Chap. 27

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Naib yawned and blinked back a few tears. Once again, he was back to watching Freddy Riley during the night shift. There wasn't much change, and the secretary was still turning around every now and then to look at him. He'd gotten a text from the executive saying the man seemed even more suspicious and definitely couldn't be let out of sight.

At some point he went to a far corner of the office to pick up a phone call. Naib desperately wanted to follow and eavesdrop, but could only sit still at the desk. He couldn't make it seem too obvious. Freddy took a really long time, during which Naib impatiently waited, arranging files in alphabetical order assuming he knew the order correctly. When Freddy returned, he tried to find any suspicious signs on the man, but the secretary continued his work as if the phone call had been nothing but a client. Neither spoke until their shifts ended and left the building.

As he was exiting the building, he saw Norton standing by the door. Jack was next to him, looking around. He spotted Naib and pointed. Naib yawned and gave them a sleepy wave, a little awkward when they both started approaching.

"Hey, whatssup with the two of you here?"

"We were waiting for you."

"What for?"

"For breakfast!"

Norton smiled cheerfully and looked over at Jack, who sighed and shook his head. He was clearly sleepy from his night shift, but Norton didn't seem to be in the least sleepy. Naib peered at the both of them through half-closed eyes.

"I don't think I'll join, I really want sleep..."

Jack slung an arm over Naib's shoulder. They started guiding him outside towards an expensive car, a Bentley, which Naib recognized. He'd seen this car countless times, most of which were owned by his victims. Jack passed Naib over to Norton who coaxed him into the back seat. As they settled in, Naib leaned to the side and closed him eyes. Jack checked behind and smiled a little. Noticing Norton staring at Naib, he smirked a little.

"Don't claim him as all yours at the back there."

Norton shot him a glare before glancing over at Naib, who was already fast asleep. He gave him a loving look before glaring at Jack again.

"I get what I want, Jack."

"Ohoho, we'll see about that..."

The streets were less busy compared to at night. They reached a small café-bakery. The door had just opened and the cakes were still being set up in the display case. Naib stretched and got out of the car, enjoying the cool breeze. They entered the café and at down by the window. Jack dropped a few orders at the counter and went back, plucking Naib's head up from the table's surface, earning a sharp jab to his side.

"What's with the two of you taking me out to eat anyway? Don't you sleep when you get back home?"


"We do, but we always come here to eat first."

"May as well sleep with a full stomach of warmth."

Naib shrugged. The two certainly lived a life of luxury, considering they were finance executives, and the most money flows to them. It had been a while since Naib imagined living a lavish life, but it all didn't seem to matter to him now. Nevertheless, he indulged in the expensive breakfast he wouldn't have to pay for. And just as Norton had said, indeed in felt nicer to sleep with a full belly.

As the dropped Naib off back at his house, Norton shifted over to the front seat beside Jack.

"So what'dya think. I told you he's a cute one."

"Yea yea, sure. Gotta admit though, he looks squishy when he sleeps."

"Heh, and you insisted you weren't going to be interested. However..."

"However what?"

"I'm starting to feel like keeping him to myself for now~"

"Oh? Isn't that a little selfish?"

"Nope. What, can't resist him either?"

The two looked at each other, Norton smirking a little. It was clear what the answer was, so the two didn't speak until they reached Norton's apartment. Jack wound down the window as Norton left.

"When time comes let's just see how he reacts. Let's...Not make this a reason to break our friendship."

Norton shrugged and smiled.

"I never did say it was going to be competitive. It's a deal then."

He turned and left, disappearing through the doors. Jack drove on, leaving his window down to let some fresh air in. It ruffled his dark brown hair and shook the sleepiness from his mind. It was the weekend, and any remaining debts had been settled. Perhaps he could invite the two to a drink at the bar...


Eli jumped when he received a call from his mother, asking how his 'date' was going. He tried to avoid the question and had to say his 'date' was too shy and didn't want to have a picture of them taken. Thankfully his mother stopped pressing on and hung up. Aesop, meanwhile, was looking at the side, quite amused. He gave Eli a playful kiss on the cheek as he was hanging up, holding in a snicker when the other male almost dropped his phone.

"What was that for?!"

"I'm sorry! Hahaha! Oh gosh- I can't- I can't stop laughing! Ahaha!"

Aesop burst into fits of uncontrollable laughter as Eli jabbed him in the waist. However, he couldn't help but smile at the sight of this usually stoic man laughing. It made him seem much more happier and younger from how he looked in the office. Indeed, Aesop felt as if the stress piling on him had been lifted as he wiped tears away from his eyes, clutching his stomach. He swiveled to the side and launched himself onto Eli, pressing a kiss onto the other male's lips.

Upstairs, the maids whispered and giggled as they watched the two being lovey-dovey and hugging on the sofa from the corridor, hidden in the shadows.

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