Chap. 43

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Joseph followed the river with unsteady steps. Sure he'd just gotten out, but he hasn't had anything to eat or drink since his capture. At one point he'd collapsed to his side, scooping some of the flowing water to his cracked lips. It didn't matter if it was clean or not, he would die of thirst otherwise. He allowed himself to get a short rest before continuing.

The river seemed to flow endlessly, circling the outskirts of the city. He continued following it until it lead to a small lake. He supposed that was where all that waste went. This must be where the twins are at, nowhere else. He began to search the perimeter, looking over boxes and parting tall grass. Just as he was about to give up and look somewhere further, a small noise alerted him.

"Who's there?"

Joseph looked around, but couldn't see anyone.


The male looked around upon hearing his name being called. It was only then that he realised there was a small building nearby. Cautiously approaching it, he peeked over the window. Inside were the pale bodies of Wu'Jiu and Bi'An. Wu'Jiu was unconscious on Bi'An's lap. Their wounds looked infected, and it clearly pained them to move.

"You should've... Gotten yourself some help idiot..."

Wu'Jiu looked up at the injured man standing before them and managed to grimace. The nearest hospital was in the city, and one of them was definitely going to pass from lack of energy. But if he didn't get them out of this place, nobody would ever realise that they're here.

"How long do you think you can stay here?"

"Well, considering we've been here only for a short while, I suppose we can hold for some more time."

"A-alright, I'll run to the nearest hospital and come back with help-"

"No need, just tell them we're at the end of the river. They'll know where. You need medical attention as well."

Joseph wanted to protest, but he didn't want to waste any more time. He dashed back out, stumbling over roots and weed. He could still remember the hospital that Claude used to go to, near the outskirts of the city. Looking around, he saw the small hospital and made a dash for the entrance.

A few nurses and sick people were startled by how bloodied he looked as he leaned against a pillar to catch his breath. The receptionists seemed afraid, as if he were insane, but a doctor noticed and hurried over, concern written across his face.

"Send an ambulance, end of the river, two people-"

He managed to gasp out. The doctor nodded and motioned for two nurses to help. Sure enough, an ambulance was sent there, where the twins were still hiding. They'd been taken to the ER immediately upon arriving at the hospital. Joseph had his wounds cleaned, some stitched up and was sent to rest for a short while as the twins were brought in. He'd inquired about when he was able to visit them, but the nurses had told him he needed to rest first. Much like a child, Joseph huffed and sank back into the plump pillows.

But at least they were safe now, right?


Aesop stared out of his window as dark clouds started to gather. The maids were whispering outside, trying to get him to eat dinner. Rosa was behind them, but she didn't mind, and neither did they. Andrej was sitting in the study, looking through his old documents and deep in thought. A Samoyed slipped past the maids and put its head on Aesop's lap, in hopes for some attention. Aesop looked down at the furry head on his lap as the Samoyed started whimpering, wanting head pats. Images of Eli playing with the Samoyeds invaded Aesop's mind as he stroked the dog's silky face.

"You really know me huh?.."

Aesop whispered as his eyes clouded with tears again. Of course the dog didn't understand human language as it jumped onto Aesop's bed, barking cheerfully. Aesop turned around and sat with his legs folded, smiling as tears dripped down his face. The Samoyed barked again as it launched itself at Aesop, pawing at his arms. Aesop couldn't help but pull the dog into a hug, crying into its fur.

The maids had already left, seeing that it would be hopeless trying to get Aesop to eat now. Rosa had gone to the kitchen for a glass of wine, where Andrej joined later. Outside, the sky darkened as the storm announced its presence. The sounds of fat rain droplets drowned out the sounds of Aesop's misery-laced cries.


Norton collapsed on the ground, staring at the tunnel in disbelief. Vera crashed into him as the men threw her out of the door too.

"You best be grateful boss decided y'all proved no use to us."

The men left and locked the door, leaving the two on their own. Norton staggered to his feet before pulling Vera up, holding onto each other for support as they limped down the tracks. They managed to make it to the end of the tunnel and found a public phone booth. An elderly couple noticed them and offered to give them a ride to the hospital, which they gratefully accepted. It was the same hospital that the Requiem twins and Joseph were staying in, and the same one that Naib was heading to.

Jack sped down the road after receiving a panicked call from Rosa, not bothering to stop at the red light. Apparently Aesop had gone to the kitchen for a drink and when Rosa went to check in on him he was trying to stab himself with a blunt knife. He promised to be there within ten minutes and help watch him for the night. Andrej had wrestled the knife out of Aesop's hand and sat him down in the living room, where he continued to stare listlessly at the blank television screen.

Indeed when he arrived, Aesop was staring into space, letting himself be led up to his room and tucked into bed. He was almost as pale as the moon itself at this point. His figure was almost skin and bones. The man was more of an empty shell rather than a human.

"Aesop please, don't do this to yourself."

The male didn't respond. Jack couldn't help but blurt out.

"Eli would have wanted you to live on happily..."

Downstairs, Rosa flinched and Andrej buried his face in his hands as Aesop's anguished cry echoed throughout the property.

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