Chap. 71 (NSFW)

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Eli's clothes were off him within seconds, Aesop's tongue still invading his mouth. His heart was beating rapidly in his chest as Aesop's hands roamed around. He finally parted from the kiss to gasp, cool air filling his lungs. He heard Aesop pull up something before he felt soft fabric on his eyes. Darkness engulfed him, completely different from when the blindfold he normally wore.


"Sorry I just, uhm, it's been a long time and I-"

"It's alright Aesop..."

Eli slowly reached up, feeling for Aesop's face. As he pulled the other male down for a kiss, he couldn't help but laugh slightly as he felt the bandages around his body. A tough Mafia boss Aesop Carl, yet such a soft and gentle person around him. He sucked in a sharp breath as he felt fingers prodding at his entrance. Aesop's palm pushed flat against his chest, pushing him down onto the sheets. Soft whimpers escaped Eli as Aesop pressed in two digits and worked them around.

After much stretching and prodding around, Aesop added a third finger, curling them around. He pressed down at an angle. The effect was instant as Eli arched up into him, a loud moan escaping his lips. He held a hand to his mouth as the two fingers continued pressing and curling.

"Aes- Aesop! Your parents, hngh!~ Might h-hear..."

There was no response, and Eli couldn't tell if Aesop's expression changed or not. Something warm and wet which Eli could only assume was his tongue traced a line from his abdomen to his chest. He yelped as he felt Aesop latch onto one of his nipples, swiping his tongue across the surface. Another hand was sliding up and down on his member, pushing him closer to the edge. He came without warning, his spent spattering all over Aesop's hand.

"I-I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to!"

Aesop didn't say anything for a while. It made Eli worried that he pissed off Aesop and ruined the mood. Instead he felt the other's lips press on his. There was a faint salty taste on his tongue as he swiped it across Eli's bottom lip.

"Taste yourself."

Aesop muttered into the kiss. He pulled Eli onto his lap, legs spread on either side of his waist. He smirked as Eli grabbed his shoulder.

"Satisfy me, will you?'

Eli slowly nodded, biting his lip when he felt Aesop's member poking his entrance. Was it like this last time? He tried to think, but was cut off from his thoughts as Aesop pushed in. It was most definitely different compared to when he did the prepping. He gripped onto the other male's shoulders tightly, a tear seeping into the blindfold. Leaning into the crook of Aesop's neck, he bit down lightly, light enough to not break the skin, but hard enough to leave a mark.

"Just relax a bit more Eli..."

Eli felt Aesop's hands gripping his waist tight. His member was completely in now, the slightest movement causing friction against his walls. Aesop shifted slightly to lean against the headboard, hands still holding onto Eli's waist.

"I'll start moving now, okay?"

Eli nodded slowly. Aesop's hands guided him, pulling him closer down. Eli felt his hips being lifted up before sinking down again. He lay against the other's chest, trembling as he let out small moans. It still hurt a bit, but they were going at a slow pace, helping Eli adjust a bit more first. Eventually he got used to it and experimentally moved his hips. The grip on his waist loosened a bit and one hand moved to his thigh. The pace quickened along with his racing heartbeat as he lifted and plunged his hips down on Aesop's member. He could hear ragged breaths from the male he was riding.

"Eli... Eli I'm a bit close... Ukh-"

Eli leaned down, capturing his lips in a kiss. He let out an unintentionally loud moan when Aesop suddenly thrust upwards, driving deeper into Eli. The other male didn't stop, his harsh grip returning to Eli's waist and holding him in place. It only took a few more thrusts before Eli arched his back as he came again. However, Aesop staved off his own climax and continued.

"Aesop! Aes- Ah!~ I just c-came!"

"I know. But I didn't say, that I would stop after just once."

He thrust into that one spot that drove Eli mad, his back arching as a wave of unbearable pleasure washed over him. He felt the world spin for a moment as he was flipped onto his back, soft pillows cushioning him. Aesop got on top, still relentlessly pounding into his ass. Tears slipped past the already soaked blindfold, running down his cheeks.

"Aesop!~ God Aesop! S-slow down!"

Yet of course the other male didn't. He felt teeth pressing into the skin of his neck as his buds received an all but gentle pinch. All this pleasure was driving him crazy as he grabbed at the sheets, warmth pooling in his abdomen again. He cried out Aesop's name, repeating it like he was Eli's savior. This time Aesop came as well, filling Eli up with warm liquid.

Eli blinked as the fabric on his eyes finally came off. Aesop stared into his glassy eyes, enjoying the sight of Eli's blushing debauched expression. He continued snapping his hips forward, eager to draw another delicious moan from Eli's lips. The sheets beneath them were already soaked with both sweat and bodily fluids, but neither seemed to mind.

"One last time?"

Aesop whispered beside Eli's ear. The other couldn't say anything, only nodded before a scream that was sure to wake both Rosa and Andrej tore through his throat. He'd already lost his mind as Aesop drove himself deeper into his abused hole. Bruises marked his neck, collarbone, chest, an with how hard Aesop was holding his hips, maybe there too. The taller's lips were parted, letting out harsh gasps with each thrust. Eli wrapped his legs around the other's torso as he bent down for a kiss, entangling his hands into Aesop's hair.

"Я тебя люблю..."

Aesop let out a groan as he came inside Eli again, the other male whimpering as heat filled up his insides. Aesop lay on top of him, idly lapping at the bruises on his neck. He paused.

"Where did you learn Russian from?"

"Somewhere after I went back to the Mafia I found out you knew Russian and French from Jack, so I thought I'd learn a bit..."

Aesop chuckled and kissed his cheek.

"я тоже тебя люблю."

They kissed for a bit, Aesop finally pulling out of Eli. He whined at the loss, liquid dripping out onto the sheets. He mumbled a soft apology, wincing at the dull throb around his hips. Aesop nuzzled against his neck, kissing the bruises softly.

"Y'know... Now I kinda wanna hear you speak Russian more Eli Clark. It was very sexy..."

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