Andrej and Rosa (past)

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Andrej immediately felt the sharp jab of the blade against his back, and his grip tightened on the gun he had pressed against Rosa's neck. The two stayed in a deadly embrace, weapons pressed to each other. Rosa swallowed. She hadn't expected this turn of events.

"Drop the knife."

She heard Andrej whisper. Her grip tightened around the blade. Andrej pressed lightly on the trigger, not bothering to muffle the click of the gun. Rosa froze. The promise had been to kill Andrej and take the payment, not die trying to kill him. She sighed, frustrated, and dropped the knife. It fell to the ground with a clink. Andrej swept the knife away before slipping his gun back into the holster hidden under his coat.

"Having precautions when going to such big events must've been something you never had to do."

Rosa backed up a little as Andrej reached into his pocket. The other male only took out a cigarette and lit the end. There was silence between them before Andrej picked up the knife. He handed it to Rosa handle-first, who didn't know whether or not she was to take it.

"Keep it."

She hesitantly took it, surprised when she felt something wet slide down from her cheek.

"Are you... Ah seriously are you crying?"

Rosa shook her head as Andrej shrugged off his coat and put it over her shoulders. Rosa didn't know why she was crying. Maybe it was because she desperately needed to complete this task or she would be killed. Maybe it was how Andrej didn't decide to just kill her despite her attempt at killing him from behind as they were building trust. Maybe it was because she overestimated herself. Suddenly she felt guilty and stupid for everything she's done, all the people she's killed, the blood on her hands.

She straightened up and grabbed Andrej by the tie. Andrej startled a little, the cigarette dropping from his fingers to the pavement. The rose that had been in Rosa's hair this whole time finally fell out from the wavy tresses. Andrej watched as her hand went to the gun holster and pulled out his gun. She grabbed his hand as well, pushing the gun into it.

"There... There..."

"What are you doing?"

Rosa held the hand holding the gun to her head and smiled, albeit a tearful one.

"They're gonna kill me if I try to run. I've failed this task. So please, if I'm going to die, at least let me die from your hands."

"...Глупая леди..." (...Silly lady...)

He moved his hand and shoved the gun back into the holster. Rosa remained standing there, dumbfounded. Andrej couldn't find anything to say anymore and started leaving. Rosa lunged at him, grabbing onto his arm.

"Please don't, I don't want them to kill me, not them... Damien please-"

Andrej grabbed her shoulders.

"Where do you stay?"

The two left the venue, getting into a cab and heading to where Rosalee stayed. Andrej watched as the lady, with much uncertainty and perhaps fear, get down from the cab. He had walked her from where the cab stopped to the hotel, but didn't go in with her.

"You should have just killed me there..."

She said softly. Andrej shrugged , looking around. There was nothing left to say between the both of them now. Rosa sighed and went in, leaving Andrej outside. The male looked around before heading back to his own hotel. He went into his room, staring at the bundled bag on his bed.

So it was possible for them to deliver it...


A few days later, Rosa had been sitting by the window when two people stormed into her room. She stared at the high rise buildings as they locked the door behind and took out their guns.

"Took you long enough huh?"

"Tch, you failed the task and still dare to speak like that. I can't tell if you're just thick-skinned or unafraid of death."

She shrugged and held up her hands.

Up on a nearby building, Andrej remained hidden. The glare of the sun was just in the right direction that didn't blind him. He dialed Rosalee's number, surprised when she picked up. He watched as the two men in front of her closed in.

"Crouch Rosa. Now."


He pulled the trigger. The glass window shattered in a million shards. The men, unaware, startled and switched their focus from Rosa. She took the opportunity to shuffle to the side away from the window. Stupidly, the men remained in plain sight in front of the broken window. Andrej pushed the empty cartridge out from the controlled feed system of the Mosin Nagant in his hands and fired again. The bullet marked its final destination in a man's head. Another clink as Andrej pulled back the feed. He shot again, but hit the man's shoulder instead of his head. Nevertheless, Rosa should be safe for now. He slung the gun over his shoulder and put the phone to his ear again.

"Rosa. Rosa are you there? Rosalee Archambeau. Rosa?"

"Yea... Yea I'm fine."

"Stay there. I'll come up to you."

Andrej went down to the lobby of the building he was in before crossing the street. When he entered the hotel lobby, he was surprised that everyone was cowering in fear. As he approached the reception, the small male behind shrank back further. He looked behind at the muzzle of the Mosin Nagant on his back.

Maybe that was why.

"May I know which room Rosalee Archambeau stays in?"

The male slowly, fearfully, typed her name in the computer.

"23rd floor...R-room 16."

Andrej thanked him and headed for the elevator. He stepped out into the silence of the corridor. A couple passed by him, too interested in each other to notice the rifle slung over his shoulder. Andrej wondered how they hadn't been startled by the glass shattering. The gunshots wouldn't have been obvious since he had a suppressor on the muzzle, but surely a huge pane of glass shattering would.


He twisted the doorknob and stepped in. Rosa was standing in the same place. The dead body lay face down on the carpet. blood staining the carpet. His companion had also stopped moving, perhaps still alive, but not for long. Without a word he took Rosa's hand and led her down to the lobby and outside. Andrej dialed a number and in five minutes a car stopped beside the pavement. The two of them got in and headed to Andrej's hotel.

Rosa stood tensed by the door as Andrej removed the rifle from his shoulder and slipped it back into the casing.

"You gonna stand there all day or..."

Andrej asked, not looking at Rosa. She said nothing, but went over to where he was standing.

"You shouldn't have done that. Now they'll all hunt you down."

Andrej turned to look at her before chuckling. Rosa looked up at the man. He must be insane to be laughing in this situation.

"Ah... I'd like to see them try to get me. A nice challenge to get me going. But if they dare lay a hand on you again."

He glanced at the encased rifle. Rosa sighed. It seems this man wouldn't understand, or maybe he really is skilled. She felt her hands being lifted. Andrej pulled her closer, whispering in her ear.

"Leave with me Rosalee Archambeau... Let me hide you away from danger and keep you safe forever..."

Rosa snorted, but didn't resist in letting herself be enveloped in a warm embrace. Andrej pulled out a small rose from his pocket and tucked it behind her hair. It was a rose from the gardens they had been to, but although it was already withering, the traces of its beauty would stay behind forever.

"Я люблю тебя, Розали Аршамбо..." (I love you, Rosalee Archambeau...)

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