Chap. 28 (slight NSFW)

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Very slight, I promise.


Naib Subedar... Such an interesting person.

Jack lay in his bed pondering. Norton wasn't wrong when he said Naib would strike his interest. He was quite surprise that Naib managed to pique his fancy, considering even the prettiest women were found boring by Jack. It was clear that both executives had taken a fancy to the mercenary, but neither knew if the mercenary was even bothered. Despite being in the Mafia for longer than his companion, Norton seemed to know everyone much better than Jack.

Maybe I should start getting out of the office more and talk with people...

He thought as he closed his eyes. Some new friends were definitely in order for Jack.


Eli fell to the floor for the nth time as Geri ran into him. The other Samoyed was still being chased around by Aesop. From what he knew now, Geri and Freki were Samoyeds that had been gifted to Aesop as a child before his mother left for long-term businesses in Paris. Aesop described them as small clouds when they were tinier, but had no photos to show. When asked why, he sheepishly admitted that he was never a fan of taking photos.

Freki finally came to a stop as Aesop stopped to catch his breath. Geri had proudly taken to lying on his victim's stomach, tongue hanging out as he lay his head on Eli. Aesop shooed the dog away.

"That's mine not yours you stinky cloud."

Geri huffed and stamped his paws, much like a small child would. It took a while for Eli to realise but he almost ascended to the heavens when Aesop got on top of him and sat on his lap. the other male was too focused on mocking the dog to notice Eli trying to push him off. When he finally did though, he seemed to enjoy the sight before him, even managing to smirk a little. He leaned down beside Eli's ear, causing the other to flinch a little.

"Don't tell me you're getting flustered this easily..."

Eli didn't answer. He simply looked away and kept his fists clenched by his sides. Aesop gripped his chin lightly an tilted his head to face him. Eli could only helplessly stare into Aesop's amber eyes. He felt a strange tingling sensation in his abdomen as he tightened a hand around the edges of Aesop's clothes. He tried to get up, but it resulted in the two of them grinding against each other slightly. And under the sun, Eli could feel beads of sweat starting to form on his forehead.

"Ah...I probably shouldn't be doing this right now..."

Aesop said as he got off. He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly as he helped Eli up. The two went back inside and Aesop excused himself to the bathroom. He tried to hide the fact that his pants were starting to feel uncomfortably tight in a specific area as he hurried up and locked himself in. He leaned against the door, breath coming out uneven. He made sure the door was locked once again before he looked down. He hadn't experienced this in quite a while, but maybe it was because he hasn't had anyone who he would feel like that towards.

He slipped off his belt, followed by his pants. He looked down at his growing erection and closed his eyes. An image of Eli's face, flushed red and looking up at him appeared in his mind and he felt a weird tingly sensation once again. He bit down on a gloved hand as he touched himself slightly, hoping nobody was outside. He held an image of Eli looking up at him, feeling a warm sensation pooling inside his stomach, churning. He felt guilty for doing this, even daring to imagine Eli making some lewd noises. The bathroom started getting a little warm as he moved his hand faster, biting harder on his knuckles.

A blissful sensation washed over him as he came, ivory liquid spattering over his hand. He took a few shaky gasps and splashed cold water on his face, looking at himself in the mirror before heading out. Eli was waiting for him in the living room, looking a little nervous. His hands were clasped tightly on his lap, and Aesop did not need to question when the executive made a dash for the bathroom as well.

What he didn't know was Eli was every bit confused as he was since he had never experienced this sort of feeling before, but he was too scared to ask Aesop. He willed for it to go away as he leaned against the sink, face buried in his hands.


When Eli went back to the living room, Aesop tried to lighten the mood by suggesting they go out for dinner. Of course, Eli agreed and did his best to ignore the situation as well. He looked around and noticed the huge, white piano in a corner.

"Hey Aesop?"


"Can you play the piano?"


Aesop got up and moved to the piano. He lifted the cover and swiped a hand across the stool before sitting down. Eli stood by the side, watching. He'd never learned or played the piano before, and rarely heard it. He watched as Aesop lay his fingers delicately on the keys and began to play a soft tune. Aesop closed his eyes as he felt along the keys, having already memorised them as a child when he had weekly lessons. He was, personally, quite surprised that he could still remember where each note was.

He finished playing a whole memorized sheet from a few years and looked over at Eli, who was gawking at him. He moved aside and patted the seat.

"Wanna learn some?"

Eli hesitantly slid onto the stool and yelped when Aesop pulls him closer by the waist. He watched as Aesop's gloved fingers pressed down lightly on the keys, trying hard to listen to whatever the male was saying. He could swear there was steam pouring out of his ears as Aesop gently lifted his hand and placed it on the keys.

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