Chap. 63

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Day upon days passed. Andrej became more and more tensed around the house as he kept going over the plan in his head. Nothing Rosa said could soothe him, and could only pray that he doesn't pass out halfway. On that evening she stared long and hard into Andrej's eyes.

"You better come back for breakfast tomorrow."

"Alright alright I will. Have a sweat-soaked man at the table would you?"

"A sweaty and smelly man better than a dead man."

Andrej chuckled and pulled Rosa into a tight hug, shifting the strap of the rifles case higher up his shoulder. He could already feel Rosa eyeing the rifle nervously. His phone started ringing. He pressed a kiss to Rosa's lips and hurried to his car while answering his phone. Rosa could only stare and hope.

Naib waited outside the tunnel, glancing up at the buildings every now and then. The glint of rifle scopes every now and then told him they were still there, and they wouldn't leave him alone. He was to wait for the signal, then run into the Abyss tunnels and create a distraction while planting the bombs. Until then, he had to stay hidden behind one of the empty trains. The small explosives weighed in his pocket, cold against his clammy hands as he reached in to feel one.

Aesop got out of the car with Eli, both clad in black. The gun holster lay heavy against his thigh as he made his way to the buildings that had been emptied. They served as the Mafia's hiding spots for the night. Andrej would be at the highest spot to avoid being detected. Wu'Jiu would be part of the group with automatic rifles, along with Joseph. Bi'An was in charge of the snipers on the lower buildings. Norton and Jack would infiltrate inside with Naib to wipe out any remainders.

Regardless, they all followed Andrej's orders. There would be no space for any mistakes tonight, and it would be the last of the Abyss.

"You're nervous Aesop."

Eli said quietly. Aesop shrugged and adjusted his gloves. Eli had donned his blindfold again and hid his identity under his cloak. His weapons were also one of the well-concealed items. While they were changing into their outfits Aesop had pulled Eli closer, finger tracing the scar the bullet had left on his back. Eli had laughed, saying they'd succeed in taking down the Abyss while toying with Aesop's hair.

"I'll never forgive myself if anything goes wrong."

He stared up at the buildings, then down at the closed shops. He would be with Wu'Jiu, while Eli would be with Naib. He was more worried for the other male, but Eli had insisted. The plan had been put together in a short amount of time, so changing it at the last minute really wasn't a good idea. Much like his mother did, he pressed a kiss to Eli's lips.

"Stay safe."

"I promise, as long as you stay safe too."

Eli smiled reassuringly before he departed to the tunnels. Aesop could only watch as his figure faded into the shadows before he pinched himself hard. If Eli would give it his all, then so would he. He dashed into a building first and laid down the Kalashnikov his father had given him. The black-gold auto shone in its case, but it would soon be speckled with crimson as enemies spewed out like rats.

The plan was to have Andrej let the snipers fire first. When the first of the bullets hit, it will confuse them, and this gives the Mafia closer to the ground an easier opportunity to hit them. Meanwhile hopefully things would go well inside and they take down Netherwalker. But for now, all they had to do was wait for Andrej's first signal.

The Sun started sinking in the horizon. Andrej pulled out his phone, AWM already propped up on its stand. The orange gleam of the Sun bounced off the scope as he sent the first signal. Naib received it, and cast out the rest of the bombs. They bounced against the exits of the Abyss tunnels. The mercenary dashed into an empty carriage and pressed on the controller in his pocket.

The effect of terror was instant as loud banging noises were heard in the distance. Men started streaming out of the doors, soot covering their face as their hands clutched at their weapons. Even so, that would do nothing as they ran out into the open.

Andrej stood on top, staring down at the chaos unfurling. He let a puff of smoke escape his lips before crushing the cigarette between his fingers. He put the phone next to his mouth, staring directly at the sniper opposite him, who nodded as Andrej flicked two fingers at the people below.



Naib snuck through the empty tunnels, hiding from people as they streamed past him. The cells that Norton had described were a good place to start, with the other male not far behind him.

"I hope they don't keep dead bodies in there."

"Nah they don't, but its not like you've never seen one anyway."

Norton smirked as he looked at Naib. The other only wished for this to finish faster so he wouldn't have to be near the male, but it seems that Norton was more persistent.

"You keep avoiding us these days. What's going on?"

"Jack's dead concerned y'know."

Naib didn't speak. The executive caught up with him, matching him step by step. He grit his teeth, refusing to look to his left. He couldn't afford to lose his focus.

"Naib did we do something wrong? Was it that night?"

The mercenary whirled around and faced him, fists clenched and beside himself with anger.

"Look that doesn't need to concern you, okay? And can we just forget about that event and focus on making sure these people die today?"

Norton stared at him, head tilted to one side before he shrugged. Naib glowered at him for a few moments before continuing down the deserted tunnel. Indeed he was right, they needed to focus on their task right now, and finish eliminating members of the Abyss. Hopefully, Netherwalker could join his cronies in Hell.

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