Chap. 66

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Naib dove and ducked as a dozen men launched themselves at him. For once, he was grateful that he was smaller in size. The men swung wildly, fists trying to connect with his bone. Despite the numbers, the mercenary managed to dodge them, swiping a leg under a few and tripping them. Freddy Riley watched in rage as his men flailed around.

"For God's sake there's a dozen of you and only ONE of him!"

Naib cast aside his gun and pulled out a Kukri. He was done toying with them, and now onto serious business. Blood sprayed as he sliced a clean cut into one man's neck. He watched as the body fell, and heard the enraged yells of his comrades. A smile crept onto his lips as he prepared himself again.


Eli raced through the mess of the streets to where Wu'Jiu had said Aesop was. He skidded into the empty shop, almost slipping on a blood puddle. Aesop was leaning against a shelf, a cut dripping blood from his arm.


"Eli?! Gods you scared me!"

Eli hugged him tightly, relief settling in his heart as he felt Aesop press a kiss to his temple.

"Why are you up here? Are the tunnels already clear?"

"Well, no... Naib told me to leave."


"Long story short, he said he wanted to deal with them by himself, and told me to come up and help you guys. He swore he'd be out within two hours..."

Aesop was silent as he reloaded his gun.

"I hope he realises its pretty dumb that he's always trying to prove his worth."

Eli looked up at him. Aesop got back on his knee and held the gun tightly, firing at someone who had barged in. The streets were covered in bodies, blood almost covering every inch of the road. No doubt the river nearby would flow red for a while when it rains. Not to mention the smell...

"They have backup!"

A crackly voice rang out from the device strapped to Aesop's shoulder.


"They called back up! And it's coming from above!"

As if in response to that, a gunshot rang out from above. Eli flinched, but didn't show fear. Aesop thought hard. If they went up, there would be a clear route down below if someone wanted to escape, but if they didn't, the snipers above might have trouble. Another voice sounded from the device.

"Stay where you are, all of you. There are only six, they are outnumbered. We may encounter some difficulties, but the chances of dying are low."

Up above, Andrej spoke firmly, steadily, as he eyed the helicopters through his scope.

"Try to aim for the pilot boys. These mechanical birds have roamed enough of the skies."


Naib flung the last body towards Freddy Riley, cackling as the other man screamed in fear. Freddy shakily pointed a gun at the mercenary as he advanced. Naib could've scoffed, but he didn't want to get too full of himself. Not right now.

"D-don't get closer! Get any closer and I'll-"

"And you'll what, finally pull the trigger?"

Naib reached out a hand and swatted the gun away. It skidded and clattered to a stop out of arm's reach. Freddy let out another wail and shuffled back, pressing against the wall. His eyes followed Naib's bloodied kukri, hands scrabbling around to find anything he could defend himself with. His fingers closed around his phone, and in swift movements he grabbed it and yelled.


Floorboards around Naib rattled and flew open. He staggered back as someone pushed him away from Freddy, the sound of a gun clicking echoed around the room as everything suddenly stilled. Naib looked up, only to meet the black and gold mask of the Netherwalker himself. He peered into the barrel of his gun before looking up to where he assumed the eyeholes of the mask were.

"Same gun used during boss's murder attempt?"

"Same gun that will blast your brain out if you don't shut up."

Naib scoffed and shrugged.

"Do your epic villain's speech or whatever. I ain't gonna listen."

Sharp pain rippled through his body as something hard connected to his ribs. He landed on his back hard, wheezing as he looked down. Specks of dark red blossomed on his clothes as blood seeped through. The Netherwalker adjusted the rings on his fingers, wiping each of the sharp spikes on them carefully.

"Now then... I suppose it's been a while since I had any new entertainment."

"Well then, allow me to entertain you too."

Naib staggered to hit feet, clutching his blade tightly. His left hand drifted to his pocket, checking to make sure the cold steel was still inside. Netherwalker huffed in amusement as he readied himself. Freddy watched in silent horror from the side and made to say something, but could only make small squeaks.

"Silence Riley, you've already made yourself just about as useless here."

Naib snorted.

"I guess that's one thing we both agree on then, Netherwalker. But now's not really the time for chatting, is it?"

He circled around Netherwalker, analyzing and focusing on his stance. There was no saying that the other wouldn't cheat and call in back-up, but his main focus now was to get those small steel balls out of his pockets. This was his only chance to do it. He closed his eyes, remembering what he had said to Eli earlier.

Two hours. Two hours, and no more.

Netherwalker lunged at him, a loud roar filling the room as Naib opened his eyes.

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