Chap. 48

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Eli accompanied Aesop to the bar that night. The ride was silent as they drove through the city streets to the outskirts. The bar was squished between a hotel and a small convenience store, quiet music streaming from behind the closed doors. Aesop silently took his arm and pulled him into the bar, where he sat in the corner. As usual, he ordered his drinks, and ordered one for Eli, not bothering to ask what the other wanted.

"Are you alright, Aesop?"

Aesop stiffened slightly before nodding. The drinks arrived in a few minutes, Demi not bothering to hide her stare. Eli looked down at his own drink and sighed. Lovely whiskey.

"I know something's on your mind Aesop. I can see it."

Aesop said nothing, only ordered another shot. Eli was taking his time with his drink, knowing his tolerance wasn't high enough to drink too much.

"Why didn't you come to us afterwards?..."

Aesop mumbled. He poked at the ice cubes in his drink as Eli took a sip.

"I thought you were dead y'know... I thought I had lost you forever..."

"I know Aesop-"

"Really? What do you know?! I couldn't eat I couldn't sleep all I did was drink! Every night I come here to try to forget everything! And where were you then where were you?! You could've at least texted us or even called! But you never did..."

Eli was stunned into silence. Aesop turned back to his drink, trying to calm himself. Eli stared at his drink for a few moments.

"I'm so sorry..."

Eli managed to whisper. He tucked a small tip under his glass before getting up, his chest feeling heavy. The guilt was starting to eat away at him now. He'd never considered informing anyone about how he managed to hold. He'd made everyone worry, yet he never spared a thought for them. He remembered lying in the hospital thinking

Maybe it's better off I find another job for now, that way the Abyss won't be able to find them if they decide to track me.

After he recovered, he'd left the hospital and stayed nearer to the outskirts of the city. Most of the time he helped people with solving small cases. He always kept his eyes covered by the blindfold he'd found. Conveniently, the fabric allowed him to see others, but people couldn't see through that side. Nobody knew his name because he never told them, and because he shows so little of his face, they can't guess either. Yet of all the things, he'd never expected to see Aesop being so miserable. He'd been selfish enough to think Aesop would move on, maybe find someone better, anything other than still being in love with him.

He moved to the bar's exit, Aesop following behind.

"Eli Clark you get back here."

Eli ignored him, pushing open the door. Suddenly he really wanted to have a cigarette. Aesop crossed the distance between them in a few easy strides and pulled him behind the row of buildings. He pinned Eli against the wall, hands planted firmly on the brick wall. Eli flinched when he felt Aesop's grip tighten on his wrists. What he hadn't expected was Aesop's lips pressing onto his own, soft and loving. He let himself sink into that warmth for a bit, even though he didn't quite know what to do in this situation. He wanted to break down, fall to his knees and apologize over and over again, yet at the same time he wanted to let Aesop have full control over him.

"You idiot..."

Aesop muttered against Eli's lips, hands sliding to his waist.

"I'm sorry I was so selfish... I should have-"

Aesop muted him with another kiss. Eli could taste the alcohol lingering in the other male's mouth, his cheeks heating up. Despite the cold night air, he felt warm and fuzzy all over.

"Never leave me like that ever again, understand?"

Eli nodded, flinching a little as Aesop leaned into his neck, leaving faint kisses over the smooth skin.

"Aesop... Not here...-"

Eli looked around the corners. Anyone could walk past any moment, whether they were drunks from the bar or a passerby. It's not exactly a good idea to be doing this in public in the first place. He pressed his palms against Aesop's chest, pushing lightly to get him off. He could feel the other's rapid heartbeat through his clothes, almost matching his own. Aesop paused for a moment before he leaned down and picked Eli up.



Aesop heard his own voice, almost choked and raspy. He carried Eli to the car and gently put him in before getting into the driver's seat. It took almost all his self control to not lunge over at the other male, who was sitting tensed in his seat. His patience was already wearing thin by the time they got back. The maids had gone home for the night, and Aesop's parents had went back to their own home, trusting that Eli could help take care of Aesop now.

It was just the both of them.

Aesop carried Eli all the way up to his room before throwing him on the bed. Eli watched nervously from behind his blindfold as Aesop loosened his collar. He climbed onto the bed on top of Eli, grasping his chin lightly. Leaning for a kiss again, he felt Eli wrap his arms around him, pulling him down closer. Reaching up, he pulled down Eli's blindfold, letting it fall to the side. Eli felt an urge to cover his own face.

"I don't like people seeing it..."


He stared to the side, not wanting to meet Aesop's gaze. The other male let out a small huff and tilted his face.

"But I like it..."

His hands started wandering around Eli's chest, undoing the buttons on his coat and slipping it off, all while leaving airy kisses on his neck.

"It's a reminder that you're strong enough Eli... Never forget that..."

His shirt slipped off his shoulders. Aesop's hands glided to where the bullet left a permanent scar. He rested a palm there as his other hand slowly moved down to Eli's belt. He looked at Eli, making sure it was okay for him to do it. The other male was extremely flustered at this point, wanting to cover his own eyes, or Aesop's eyes.


"If you don't like it, we can always stop Eli. Don't force yourself."

Eli nodded slowly. His belt slipped off and fell off the bed with a dull clink as Aesop captured Eli's lips in a kiss once again.

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