Chap. 17

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Eli hadn't expected there to be so many people in the lobby when he went into the office with Aesop. At first he thought nothing of it, but then as he passed by the lobby, people started to stare at him, whispering and pointing a little.

"Yo, boss!"

Vera came through the crowd, holding a cup of cold coffee. She had a bundle of files in her arm as she took a sip.

"Bout time you came. I got some files I need you to look through together. Morning, Mr Carl."

Aesop looked at Eli and smiled, giving him a small pat on the back before he headed for the elevator. He took the files from Vera and headed for his office, Vera following close behind. They were about halfway into the work when Vera suddenly stopped and leaned close to his hair. She took a deep inhale before she looked at him weirdly.

"You've got a very familiar scent on you today, sir. It smells familiar but I forgot where I've smelled it before...Was it...Here...?"

Before he new it, Vera was counting away the places that she'd been to where she could have smelled it before. Eli sighed, looking through the files by himself. Vera seemed way too determined to find out where the scent was from. She snapped her fingers.

"Oh oh oh! I've smelled it in Mr Carl's office. Last time we went there, I smelled it while we were behind him looking through the report."

"O-oh, well. It must be a coincidence then..."

"Not to mention you walking in with him...Ehe~"

"Vera focus-"

"Ooooh! Did you sleep over with him!?"


"I knew it!"

She ran out of the office down the hallway. She didn't even bother closing the door as she went flying out. Eli sighed and got up to close the door. Now in complete silence, he tried to focus on the papers in front of him. However, he found that he was thinking of the dream of Aesop as much as he was focusing.

Aesop..? Mr carl! What are you-

Sh...Just relax...

He remembered how it had felt so realistic, the way Aesop's hands were just slowly sliding across his skin. His teeth pressing against the back of his neck, pressing down and about to pierce his skin right before he woke up. He thought back to when Aesop insisted on bathing him. Heat crept into his cheeks before he gave himself a stern pinch on the leg.

Hours later, he'd finally finished up the reports. The conclusion was that night shifts were to be implemented to keep watch over the building. There was to be a 24-hour guard around the entrance, inside and outside. The surveillance office will now have a guard inside keeping watch at all times. Part of the stocks from the armoury were to be moved underground and locked up until further notice.

He gathered the notes and left his office to head to the finance department. The fees for all these precautions was not going to be cheap. As he made his way up, people started to stare again. He silently prayed Vera hadn't spread too many rumours. He entered the office and went up to the smaller office. The glass obscured the two executives inside, who were currently also reviewing some documents. Eli knocked and entered.

"Yes, who is- Well well well, look who it is!"

"Ehehe Vera told us all about it!"

"Now then, first things first!"

They began to advance towards the smaller executive. They sat him down on a chair.

"Wow his hair really is fluffy..."

The two were feeling his hair, patting it. Eli sat on the chair, bewildered. The two just kept feeling around his hair, fluffing it up. Soon they stopped and he got up, gathering his files again.

"Did you legit sleep with boss though, like did y'all...Y'know, do it..?"

Eli almost choked. He looked over at Norton and Jack, who were looking at him with a serious expression. He sighed and shook his head. He passed them the files and excused himself. On his way out, he heard the two of them whisper and he looked back at them. The two immediately stopped and gave him the biggest smirk ever. Creeped out a little, he slowly backed out the office and dashed through the door.

As he went down to the lobby, he saw Vera at the desk talking to Joseph. When he went over, Vera cleared her throat and stood up straight, Joseph noticed too and frantically went back to typing on his computer. Eli ignored their bad efforts to conceal their smirks and went back to his office. He sat at his desk and put his head in his hands. Just as he took in a deep breath, he smelled a soft, flowery fragrance from his coat. There was also the faint smell of leather from car seats. The longer he inhaled, the more he felt relaxed. The smell somewhat soothed him.

There came a knock at his door, and he quickly composed himself. Aesop stepped in, a small smile on his face. He pulled up one of the chairs and sat down, stifling a yawn.

"Vera has been spreading those rumours eh?"

"Yea...Sorry about her, I'll have a talk with her later."

Aesop nodded and looked around for a moment.

"What do you think of those rumours?"


"Aren't you bothered at all by them, sir?"

"Hm...Honestly no, not at all."

Eli stared at him. His boss remained expressionless, staring around his office. His gaze flickered over to Eli.

"You have yet to tell me what you dreamed about. Did you have, like, a nightmare?"

The executive looked up at him and nervously shrugged.

"It was nothing really...I don't remember it anymore..."

Aesop got up and circled around to the back of Eli. He bent down, watching as the executive shakily shuffled through the pile of notes. He grabbed Eli's wrists and pinned the onto the table surface. He couldn't help but smirk a little as he watched the files fall from his hands. Eli struggled a bit, but he couldn't free himself.

He got flashbacks on the dream again feeling a tingling sensation near his abdomen. At the same time, Aesop felt Eli's fight weaken a little as he tightened his grip and leaned his chin on the top of his head. The faint scent of lavender wafted up his nose and he closed his eyes. He could hear Eli's breathing become heavier as each moment passed. Still holding his wrists down, he asked Eli once again.

"So what exactly did you dream of?"

"I-it's nothing really!!"

"If it was nothing then why are you so nervous?"

Eli didn't say anything. He didn't want to risk telling a lie. Aesop clearly knew something.

"I'm sorry okay? I'm sorry for...Pressing up against you in my sleep..."

Aesop leaned down next to Eli's ear, pressing closer to the male.

"Wrong answer. I don't mind that. But surely you would remember something if I gave a tip?"

Eli remained silent as Aesop continued on.

"So, tell me. Eli Clark. Why did you speak of my name in your dream?"

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