn't that bad compared to the headache they were both having from the alcohol last night.

"Er, pardon, Mr Carl?"

Aesop looked up. A maid was standing by the door, timidly peeking in. Once she made sure they were both wearing clothes she stepped in, clearing her throat.

"Your father is here. He wants to speak with you for a moment."

Aesop sighed and got up. Eli wanted to get up as well, but Aesop held him down.

"Just stay here, eat some more."

He went out, shutting the door with a soft click. Eli poked at the fried eggs, wondering what it could all be about. Aesop went to the living room, where Andrej was sitting and stroking Freki's belly. Geri was watching from a corner, uninterested.

"Morning, pa. What brings you here?"

"Ah Aesop. I hadn't expected you to already be awake. Anyways, I have some things I want to inform you of. One of which being that for now I will be gathering back the employees from the Mafia, specifically the armoury guards. The twins have gotten someone to make them a prosthetic arm and for time being, went underground."

"Will they be alright?"

"If they stick together I trust they are. They're just gathering people and weapons. I've gotten the finance executives to arrange for the... Repairs, of the building. I'd say you should start getting yourself familiar to weapons again."

He paused, yawning a little. Aesop could tell that he hadn't gotten any sleep at all.

"Well, I suppose that's all I need to say. I came here to check on you for Rosa. Either way, we're glad you're okay now."

He smiled a little before getting up. Aesop got up too to see him off at the gates. Andrej suddenly crushed him in a hug, something he'd never done before. Aesop awkwardly gave the man pats on his back before Andrej parted. He smiled before heading to the door and getting in his car, driving out the gates. Aesop went back to his room, where Eli was staring at the window.

"Oh, you're back. What did he say to you?"

"Nothing much."

He sat next to Eli and gave him a kiss. Leaning down, he swiped his tongue across the bruises, smirking against his skin when he felt Eli shudder slightly.

"We're gonna destroy the Abyss... We'll take back what they took from us, and we'll make that low-life Freddy Riley pay~"

Eli hummed in response before pulling Aesop on top of him. Aesop chuckled and nuzzled against his neck. They stayed like this for a while before Eli pushed him off, sitting up. His back wasn't hurting as much anymore, and he could pretty much walk on his own now. The two went down to the living room, where the two Samoyeds were staying in. The weather seemed gloomy outside as thunder struck down in the distance.

Underground, Bi'An wiped blood from his cheek as he took the gun from his attacker. He stared down at the left prosthetic arm, flexing the fingers. It served almost exactly like a human arm, and conveniently blocks hits from opponents. Wu'Jiu emerged from the door, holding two rifles in his hands.

"You prefer long distance attacks don't you?"

He tossed a sniper rifle to Bi'An, who slung it over his shoulder and adjusted his fedora. They both continued down the tunnel, looking around cautiously.

Andrej had already gathered the other armoury guards from the employee list he'd found in Aesop's office. They'd never seen Andrej before, and were definitely scared of the men, but nonetheless respected and followed his order. Andrej watched as they went on with their training on the open field, lighting a cigarette. He sighed.

The Abyss must pay for their mistakes.

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