Chap. 70

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Eli was ushered into the car before he could say another word. At first he thought they would be returning to Aesop's estate, but they headed down a different road. Andrej looked behind at Eli.

"I'd say you can have a nice nap. It'll be a very long trip."

Eli awkwardly nodded, sighing inwardly as Andrej turned back to the front. He leaned against the window, peering out at the unfamiliar surroundings of the area he has never been through before. Eventually while listening to the car's soft engine and the blurring view, he drifted to sleep. He didn't wake up even once before they reached Andrej's mansion. The man was too tired to even dream as he slept.

"Eli, Eli wake up, we reached."

He opened his eyes groggily to Aesop's grinning face. In front of them was a small mansion. Rosa stood in front, arms crossed and a wine glass in her hands. She sighed and placed down the glass. Andrej gave her a warm hug, chuckling when he felt her smacking his uninjured shoulder.

"You are an idiot."

"And you're married to this idiot."

Eli watched from behind Aesop. It all seemed like a family reunion, and he was intruding. Rosa finally released Andrej from her death hold and looked over at Aesop. It took her a while to actually spot Eli hiding behind him. She grinned, gesturing for them to come in.

"Standing out here isn't gonna make you a warm meal. Come on in, don't be shy Mr Clark."

They went in, Eli marvelling how grand the interior looked. Instead of white marble, the interior furniture was all black with a small chandelier. The dining table was covered in steaming bowls of food. Andrej sat beside Rosa, giving her a quick kiss before digging in. Aesop dumped a whole spoonful of stew in Eli's bowl, nudging it towards him.

"Eat, you'll like it."

Eli took a spoonful and ate. Rosa was watching him from the corner of her eye, letting out a relieved sigh when Eli smiled. They ate the rest of the meal in silence until Eli finished first, insisting he was already full. However, just as he was about to take his plate to the sink, Rosa looked at him quizzically.

"What are you doing?"

"Oh, I'm gonna put this in the sink. I'm finished eating."

"There's no need for that! Just let the maids do it."

"Uh, oh, okay."

He awkwardly set down his plates and excused himself to the bathroom. Even the bathroom itself was extravagant, with a huge tub and various jars of bath salts on the side. When he finished, he went out. Rosa lead him to the guests room and left some spare clothes on the bed before leaving. Aesop came in after Rosa, offering to shower together. Eli had protested, saying it would be awkward if his parents were to see, but was then carried out the room to the bathroom either way. Just as he was going down to the laundry room to put his clothes, Rosa saw him once again.

"What are you doing down here? You should be getting rest."

"I'm just dumping my clothes in the basket first."

"Oh, no just throw it in the basket in the bathroom. The maids will collect it afterwards."

"O-oh wait wha..."

He dumped the clothes in the washing machine anyway.

"Hey Aesop?"


"Do the um, the maids do everything here?"

"Pretty much, why?"

"Nothing... Just that when I lived with my parents we did our shares of chores every day. I feel a bit guilty for not helping out here."

Aesop put down the book he had been reading and pulled Eli closer to him.

"Rest assured you won't have to do much chores in this household."

Eli was silent for a moment. He let Aesop press soft kisses to his neck, gasping when he felt the other male bite down. Aesop pulled Eli's body flush against his, relishing in how he struggled to steady his breathing. Deciding to tease him more, he slipped his hands under Eli's shirt, smirking when he heard Eli's breath hitch.

"Aesop I don't- I don't think we should be doing this at your parents' house-"

"Hey hey it's not like they don't know we're together anyway..."

Eli pressed his hands to his mouth, squeezing his eyes shut as he felt Aesop's fingers trailing up to his chest. They paused for a moment just before reaching his hardened buds. He felt Aesop's breath next to his ear. Ticklish, he thought.

"Since you feel so guilty for not helping out with the chores, you may as well help me with a little something then~"


Naib sat at the hospital cafeteria, picking at the vegetables. The bandages were getting itchy, but he couldn't peel them off either unless he wanted the nurses to start badgering him. He vowed to dash to the nearest bar the moment they allowed him to leave.

"What's with the miserable look, Subedar?"

He looked up at Norton and sighed. The taller male only chuckled and passed him a bag of steaming food. The pleasant smell of gravy and chips wafted into Naib's nostrils as he tore open the bag, eager to eat anything that wasn't the stone-cold vegetables. Within a minute half the portion of the food was gone. He looked up, only to realise Norton was still there. He raised an eyebrow.

"Why are you staring at me?"

"Hmm no reason. Jack's negotiating with the nurses to let you out early."

"Wow, what a nice surprise."

He swallowed the last bite and got up. At the same time Jack entered the cafeteria. He smiled and held up the note from the nurses and medication. They left the cafeteria and went out into the parking lot. Naib recognized Jack's car amidst all the others. The familiar leather scent was comforting.

"Where are we going though?"

"Bar. I'd assumed you want to, unless you don't, then we can drive you home."

Naib thought for a moment. Maybe it's a good time to sort things out alongside a nice treat of drinks.

"To the nearest bar then."

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