Chap. 16

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Eli was awoken by Aesop letting out a loud yawn. There was a faint buzzing sound outside. He sat up on the edge of the bed, stretching his limbs, and looked out of the window. Small lines of rainwater streaked down the glass pane.

"Did you sleep well?"


"That's good then..."

Aesop looked over at the clock on the shelf.

"It's still early...One more hour of sleep..."

"But sir-"

Eli felt hands around his waist before he was pulled back down onto his side. Aesop trapped him with one leg and pulled him closer. Never in Eli's life had anyone done this to him, so this was quite new. He lay still as Aesop made himself comfortable with the living pillow. He shifted a little higher up and rested his chin on Eli's head, seeing as the male was quite short compared to him.

"You smell quite nice..."

"Well yea you wouldn't say the shampoo that you use doesn't smell good would you?"

"Hm...Makes sense..."

Eli felt the other male's chest rise and fall with each slow breath, while his own chest was rising and falling slightly rapidly. Vaguely, he seemed to feel Aesop's hand creeping up under his shirt onto his abdomen. He couldn't tell if it was a dream or not, but he couldn't seem to be able to move. However it seemed just about as realistic when one of the Samoyeds down below let out a single, loud bark. Aesop shifted a little, moving his leg down. Eli felt pins-and-needles as blood started to circulate to his foot, but the hands were still under his shirt.

He thought about the dream again. He wondered what would have happened in it if he hadn't woken up before mentally kicking himself. He shouldn't be thinking about these sort of things, not when he still had a job to focus on. Plus, liking boys while being a boy was probably wrong of him too. For the next few minutes, he lay still, getting rid of thoughts from his head as the Sun slowly crept up.

By the time Aesop finally decided to get up, it was one hour after time Eli would normally get up. This time Aesop let Eli have a shower first while he went to the bathroom downstairs, which Eli never knew of. He stood in the shower, letting the hot water run down his back while the rain poured on outside. He wondered if the Samoyeds were okay outside as he brushed his teeth with a toothbrush one of the maids had passed him.

He found his coat and suit hanging by the door when he came out, ironed and washed. He put it on and headed out. Walking down the silent hall was strange. His every step echoed down the hallway around the marble. Pictures hung on some of the walls, some framed while others not. One particular had a grand frame with vines and flowers carved into the polished wood. He heard a click behind him, to see Aesop emerging from the door behind, dressed in his white suit and black pants. His tie hung loosely around his wrist as he straightened out his collar.

"My family photo, but this was years back. See them? Those are my parents."

He pointed at the two adults standing behind a child who was grinning from ear to ear. Unlike their child, the two wore grim expressions on their faces. Eli took a closer look. The kid had a white streak in his hair, which surprised him since he thought the white streak in Aesop's hair had always been dyed. It didn't seem natural at all.

"I haven't heard for them since they last came back to tell me I could take over the seat for the Mafia..."

"And how long exactly has that been?"

"...I don't even remember..."

For a moment the two stood in silence, just staring at the photo. Eli couldn't imagine how cheerful Aesop must've been as a child, and how much growing up must've changed him. One of the maids came up to inform him that breakfast for the both of them were ready. Aesop nodded and beckoned for Eli to follow him. They went down the staircase and past the living room into a small hallway. The kitchen and dining room opened up beyond the walls.

A rectangular table stood in the centre of the room. A huge bowl of fruits stood in the center, filled with apples, oranges and some grapes. Plates of food had already been set up for the both of them. Aesop took a seat at the head of the table and Eli sat beside him. He was still looking around the kitchen. There was an archway connecting the kitchen to the dining hall. Eli could see the expensive countertops inside the dimly lit area.

"I hope this doesn't seem too strange for you."

Eli looked down at his food. It was full smoothie bowl with fruits and chocolate bits. He'd never seen one before and was quite intrigued. Aesop had already started with his. Eli scooped a large chunk out of it and put it in his mouth. The sweet and sourness or the strawberry was a huge burst of flavour for him this early in the morning. The blended fruits melted in his mouth as he eagerly swallowed another bite. Aesop watched, intrigued as Eli devoured the whole bowl in under a minute.

"Do you want more? I can get you some more if you want."

Eli looked up from his bite of toast and shook his head. He smiled radiantly as he continued eating. Aesop was relieved that Eli managed to feel a little more comfortable in his home. When the two of them finished, the rain had stopped pouring outside and the Samoyeds were bouncing about in the yard again. The two males finished their breakfast and got up. One of the maids passed Aesop his coat on his way out and shut the door behind him.

"Let's go then."

He got into the car, Eli getting into the passenger seat. The two Samoyeds came out onto the driveway and sat on the sides, watching Aesop's car pull out. The two were silent on the way, until halfway out Aesop, out of nowhere asked,

"So what did you dream about?"

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