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"You wanna take a bath first?"

Eli looked up at Aesop. They were both covered in Samoyed fur, and the to Samoyeds, which were named Geri and Freki. Apparently he was supposed to have gotten huskies, but since they were sold out, his mother decided to get him these two clouds, who were now lying in a corner with shorter fur.

"I told the maids to run a bath before they left. It should be ready by now."

Eli nodded and followed after Aesop into the grand living room. Their footsteps echoed throughout the living room as they passed through. Going up the stairs, Eli couldn't help but look down, taking in the sight. At the end of the hallway on the other side was a dark brown door, which Aesop pushed. The lights switched on, filling the bathroom with a soft light. The black and white marble walls gleamed under the light. The sink was on their left with a standing shower on the right. A bathtub stood opposite them. The raised platform surrounding it held various candles and bottles of many colours.

"You can put your clothes on the rack over there. Towels right beside it."

Aesop said, loosening his hair from its small ponytail. Eli nodded and was about to exit when Aesop grabbed his arm.

"Where are you going?"



"To wait for you to finish."

"Just shower with me."

Eli looks at him dead in the eye. Aesop's not smiling or holding back a laugh, he's serious about it. He tries pulling away, but is yanked back by Aesop. He looses balances and falls back onto Aesop. He feels the male's chest on his back and his arms wrapping around his waist. Now he's panicking a little.

"Sir please wait! Why do you want me to-"

"It saves water Eli..."

"I-I'll pay for it-"

"Just shower with me."

Eli gave up his last fight and stands limp in his arms. Aesop huffs, sending a puff of warm air down Eli's neck. The male almost makes a sound, but he reminds himself to keep his composure. Aesop finally lets go and goes back in. Eli follows after him, still feeling really awkward about it. His heart was racing and so was his mind.

Did he have to undress in front of Aesop? Would he see everything?

He looked up again, almost falling for the nth time when he saw Aesop standing before him, shirtless with only a towel hanging loosely from his waist. He covers his eyes and blushes slightly from the sight. He'd certainly never had a thought about this day where he would see his boss shirtless. The image of his bare chest, the faint lines of abs on his stomach and an unmistakable V-line. Aesop turned around so Eli could undress, but he was still a little nervous about it. Either way, he couldn't stall forever. He quickly slipped off his coat and pants, wrapping the towel around him.

"Uh...I'm done."

'Ah, okay. Come on in then."

Aesop slipped into the bathtub, water sloshing over the edge a little. He made enough space for Eli to join too. He stood before his boss, feeling very exposed. He wrapped his arms around himself and slowly stepped into the tub. The warmth of the water calmed him ever so slightly, but it didn't help with him knowing the both of them were pretty much close to being naked. He curled up opposite of Aesop, who leaned back and closed his eyes. Eli tried to relax as well, but he found himself staring at the male opposite him.

His body is perfect...He's got to have a girlfriend right?

He wanted to ask, but he deemed it a little nosey. Silence stretched on for quite a bit before Aesop moved. He turned over to reached for the knob behind him. He gave it a twist. Water started to sprinkle down from above, soaking them thoroughly. Aesop got up and Eli shrank back a little. The taller male leaned towards Eli, but he reached behind and grabbed a bottle.

"Turn around?"

"Huh? O-oh."

Eli slowly turned behind, facing the wall with his back to Aesop. He felt Aesop shift closer to him and something cold sliding down his back from his head. He felt Aesop's hands massaging his scalp and the faint smell of lavender. His cheeks tingled from the sensation as Aesop rubbed the shampoo in delicately. He didn't understand what this sensation as, but he certainly enjoyed it. He felt like a child being taken care of all over again. As a kid he had always done everything by himself since his parents were always busy when he was a child.

Aesop looked in front, making sure no soap was dripping into his eyes. What he didn't expect was that Eli had a face of complete relaxation. His eyes were closed and he was slightly smiling, almost leaning into Aesop. The male was vaguely reminded of a small puppy or kitten enjoying a massage. He was done with the shampoo, putting his hand over Eli's eyes. The male jolted slightly placing his hand over the edge of the tub. Eli got a strange sensation as he felt his boss's hands on his eyes, just covering it. He felt the urge to want to reach over and grab hold of Aesop's wrists.

"Alright. I'm done with your hair. Onto body shampoo!"

"Wait what?!"

Aesop had a devilish grin as he held a bottle in his hands. Eli had nowhere to run, and could only watch as the other male loomed over him, chuckling.

Ten minutes later after a lot of splashing, Eli sat on Aesop's bed, wrapped in a silky bathrobe. It felt so strange when Aesop helped bathe his body. His hands were freely touching, maybe even teasing. The shampoo felt cold compared to the warm water, but the more Aesop lathered it onto his body, the warmer it felt. It felt warm, but at the same time so weird. It almost seemed inappropriate for his own boss to just touch him like that. At some point something shifted around him, but he couldn't tell what it was. After a while Aesop rinsed off all the bubbles and told Eli to wait for him outside while he shampooed himself.

He wrapped his arms over himself, knowing he would never forget this sensation.

But he's my boss...And he's a guy. Surely as people said a guy having slight feelings for another guy is wrong right?..."

He shook his head and tightened the sash of his robe. A while later Aesop came out of the passage that connected his room to his bathroom. He was dressed in the same bathrobe, but looser. Eli jumped when he heard a knock on the door. The maid poked her head in and stared for a moment at the two men in the room before clearing her throat.

"Y-you're tea sir. Would your friend like a cup too?"

"Yes, sure. Thank you."

She bowed and shut the door. Eli heard hurried footsteps down the staircase and some giggles. Aesop sighed, setting his tea down on the desk and opening his wardrobe door.

"Don't worry about them. They're always like this. Anyway, here try this. I don't know if my clothes fit you."

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