Chap. 18

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Eli felt his cheeks tingle, almost to the point they were almost numb. He didn't know what to say, and he couldn't move a single nerve in his body. Aesop was still pressing him to the desk, expectantly waiting for an answer. He stuttered out a few words before he paused, exhaling out of nervousness.

"Well? I'm still waiting for an answer from you, Clark."

A knock from the door startled Eli, but he was thankful to whoever knocked as Aesop let go of his wrists and straightened up. Bi'An peeked in and bowed when he noticed Aesop inside.

"Apologies for the disturbance, sir. But I need to have a word with Mr Clark. It's about the guards."

Aesop nodded, a little stiffly, Eli noticed, before he left the office Bi'An stared as his silhouette faded down the hallway, a curious look on his face. Thankfully, he cleared his throat and got straight two business.

"...So the guards need to be hidden well-"

This was one of the rare times Eli couldn't focus on what someone else was saying, especially for something so important. He was glad the guard who was currently speaking to him already had the whole thing written out in advance. His thoughts were still stuck on Aesop, and he hated it.

He hated how much he was letting this distract him from everything.

When Bi'An left, Eli stared at the neat rows of words from the male, specifically stating every bit of detail which he had left out on. He placed it in a folder before collapsing onto his table. He bit back a yell of frustration as he pushed yet another thought of Aesop out of his head. Turning his head, he saw that he was due to visit his parents in two more days. Groaning, he sat up.

As much as he hated it, he would have to go over to their home and stay for a bit even if he and his father weren't exactly on good terms. A small hoot sounded beside his ear as he got up. His owl perched on his lamp, curious as to why its owner seemed so unproductive today. He smiled and got up. Perhaps some lunch at the building's café might help. His stomach had been grumbling for quite a while, so why not.

He got himself a sandwich and some nice coffee at the snack bar. The café was quite empty since it was nearly 3 and everyone already had lunch hours ago. Eli found a nice spot in a quiet corner and sat down. Hoping the food would give him even the slightest boost in energy, he turned on his laptop and began working on the plans. Indeed, the food helped him focus a little better on the more recent issue of the break-in. He stopped to take a sip of his drink.

He never mentioned he had two sets of keys, but why be so nervous...

Pulling out his phone, he scrolled down to Naib's number, but hovered his finger above the screen. The mercenary already had enough stress from keeping watch of the armoury by himself the other day. Surely...

He pressed down anyway, hoping the mercenary would pick up. A few rings later, there was a click and the sound of distant buzzing on the other side.

"Hello? Mr Subedar?"

"Oh, what's up Eli?"

"Hang on- Where are you right now?"

"Just finished a task, in an alleyway, totally not about to burn evidence."

"Uh, okay...I may need to request of your assistance once again."

There was no sound from the other end for a few moments other than the sound of liquid being poured over something and the flick of a match. When Naib spoke again, it was almost as if Eli could already smell the stench of blood and gasoline on him.

"Aight, I'm done. What's the task, boss?"

"I need you to keep watch of Freddy Riley."


"I need you to-"

"No no I heard you fine the first time but what-"

"What time are you free?"

"Uh, right now I suppose."

"Come back to the building and text me when you reach."

"Aight then. See you there."

Eli hung up, rubbing his temples. He looked up from his work for a bit when he noticed a person by the counter. At first glance it looked like any other worker they had, but the gold-lined coat said otherwise. He hurriedly gathered his things and dashed out from the café, not bothering to say hi to Aesop or even look at him. Aesop looked over at him, completely ignoring the outstretched hand in front of him for a moment.

How interesting...

The executive managed to make it to his office without tripping and shut the door behind him after checking to make sure Aesop was nowhere behind him. Never had he dreaded seeing his superior this much. Perhaps it was the dream, at the same time perhaps it was Aesop's persistence to get him to say what exactly he had dreamt about. As much as Eli really hated having to pretend, he didn't think he could ever face his boss again if he ever did tell him about the dream he had.

A small chime from his phone brought him back to reality. He composed himself on the way to the front door to meet Naib while praying he wouldn't bump into Aesop again. The small figure was already at the door waiting for Eli by the time he got there.

"So about stalking-"

"Sh sh sh! Not here, we'll discuss in my office."

"Fine fine...Jeez, lead the way."

When they finally got to Eli's office, Naib huffed and sat down on the chair in front of him. Eli sat down too, silently hoping that his mind wouldn't start wandering again.

"I know it sounded absurd, but it has come to my notice that Mr Riley is acting a little strange. Especially during the incident investigation. I need you to keep an eye on him, just in case our suspicions are correct."

Naib nodded, but didn't say anything. Eli sighed. A bad habit of it, really.

"You'll get a pay raise."

"Alright then, when do I begin?"

"Anytime as you like. Perhaps around night shifts."

"Alright then, it's settled?"

"I hope so."

Naib stretched and got up. Eli watched him leave before he got up too. he locked the office door and lay down in his couch. After a while he pulled his collar up and covered his face in frustration. The scent of fabric softener and leather washed over him again like a pleasant breeze. He found himself inhaling in the scent even more, hoping the scent would never fade away.

Meanwhile, in Aesop's office, the male sat at his desk, pondering. Eli had never been one to see him and leave without saying anything. He knew there was no way Eli forgot about the dream, not with how flustered he gets every time Aesop brings it up. He closes his eyes and takes a sip of tea, thinking about last night.


Aesop...Mr Carl!

...Eli?...What' wrong...

S-stop...Hngh! Mr Carl!

Aesop had woken up to Eli saying these, pressed up against his body, face red. He'd only watched in amusement, not bothering to wake Eli up. He wondered what was going on in his executive's dream, but could only wait until the next morning. Instead, Eli has been delaying his answer up til now. Aesop has been curbing his curiosity since morning, but now he really wanted to know what exactly Eli had been dreaming of. Setting down his teacup, he sighed and smirked a little. Perhaps he had a good idea of how things went down in Eli's dream.

"What sort of person exactly are you, Eli Clark..."

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