Chap. 37

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The first thought Aesop had was why there was no pain, or was it because he was already so numb he couldn't feel it. He should've known when he looked down and saw Eli on top of him, breath ragged and heavy. His hands gripped Aesop's arms tightly as the other male started shaking his head in disbelief. Blood dripped out from a small hole in Eli's back where the bullet marked its final destination.

"Ah, such stupidity. To think he could save his boss' life. How heroic..."

Netherwalker circled around the two. Aesop could feel his heart dropping as Eli's breathing became fainter and fainter with each passing moment. He heard something flick and watched in horror as the timer on the ticking object on his desk went from 00:00 to 300:00.

"Five minutes for you, less if the building collapses first."

Netherwalker chuckled as he walked out, taking his two guards with him.

Downstairs, the executives were getting outnumbered by the increasing amount of Abyss members arriving. Norton stumbled into the reception desk as three guards surrounded him. He reached over and grabbed the nearest object, a fountain pen, and with as much strength he could muster, drove it into one of the members' eye.

They backed away for a short moment, giving Norton some space to finally catch his breath. He looked around, suddenly realised all the Abyss members were leaving. All the executives found it pretty suspicious too when suddenly Wu'Jiu yelled.

"Out! Get out the building!"

"What's going-"

Joseph was cut short when Wu'Jiu grabbed him by the shoulder and pulled him out. Norton barely made it out of the door when he felt the blast of heat from the ticking bomb behind the reception desk blow. The glass door shattered and shards rained around them. Flames started to engulf the lobby as bits of wood caught fire. A second explosion followed later on in the floor above. The windows stood no chance to contain the smoke and flames raging inside. The fire department not far away would surely be alerted soon.

"Hang on, Mr Carl and Eli and still inside!"

Vera looked around as she exclaimed. Jack looked up at the building. The third explosion sounded. It seemed they had plans to blow the building bit by bit until it collapsed. Even if it didn't collapse, the impact of the explosion on anyone inside gave them no chance. He looked behind them. The members of the Abyss were closing in again. Netherwalker had exited the building from the back and gave orders to have all the executives captured. Jack tossed Norton his gun.

"Take care of them. I'll go up."


But the other executive had already started running inside the building. He stopped at the third floor, bracing himself for the explosion on the next floor before pushing himself to run up the flights of stairs before the next explosion could happen. His lungs burned and ached for oxygen, but he couldn't stop. Not with Aesop still up there. He'd sworn to Aesop's father to protect his son when he took over the Mafia, and he would keep that promise till his dying breath.

He skidded across the floor and ran towards Aesop's office. The door was still open. He burst in and immediately saw the ticking bomb on the desk, reaching 100:00. Then he saw the pool of blood under Aesop, but it wasn't his. Eli lay on top of Aesop, barely moving. The sirens outside were getting louder now. The various cuts and bruises on Aesop were obvious, but so was the dark patch of blood on Eli's suit.

"Eli... Eli no, don't leave like this..."

The executive slowly reached up for Aesop's face, leaving blood streaks down his cheek as he gently caressed it. His blood smeared his wet cheeks crimson.

"Jack..- Get him out of here..."

Jack stood by them. Eli could see the protest lingering in his lips as he glanced at the wound on Eli's back. Eli shook his head and painfully, pushed himself off Aesop. Reaching for the gun on the floor, Eli aimed it at the glass window and fired. The pane broke into pieces and the cool air from outside flooded the office. Jack tried to lift Aesop to his feet, eyeing the timer with one minute left. The other male however, clung onto Eli. He was crying openly now, a sight Jack never got to see. Eli reached up and pressed a kiss to Aesop's lips.

Fifty seconds.

"You're making me feel more pain than I already am Aesop."

Eli smiled slightly as his vision blurred.

"Promise you'll make them pay..."


Forty seconds.

Aesop was sobbing uncontrollably. Jack gripped his arms tightly, trying to peel him off Eli, who didn't have the strength to push him off already. A few tears fell from Jack's face as he dragged a flailing Aesop towards the broken window. The fire department had spotted them, and was prepared to catch them should they fall, which they would. Jack turned towards Eli one last time as the timer started beeping louder.

Last thirty seconds.

Eli unsteadily limped over to Aesop and held his face in his hands. Jack's arms were already wrapped tightly around Aesop's chest waist and arms. Aesop couldn't find anything to say anymore, simply repeating Eli's name over and over.

"I love you, Aesop Carl..."

Last twenty seconds.

Eli gave Aesop a long kiss on the lips before he backed up from the window. He raised his hand in a shaky salute as the timer flashed ten seconds. A scream tore free from Aesop as Jack fell backwards, bringing Aesop with him. Right before his eyes, before he blacked out, was the fiery orange flames bursting out from the window, destroying everything in its path.


The executives had failed. They had been outnumbered. Joseph had been the first one to be led to the black vans that waited outside, unconscious. It took them forever to finally get the Requiem twins, who already took 10 men's lives. As Norton finally got tackled to the ground, arm pinned behind him at a painful angle, he hoped Jack had gotten Aesop and Eli out safely. The only pain he felt was when he saw a familiar figure standing at the far corner. Mustering all the strength he had, he yelled.


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