Chap. 58

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"Dessert... Dessert ah! They're in the fridge, I'll go get them ah-"

Aesop grabbed Eli's wrist as he walked past and pulled him back. Eli fell onto his lap, confused.

"Do you not want dessert?"

"That's not what i meant..."

He leaned closer to Eli until their lips were brushing.

"It's always best for last, so can I have you?"


"Haha! I'm just kidding just kidding. So, what's for dessert?"

Eli huffed and got up, straightening his shirt as he went to the fridge. He retrieved a small plate and placed it before Aesop.

"Crème brûlée!"

Aesop eagerly picked up the spoon and scooped a large chunk out of it. Eli stood beside him, nervous. He didn't know how it tasted like since he's never had any before, but he decided to learn since Aesop seemed to love it. He'd barely opened his mouth before a kiss was pressed to his lips. Eli could taste the sweetness of the dessert in his mouth as Aesop swiped his tongue across his bottom lip.


Eli blushed as a smile appeared on his lips. Aesop gave him the rest of his portion and watched as the male ate.

"You really don't have to Eli. I can take you out to eat and the maids can cook."

"I know but... You've been doing all this for me, buying this and that. I want to repay you..."

"Well you don't need to do all this."

Aesop swept Eli's feet up from the floor and carried him to the bedroom. Eli seemed to know what was going on and frantically hit Aesop's chest.

"Aesop I'm covered in sweat and the smell of smoke from cooking!"


Eli half-expected him to put him down, but instead he made for the bathroom. The other male sighed and braced himself for the immense pain in his back and hips tomorrow. In no time the two were rid of their clothes and standing under warm running water. Aesop had Eli pressed against the glass wall surrounding the shower, kissing and biting at his neck. Eli tried his best not to flinch as the cold glass pressed against his skin.

"Ae-Aesop... Won't the glass-"

"Look in front..."

Eli listened and looked ahead, a shiver travelling up his spine as he stared at his own reflection in the mirror right in front of him. Aesop smirked as he left another hickey on Eli's neck. He slipped a hand down, poking at Eli's entrance with his finger while his other hand ran up to the other male's throat, tilting his head back. Slowly, Aesop slipped his finger in, sighing when he heard Eli gasp. He wanted to make Eli watch his own reflection, to make him feel embarrassed watching himself get pleasured.

"Mmngh~ Aesop..."

Aesop moved his fingers around, pressing up against Eli's back.

"Just relax..."


Joseph stretched as he watched Wu'Jiu look through the case of guns. They were in an open field with nobody in sight. Bi'An was helping him adjust the night-vision goggles while going over instructions again.

"Remember to have a firm grip on the gun, and don't rush to shoot, you'll only end up missing your target."

He gave Joseph's head a pat as he finished strapping the goggles. It was dark around them, but firing guns around areas too close to the city wasn't an option either. Wu'Jiu came over and tossed a gun to Joseph.

"This one should be fairly easy to master. Here."

Joseph held the gun firmly and aimed. Bi'An moved his arm and torso to the correct positioning. Once Joseph assumed he could hit the target, a glass bottle, he squeezed down on the trigger and fired. The bottle shattered into a million pieces. Wu'Jiu clapped, a radiant smile on his face.

"Nice aim. Now we get you used to aiming and firing faster."

Bi'An went to set up a few more bottles as Wu'Jiu taught Joseph how to reload. The other male took the gun enthusiastically. This was starting to get fun.

"Can i use the guns you guys use?"

"Us? You mean rifles?"

"Yea, something like that."

"Nope. The recoil would be too much for you to control, especially since you're a starter."

Wu'Jiu felt a pang of guilt as he watched Joseph's crestfallen face, but was quick to think of a reply.

"Once you get used to pistols we can let you have a try, okay?"

Joseph looked up, a smile spreading on his face once again as he nodded. Bi'An had finished setting up the bottles and signalled for Joseph to begin. He took a deep breath and steadied himself, aiming once again. Bi'An started a timer as Joseph fired his first shot, and this went on for three hours until Joseph was too tired to continue.

"Good night Joseph!"


He walked back home, collapsing onto the couch. His arm was sore from holding up the gun and balancing it. No doubt he would develop muscles later on. He lay on the sofa, staring at the ceiling. As he drifted to sleep, he vowed to improve himself and actually be able to help the Mafia.


Eli sat at the bed, his hips sore. Aesop had gone downstairs to get some water for him and a towel with ice cubes. He was mulling over what Aesop had said, about him not needing to do anything in return for this care. It didn't seem right to just let him be pampered like that. Distracted in his thoughts, he hadn't noticed Aesop enter the room until he felt the bed sink behind him.

"A penny for your thoughts?"

"Hm? Oh, it's nothing much, just something bothering me."

"Oh? What could it be? Lie down first..."

Eli lay back against him, enjoying the warmth and the comforting scent of lavender. Aesop wrapped his arms around Eli's waist, holding him close.

"What's bothering you?"

"It's nothing much."

"Alright then, I won't force you."

He chuckled and gave Eli's neck a soft kiss. Eli smiled as he drifted to sleep, tired from their earlier activities. Aesop ran his fingers through Eli's hair, smiling to himself, knowing that he could give Eli all the care and love he deserved now.

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