Chap. 15

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It took a while, but eventually They found a shirt that fitted Eli. It was a little loose, but it was the only one that wasn't terribly loose. Meanwhile, Aesop's maid had brought him another cup of tea but tis time he noticed that there was another face at the doorway, which was probably one of his other maids. She peeked in, eyes widening before they both retracted their heads and shut the door softly.

Aesop still sat at the small table in the corner of the room, slowly sipping his cup of tea and staring out of the huge window. He looked down at the cup of tea in his hands and took a small sip, wincing at the burn of the liquid. Aesop looked over and gestured for Eli to join him by the window. He brought the tea over and sat down. He looked out at the starry night where the moon hung. Vaguely down below he saw two white fluffs lying still.

"Is the tea alright?"

"Yea, but it burned me a little I think."

"Try blowing on it first before drinking next time they serve it to you. They made this one in a hurry so the water had probably just finished boiling."

Eli nodded and blew on the surface of the tea. Indeed it was better and it didn't burn him now. Aesop leaned back in his chair and yawned a little. Looking over at the small clock, Eli noticed it was almost 11 p.m. He had no idea that shower had taken so long, or that it was probably already late by the time they even finished tackling the Samoyeds.

Aesop moved to the wardrobe again and loosened the sash around his waist. Eli looked away, slightly embarrassed. But in the reflection of the glass, he saw Aesop's back, narrow waist and slightly wider shoulders. He tried to peel his eyes away from the window as Aesop put on a pair of loose pants before shutting the wardrobe door once again. Heat creeped up to Eli's face as he tried not to look.

"Let's go to sleep."

"A-ah, wait together?"

"Yea, where else did you think you were going to sleep? The couch?"

"Well, maybe."

"Nah, the bed's wide enough. And the couch downstairs has no pillows or blankets."

Aesop stretched and patted the soft bed beside him, beckoning Eli over. The male sat down next to him and twiddled his fingers. The male stared at his executive, amused at how surprisingly shy he is despite the numerous times he has done presentations for crime investigations and has examined scenes in public with huge crowds of people watching him. Yet he gets so flustered when all Aesop did was welcome him to his home.

"I hope you don't mind if I accidentally...Cling onto you."

Aesop looked over and shrugged. He lay down on the bed and yawned. Eli awkwardly lay down beside, almost lying in the same position as a dead body in a coffin. Aesop sat up and pulled the sheets over his body before leaning over to turn off the lights and switch on the lamp.

"Good night Eli."



He looked over at the male, who's eyes were already closed. Aesop felt the urge to lean closer, to marvel how peaceful the other male looked while he was asleep. He leaned back in his pillow and fell asleep too.


It was around halfway through when Eli started having a strange dream. He was back in the bathroom in the tub with Aesop again. The surface of the water was covered with thick foam, but this time they weren't sitting opposite each other. Eli was sitting on top of Aesop's lap. The taller male was running his hands over his chest and stomach. Despite knowing this was a dream, he couldn't help but feel like it was 100% realistic.

"Mr Carl..?"


Eli jolted as he felt dream Aesop's teeth on his neck, fingers tightening on the edge of the tub. His heart raced as he closed his eyes. It felt wrong, but some part of him didn't want the dream to end. As dream Aesop continued to nibble on his neck, his hands moved closer down to his abdomen. Eli tried to squirm free, but Aesop's grip tightened, not just slightly. Eli yelped in surprise as the other male's hands started getting too close below. He closed his eyes as Aesop's teeth bit down hard, sure to leave a mark.

He opened his eyes. He was back in Aesop's room, snug under the blankets, but there was something hard against his forehead. Looking up and blinking a few times, he almost squeaked when he realised his face was right up against Aesop's bare chest. He wanted to shift to the other side, but at the same time he didn't want to wake up the other male. As slowly as he could, he peeled away from Aesop, but it seems his boss was a light sleeper.

"Is everything alright..."

"Sorry...I didn't mean to wake you up..."

"Nah you didn't..."

He sat up and reached over for the small pitcher on the side. He poured Eli a glass of water and passed it to the other male, who took it gratefully. Aesop watched as he finished the whole glass before lacing it back down on the nightstand. In the silence, the clock slowly ticked down the seconds left till they had to wake and head to the office for work.

"Were you having a nightmare?"

"Hm? Well, no..."

"You were breathing really heavily you know. I woke up because you kept pressing against me."

"Sorry about that sir..."

Aesop chuckled and he lay on his back, closing his eyes again. Eli turned onto his side and was about to go back to sleep when he felt Aesop's arms wrap around his waist.

"Cold...Share me some warmth..."

"Sir you could just put on a shirt instead?"

"Nah, too much hassle to get up...Good night~"


There was no point to say anymore. Eli smiled gently as he felt Aesop's breath brush against his back, slow and rhythmic. He closed his own eyes, but then an image of his dream popped up once again, and his eyes flew back open. Aesop was asleep once again as Eli lay awake for the next hour, unable to sleep.

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