Chap. 69

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The silence around him rang loud in Naib's ears as he stared down at the blade. The bloody mess on Netherwalker's neck was the only thing that made it clear he was dead. The green glow behind his mask was no longer there as it faded to a dull grey. Eli was gripping Aesop's hand so hard it would definitely bruise later on. Someone in the crowd of backup Naib had called broke the silence.

"He's dead... He's dead! The Netherwalker is finally dead!"

Cheers erupted as everyone surged forward to the mercenary. Aesop slung his gun over his shoulder and made his way over too. Naib was leaning onto the side of the helicopter, face flushed red as people swarmed him, patting his back. Norton had gone to inspect Netherwalker's body while making a phone call to Tracy. Eli noticed the shadow of a man trying to sneak away. He caught Jack's eye and nodded forward.

"You got 'em good Mr Subedar!"

"You did it!"

Naib could only muster a smile as he saw Aesop. He bent down in a shaky bow, but stopped when he felt Aesop's hands on his shoulder. Silence fell once again as Aesop dipped his head low in a bow to Naib. Someone in the crowd, rather Norton Campbell, started clapping. The others followed suit and erupted into a thunderous applause. Jack also returned, holding Freddy Riley by the collar. The snipers from the rooftops had come down to celebrate. Bi'An and Wu'Jiu came to escort Freddy Riley back to the building where they, with a smirk as they spoke, would interrogate him.

It was a while before Aesop noticed that his father's face was nowhere to be seen in the cheering crowd. A wave of sudden worry washed over him as he peeled himself away from the crowd and dashed to the buildings, Eli following suit. They got to the rooftops, Eli searching the right row of buildings and Aesop searching the left.

"Dad? Dad where are you?!"

"Mr Carl? Are you alright?"

"Где ты, вонючий старик?" (Where are you, smelly old man?)


"Oh there he is."

Eli did not understand, but he supposed hearing a response was good enough. They dashed towards the source of the sound, Aesop almost tripping a few steps up the stairs. As he burst through the door, he caught sight of the Arctic Warfare Magnum on the floor before seeing Andrej's polished shoe. The shoe led to the leg which then led to the torso. Eli stumbled up the last flight of stairs and saw the bloody state of Andrej's arm. Andrej grimaced as Aesop started saying something about calling an ambulance.

"No need, no need... Dial your mama's number first."

"Pa you're bleeding."

"Yes just dial the old witch so she knows I'm alive."

Aesop stared at him for a few moments before he dialed a number and handed his phone to Andrej. There was some fumbling on the other side before Eli heard a woman's voice on the other side.

"Aesop? Is something wrong?"

"Ah, Rosa."

"Ahh, you. You're alive."

Aesop leaned over to the phone just as Andrej was about to speak.

"Mama he got shot in the arm."

Eli heard shrill French cursing on the other side as Andrej winced, holding the phone away from his ear.




"Rosa I don't like hospitals-"

"You idiot, Damien what if you died?!"

For once ever since he got out of hospital he'd never heard his mother so stressed. He glanced over to his father, only to realise there was a soft grin on his face.

"Rosalee Archambeau you know there is no way I would die and leave you alone."

Rosa huffed and muttered something in French.

"Whatever, Aesop, get your stinky peepaw to the hospital. Strap him to the chair if you have to. I expect both of you to be nice and clean when you get home."

The two males groaned and promised before hanging up. Andrej got to his feet, slinging the AWM's case over his uninjured shoulder.

"Well this stinky peepaw should get himself to the hospital then?"

"I can drive you there pa."

Andrej smiled, following Aesop and Eli down. The three got in the car and drove to the hospital. It didn't take long for them to finish patching up Andrej and clean some cuts on Aesop's arms and face. Eli was the only one out of three of them to remain unscathed. Even so, the white eye that no longer functions under his blindfold says otherwise. Just as they headed to the parking lot, Aesop noticed that Eli wasn't following.

"Eli? You good? If you're not feeling well we can turn back."

"Hm? Oh no I'm fine, Aesop. You and your father need to head home after all."

"Yea, so get in the car."

Eli looked back at him with confusion. Andrej looked at him over the seat and grinned.

"He wants to invite you over for dinner."

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