Chap. 55 (NSFW)

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Never had Jack walked so fast. He rushed to the lobby, only stopping for a moment to catch his breath before heading to the counter.

"One room for the night please."

"How many people?"


"Sir we would recommend getting two rooms for three people-"

"No need, I assure you one will be fine."

"Alright then."

The lady typed in some details before turning behind to get the key card for him. Jack paid for it, surprisingly cheaper than he expected it to be, before dashing back to the elevator. Norton was still holding up Naib when he reached. The room was only one floor beneath them, and according to the lady at the desk it had just been cleaned.

He slipped the key card into the card holder and pushed the door open, the smell of fresh sheets greeting them instantly. The three took off their shoes by the door and stumbled in. Norton carried Naib over to the bed and gently lay him there. He loosened the mercenary's tie so it wouldn't be uncomfortable.

"You get some rest okay? Jack and I will be awake if you need anything-"

Naib yanked him down by the collar.

"You said you didn't like sharing me earlier right?"

"What about it?"

"Since when did I become something you two shared?"

Jack sighed and made his way over after loosening his own tie. Naib tried to stand so he could be somewhat level with Norton, but was only pulled back down by Jack, who was now beneath him.

"If you're gonna 'share' me- At least prove- Gh!"

He held his hand to his mouth as his stomach churned a bit. Alcohol clearly wasn't meant for him, not this much anyway. Norton got on top of him, leaning close to him. Naib could feel his cheeks heating up to the point not even alcohol could.

"So how do you want us to prove it hm?~ Is this why you wanted us to book this room?"

Jack chuckled, his breath tickling the back of Naib's neck. The other male shuddered as he felt Norton's hands moving to his chest, unbuttoning his shirt. Naib startled, trying to get up. Jack took his wrists in a firm grasp and held them on either side of him as Norton trapped him under his weight.

"You wanted us to prove it..."

"... And so we will~"

Jack pressed a kiss to the mercenary's neck as Norton pulled Naib's shirt down slowly. His hands moved to Naib's belt, unbuckling it and sliding it out. Naib flinched when he felt teeth biting on the skin on his neck, letting out a small whimper.

"Jack you fucking asshole..."

"It'll be your asshole we're fucking anyway~"

"W-wait 'we'?!"

He was silenced with a kiss to his lips, and although he'd never kissed anyone at all before, his head was spinning too much for him to push Jack away. He hadn't even realised Norton had thrown his pants to the side until he felt a hand on his member, slowly palming it. He sucked in a sharp breath, arching away from Jack. Norton chuckled and got up, leaning over Naib. He extended two fingers in front of Naib and poked his lips.

"Open wide~"

Naib parted his lips to take in the two digits, slowly licking and sucking. Jack removed his own shirt and folded it before tossing it onto a nearby chair. He pulled Naib back down, running his hands across his chest and abdomen, tracing the faint scars on his skin and toying with his nipples slightly. Naib let out a soft moan as Norton palmed him with another hand.

"You might wanna be prepared for this..."

Jack whispered into his ear as Norton pulled his fingers out and slid down. Naib tilted his head over, confused. Then he felt the pain in his lower region spike, drawing a soft yelp from his parted lips. He felt Jack intertwine his fingers between his, holding his hand tightly. Norton worked his fingers inside Naib, gentle and careful not to hurt him. Jack reached over and lowered the air conditioner temperature as Naib squirmed around.

Feeling bad for the other male, he reached down to his member, slowly rubbing and thumbing the slit.

"Jack- Ha... You bastard... Nngh!~"

His back arched away from Jack's abdomen. Norton shot Jack an accusing look, doing poorly to conceal his smirk.

"You're making him clench up y'know?"

Naib let out a small whine, closing his eyes. He felt Jack's hand slowly jerking him off as Norton added another finger. He felt more pleasure than pain now as he leaned against Jack's chest, gasping for air. If he were to be completely honest with himself, he felt slightly scared. This was his first time, and the idea of having two was very overwhelming. Even so, he tried his best to relax, and let the other to do whatever they needed to.

"Can we enter now..?"

"Wait... We?"

Naib stared at him in disbelief. Norton already slipped his pants off, and so did Jack, though with some difficulty. The mercenary couldn't help but gawk, his heart pounding away. Norton smirked, positioning himself against Naib, as did Jack. A soft cry tore from Naib's throat as he felt the both of them slip in slowly, stretching his walls. Jack pressed loving kisses on his neck as Norton reached down, slowly massaging.

"You're gonna be so sore tomorrow..."

Jack whispered softly into Naib's ear, even though he doubted the mercenary heard as he whimpered. Eventually they were both halfway in and Naib managed to catch his breath.

"Can we start moving..?"

Naib slowly nodded. Jack held his hand in his own before he began to move, and so did Norton. The mercenary gasped as he felt the friction of both their members rubbing against his walls, stretching him close to the borders of pain. He could hear Jack softly grunting in his ear along with squelching noises. Thank god for the cool air from the air conditioner, or he would've passed out from the heat his body was radiating.

"Are you doing alright?"

"Ha~ Y-yea..- Just k-Ah! Keep m-moving..~"

Norton leaned down and gripped his chin, forcing Naib to look into his eyes. He smirked.

"Didn't know a mercenary like you could take dick so well~"

Naib shut his eyes as he let out a loud moan. He could feel his muscles clenching as the other two males plunged deep into him, hitting spots that made him see stars. Norton gripped his thighs to stop them from clenching as Jack wrapped his arms around Naib's slim waist, holding him close to his body.

"N-Norton!~ Jack- Haa!~"

He could feel tears threatening to spill from his eyes, but it wasn't from pain. No doubt he would be extremely tired later from all this screaming. He was already feeling close, tightening around the two of them. Norton, who was on top of Naib supporting himself with his arms, was already panting, visibly close as well.

"Naib... Subedar... Ha..."

Norton snuck a hand down to Naib's neglected member, giving it a few pumps before holding his thumb over the slit.

"Norton?! Nngh- L-let me- Hah!~"

Norton smirked before letting go. White ribbons spurted out as Naib gasped, letting out a long, satisfied moan. The other two finished as well, Jack letting out a low groan as he buried his face against the crook of Naib's neck. Naib leaned back against Jack's chest, eyes already closing.

"You did so well for us..."

"So have we proven enough for you?"

There was no reply. Naib had already fallen asleep between them.

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