Chap. 1

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Sitting alone in his office, Aesop Carl would stare out of the large tinted glass panes of his office on the top floor, the streets down below buzzing as people rushed to work. Despite being the boss of such a huge organisation, Aesop was bored half the time. There wasn't much for him to do but maintain order if something were to happen and hold meetings with the executives. Otherwise, there wasn't really much for him to do.

The Mafia was perfect.

However, today was a special occasion where Aesop actually had something to do. As he headed down to the armoury where he was asked to wait, he wondered what in the world could have happened in the armoury. It was guarded by the 'Requiem' twins. They were known for their abilities in combat and never went anywhere without each other. With them holding executive positions as well, nobody dared to mess with them. If something bad were to take place in the armoury, the guards would certainly take care of it. But this time however, the incident happened during a time where everyone should have left the building.

"Good morning, sir."

Aesop looked up from the documents he had been looking through into the red eyes of one of the twins, Xie Bi'An. God he's fucking tall... Aesop thought as he looked at the guard who towered over him. Even so, they had the utmost respect for him.

"Lead the way."

Bi'An bowed once again and led Aesop through the huge steel doors. As he entered, he was greeted by an unpleasant sight. Five bodies lay on the ground and a person was pinned to the ground by Bi'An's twin, Fan Wu'Jiu. He had a few bruises on his face and looked furious as the man beneath him thrashed around wildly. Bi'An looked at Aesop and he nodded. Walking away to inspect the damages caused to the armoury and the bodies, he heard a frightened yelp before a chilling silence and the slow drip of blood echoed throughout the room.

Hurried footsteps echoed from the corridor as another man entered the armoury. His name was Eli Clark, and his main priority was to make sure nothing happened to Aesop. An observant person, he was in charge of investigations and never failed a single one of them.

"Nothing strange happened according to the receptionist sir. But all the surveillance cameras were disabled around 3:17 a.m. Everyone should have left the building at that time, so nobody was able to see if anyone had gotten into the office to disable the cameras."

The owl on his shoulder twitched nervously as Eli turned to look at the dead bodies on the floor. As he bent down to examine them, he noticed the multiple wounds made by bullets on their bodies. Wu'Jiu walked over and handed him a gun.

"This was the weapon held by one of the intruders."

As he unloaded the gun to take a look at the bullets still loaded inside, Aesop walked over and bent down beside him. He offered Eli a small candy, which he gladly accepted and popped it into his mouth. Even though he spent most of time in the office, he always observed his sub-ordinates and noted what they liked and hated the most. For Eli, he was a huge fan of owls and always has a habit of chewing something as he works.

About five minutes later, Eli stood up and gestured for Aesop to follow him. Curious as to what he had to say, Aesop nodded and followed him to a far corner of the armoury. The other guards moved away to give them some space to talk, knowing there was no good ending if they were to be caught eavesdropping instead of working. Eli looked tense as he stared around the room for a moment, which fuelled Aesop's curiosity. However, he patiently waited for Eli to conclude the whole situation.

"It seems we may have a traitor, sir."

Aesop's eyes widened, but he was not exactly surprised. Being the leader of huge corporates meant people were always looking for ways to surpass you. He gestured for the man to continue to explanation.

"The bullet in the gun given to me has the same bullets as the ones in the guards' bodies. Furthermore, the gun is one of our own. This leads to two possibilities - They took it from the armoury when they entered, or, someone gave it to them before they broke in. However, even if they managed to break into the building, a password is needed to enter this floor. No outsider would know the code, they would only be able to access this floor if someone gave them access. Unfortunately, only members of the organisation know the code, which narrows it down to one possibility-"

Eli stopped to take a breath after speaking for so long but the sentence was finished by Aesop.

"We have a traitor among us."

The man nodded nervously. Looking around as if someone would attack them out of nowhere. Aesop thought for a short moment before heading out of the armoury down to the office where the camera records were held, Eli following close behind. The brothers resumed their guarding duties as the bodies were moved out. As they passed by one of the locked offices with files, a small thud rang out. Instantly, Eli pulled out the gun that he always had under his coat and aimed it at the door. In a swift motion, he kicked it open and aimed it at the small figure on the ground.

"Oi oi oi put that thing down! Jeez..."

The small figure stood up and stretched like a cat before opening his eyes. Eli slowly set his gun down as he realised who it was. For a 30 year standing around only 162 cm, Naib Subedar was the stealthiest (and smallest) killer that they had. He was never suspected because of how swiftly he finishes his task and clears all the evidence before anyone is even aware due to his past experiences. Straightening his black and red hood, he stepped out of the small space and stared up at Aesop.
"Your janitor locked me in last night so I slept in here."
Eli suppressed the urge to laugh as Aesop rolled his eyes at Naib. However, there was still business to be done. Clearing his throat, Aesop proceeded to ask Naib whether he had heard anything strange at night. The mercenary shook his head but thought for a short moment.

"There were a lot of footsteps on the armoury floor. Someone went in with a whole group of people. Y'know like...A herd of elephants? Yea."

He resumed stretching as Eli tapped his foot, deep in thought. Aesop decided he'd head down to the office first. As Naib was about to leave, Eli stopped him. He knew Naib would never agree to this, but he had no choice.

"I want you to stay in the building for tonight and watch the armoury."

As expected, the mercenary shook his head. Thankfully, Eli was one step ahead and had thought of a good way to get him to do it.

"You'll be paid extra for three months."

Instantly, Naib smirked and chuckled softly, bowing down low before he excused himself. As he looked back up, his black and red eyes gleamed in the dimly-lit corridor.

"Say no more, sir. I'm on it."

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