Chap. 67

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A loud crash rang through the air as the first helicopter fell, the pilot slumped against the seat. He would never wake to feel the searing burn of flames as they swallowed up the helicopter whole. Bi'An reloaded and aimed again. As he was aiming to see which one was closer, he noticed that one of the helicopters was missing from the supposedly remaining five. He tilted his head to the device on his arm.

"We got a missing chopper here sir. There's only four instead of five."

Andrej scanned the skies. Indeed there were only four. Even so, they couldn't afford to lose focus. He aimed again, but he had already spent too much time unfocused. There was a loud bang, and Bi'An watched as Andrej reeled back from the edge of the rooftop, hand clutching his shoulder.

"Mr Carl!"

There was another bang as the bullet ricocheted off Bi'An's arm. he stared down at the steel, a small circle marking where the bullet would've pierced if it was his real arm. He stared up at the helicopter, where someone was peering down from the side. He aimed and shot, the first bullet breaking the glass, the second settling home in the pilot's chest. He wanted to check if Andrej was alright, but if the pilots had a backup with them, he couldn't afford to lose focus.

Unless he wanted to end up dead.


Naib hurled the last handful of the steel spheres near a few tanks as he dodged Netherwalker's fist. His cheek was still numb from the most recent impact, another hit would have his whole skull rattling. The rings on the Netherwalker's fingers definitely made it all worse when the spikes went through his skin, drawing blood. Suddenly he felt something under his foot slide and he crashed into some crates, wooden splinters scraping his skin. He pushed himself up, Netherwalker slowly approaching.

"So, finally giving up?"


Something around Netherwalker shifted as he reeled his foot back and swung hard. Naib let out a groan as he skidded across the floor. He reached into his pocket for the controller, but was kicked in his side again. If this kept up he would be delayed too much. He glanced over to the loose floor tile in the middle and quickly devised a plan. Netherwalker was already approaching for another round. Naib scrabbled up, turning his back to the tile. This plan would probably cost him a few ribs, but it would do.

Get Netherwalker to kick him closer to the tile, painful but less suspicious compared to running around the area.

Netherwalker was laughing as he pushed Naib around. He was taunting now, a ringing laugh that chilled Naib's bones. Naib felt around on the floor, fingers brushing the gap of the tile.

Get the smoke, get the smoke now.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out the small grenades. Clamping the pin in his teeth he yanked it out. Netherwalker was stunned and distracted for a brief moment. Naib threw the grenades and scrambled to lift up the tiles as red and purple smoke filled the room rapidly. He dropped to the tunnel underneath, almost crippling his knees in the process. He had Tracy to thank for the bombs, but definitely not for the given distance he had to drop from the tile to the tunnel.

Lastly, detonate.

He ran halfway down the tunnel and pulled out the switch. Pressing down, he relished in the loud rumbling and muffled explosions as the tiny steel spheres he'd scattered all over the room detonated. Steel crashed as shelves gave out and rubble came raining down on them. Now, just to make sure, he ran out of the tunnels into the open. If what Netherwalker had said was true, then finishing him off would be a piece of cake.


Eli looked at his watch, biting his nails as minutes passed. Aesop sat leaning against a shelf, eyes closed. Even so, he had his AK-47 in his hands, body tensed as if expecting anyone to suddenly barge in. Eli had told him to rest while he kept watch and after much persuasion, Aesop reluctantly agreed. This area of the outskirts would have the bloodiest history for the next century. Not that there was much business running in the buildings anyway.

Footsteps sounded in the silence outside and Eli peeked over the counter. White mask stained crimson and blades still attached to the contraption on his hand, Jack towed behind him two limp bodies. Norton followed behind, also dragging two bodies. He looked over and noticed Eli, smiling for a brief moment before he continued after Jack.

"What are you looking at?..."

Aesop leaned over, peeking over beside him.

"Ah, Norton and Jack. They were disposing bodies."

"Oh, okay then..."

"Are you tired?"

Aesop shrugged and pulled Eli into an embrace. Eli protested for a bit, saying he was sweaty.


The other male gave in.


Netherwalker coughed and wheezed as he fanned away the smoke. Freddy whimpered from under a pile of rubber.

"Get moving, Riley. I'm not waiting for you if you drag us all down."

He strode towards where the door once stood, in place was a huge hole. Freddy shook himself free from the rubble and stumbled after Netherwalker. He fumbled for his phone.

"Is the helicopter waiting?"

"We are right outside, sir."


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