Chap. 29

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A young secretary runs to the office, checking her watch every now and then. She should've set her alarm a few more minutes earlier, then she wouldn't have to be running late. When she saw the building, she stopped to catch her breath and check her watch. Ten minutes remaining. With that, she decided there was enough time. What she never planned or prepared for was for arms to grab her from behind and have something sharp jabbed into her neck. As the world blackened before her, screams fading in her throat, a familiar voice whispered,

"Don't worry, just stay still and comply."


Eli yawned as he stared at the sheets of music laid out in front of him. Aesop was sprawled beside him, looking through the sheets lazily. He'd went through the pains to find his old folder of music sheets from his lessons. Eli had picked out a few easy songs and set them aside. Neither realised it was already quite late until Freki came over and nudged Aesop for dinner. The two quickly gathered the papers and placed them in the folder.

As Eli waited by the door for Aesop, who had gone to feed the Samoyeds. He was humming a small part of the tune that Aesop had been playing earlier. The male soon approached and unlocked the car. They were dressed in simple yet formal suits. Thankfully Aesop had one that fitted Eli.

"So where are we going?"

"It's a surprise, but you'd wanna prepare for quite a long ride."

Eli raised his eyebrow but asked no more. The two sat in silence as Aesop drove through the traffic into the outskirts. Eli missed being in this part of the city, having never went back since he moved out. The sun shone warm in the sky, bright orange. Unconsciously, he leaned against the window, pressing close to it.

"Like the view out here?"

"Oh? Oh, yea. I haven't seen this view in a while..."

"You know what else looks good?"


"You. On my bed. With nothing on you."

Eli felt a blush creep into his cheeks as he turned away from Aesop, who chuckled to himself. He patted Eli's head and went back to concentrating on driving. The executive leaned into his seat, starting to feel a little sleepy, but he pinched himself to stay awake so he could enjoy more of the view as the concrete jungle of a city was left behind. Eventually they turned into a small village. Eli noticed the small outlines of the shore and huts. As Aesop drove on, Eli noticed a small tent in the distance. He turned a corner and parked his car.

"We're here~"

Eli got out, enjoying the fresh sea breeze. The trees swayed as they walked down a paved path. A waiter welcomed them in the tent and brought them to a table. A menu was passed to them, which consisted of mostly seafoods. Seeing that Eli was clearly confused and slightly overwhelmed by the menu, Aesop did the ordering for him. Eli could only stare at the menu, trying to figure out what the food was.

"Trust me, you'll love this."

Aesop smiled as he reached over and held Eli's hand. He lead Eli over to the edge of the tent as they stared into the crashing waves, savouring the silence. Eli could see the seagulls in the distance, he could hear the sounds of waves crashing into the huge rocks, and he could feel as Aesop wrapped his arms around his waist, pulling him into a warm embrace. The waiter approached them and said the food was ready.

The two returned to the table, where large platters of fish, shrimp and lobster awaited. Eli could only gawk as he took in the sight. Never has he had this much seafood before him, mostly only fish. Aesop took a spoonful from the lobster dish and let Eli have a taste.

"This is lobster bisque, their signature in fact. Like it?"

Eli nodded, feeling the warm soup slide down in his belly. Eager for more, he reached for the other dishes. Soon, the plates were empty and the two were full. The waiter offered some desserts, which they accepted. Aesop made a mental reminder to leave a generous tip for the great service as he swallowed the smooth pudding. Eli was already back to staring at the waves, the warm glow of the sun reflected on his face.

"Wanna have a walk before we go?"

The other male eagerly got up. Aesop got up too, leaving a tip under his plate and a small candy before following the other male. They strolled along the beach, picking up a few shells along the way. By the time they returned to the car, there was sand in Eli's shoes and Aesop was holding an armful of shells. They put the shells in Aesop's pocket after much bickering because neither wanted sand in their clothes.

The moon hung high by the time they arrived back home. The maids were getting worried they were never going to return. After a warm bath (together) they cuddled in Aesop's bed for a while. Aesop was cleaning the shells with a tissue and setting them on his nightstand. Eli watched as the male carefully cleaned every corner of the shell, eventually falling asleep.

"Good night Eli..."

Eli hummed in response as sleep took over his body. Eventually Aesop fell asleep too, not bothered that Eli was still lying on his chest. The weight comforted him as he pressed a kiss to Eli's head, hugging him to sleep.

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