Chap 49. (NSFW)

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The room felt quite warm to Eli as his pants slipped off, leaving him in only his underwear. He huffed and stared at Aesop, who still had his clothes on.

"A bit unfair don't you think..?"

The other male only chuckled slightly as he loosened his own belt.

"Perhaps so~"

Eli pulled him down, undoing the buttons on his shirt as Aesop watched, amused.

"Impatient, aren't we?"

Eli said nothing, knowing Aesop would probably make fun of him later on for it. Aesop threw his shirt to the side as it came unbuttoned, loosening his hair from its usual short ponytail. He noticed Eli gawking slightly and smirked, looming over the other male.

"Staring is a bit rude y'know?"

He said teasingly, much to Eli's embarrassment. He leaned down for a kiss again, grinding down against the other. He could feel Eli's grip tightened around his shoulders as he did so. Eli opened his mouth as he gasped and Aesop took this opportunity to slip his tongue in, running it across every inch of surface before parting, biting Eli's bottom lip.

"Can we get started?"

Eli nodded, already out of breath. Beads of sweat had started forming on his skin as Aesop moved down, slowly pulling away his underwear. Eli couldn't help but cover his face with his hands as Aesop snickered.

"No need for you to be shy. It's just me after all~"

He gave Eli's thighs a sharp bite, sure enough to leave a small bruise on the pale skin. Eli's thighs were already trembling slightly as he felt Aesop getting closer to his erection. The other male didn't seem to mind, rather started toying with it. He gave it a playful lick, a strange feeling pooling in his abdomen as he heard Eli's breath hitch slightly. Sitting up, he began slowly stroking Eli's member with his hand in slow, torturous movements.

"Aes...op? What are you- Hngh!"

He bit down on his tongue, supressing the urge to let out sinful noises as Aesop continued teasing him. A sort of greed made him wish for more, to feel more of this pleasure. He moved his hips up, almost thrusting into Aesop's hand. He could already taste coppery blood on his tongue as he bit down hard.


He whispered the other's name over and over again as he felt himself get closer. Aesop could feel his own member throbbing. He wanted to be deep inside of Eli, but he knew he had to control himself. Hurting Eli accidentally is the last thing he wanted to do. A loud moan brought him out of his thoughts as Eli's hands clenched around the sheets, head thrown back. Aesop looked down at his hand, covered in warm, sticky liquid. The other male, despite having already came and was breathing heavily, was still hard in his hand. Being a tease, he lifted his hand to his lips and licked off the liquid, smirking. Eli let out a soft groan.

"Can you please just-... Ha... Get on with it?"

Aesop raised an eyebrow, but said nothing else as he slipped off his own underwear. He lifted Eli's left thigh slightly and looked over at the male.

No turning back?

Eli nodded his head. Aesop leaned down and gave him slow kisses.

"It might hurt..."

He slid two fingers in. They were already slick from the seed that Eli had spilled, working more or less like lube. Eli flinched at the sudden intrusion, holding on tight to Aesop. He left soft kisses all over Eli's neck, moving down to his collarbone and his chest, leaving red and purple hickeys all over the unblemished skin. He shifted Eli's body higher up on the pillows, trying his best to make sure the other male was comfortable. He moved his fingers around inside of Eli, feeling the warm walls stretching around his fingers, clenching at certain points.

"Is this okay?"

His voice was low, raspy. Eli was gasping for air as he felt the fingers work around inside of him. Aesop desperately wanted this to be faster, but he forced himself to be more patient. Slowly, he added another finger in, beginning to slide them in and out. Eli let a small tear slide past his eyes as a quiet whimper escaped his lips. Aesop looked up, alarmed.

"Are you okay..? Do you want to stop and just cuddle?"

Eli shook his head, entwining his fingers in Aesop's hair.

"Just continue..."

Aesop smiled softly, continuing to move his fingers as Eli's chest rose and fell rapidly. He left kisses all over his thighs and abdomen. About a few minutes later Aesop pulled out his fingers. Eli almost whined at the loss as he pushed against Aesop.

"I'll uh... I'll be entering now, okay?"

Eli looked a little scared as Aesop shifted himself. He lay on top of Eli, leaving dark hickeys all over his neck and collarbone as he slowly slid in. Eli let out a choked yell as he sank deeper into the bed, trying his best not to tense up too much. Aesop was also breathing in roughly, soft grunts escaping his lips.

"Aesop- Ah!~ T-too deep!-"

His back arched as he tried to take Aesop in all at once, which proved to be way more than he prepared for. Aesop sheathed himself within Eli completely, holding himself up and checking on the other male. Eli nodded slowly, urging him to go on. Aesop began moving his hips, thrusting into Eli slowly. Once he made sure the male had adjusted, he picked up the pace. He reached up to Eli's chest, tugging slightly at his hardened rosy buds.

Eli's moans gradually became louder too as Aesop's hips slammed against his. He wanted to cover his face, to hide himself from Aesop so he wouldn't have to feel so embarrassed. He moved his hand up to cover his face and mouth, but felt a strong grip on his wrists yanking them up.

"No hiding- I want to see and hear you screaming my name as you beg for more~"

This sentence only made Eli feel a weird sensation pooling in his abdomen, tightening. Aesop slammed against Eli at a certain angle as the male cried out, stars dotting his vision. Of course, the other male took note of that and continued abusing that area until tears were streaming down Eli's cheeks. Faintly he felt a hand wrap around his throat, lightly pressing down. He could feel that his high was near, and Aesop probably was too. He struggled to speak as saliva dripped from the corner of his lips, moans drowning out his words.

"Aesop! Hngh!~ I'm close-"

Just as he finished speaking, he saw small black spots burst. The tight knot in his stomach unravelled as he came once again, spilling onto his stomach. He felt Aesop pull out as he finished as well, warm liquid spattering onto Eli's bruised thighs. He slowly lowered himself beside Eli's limp body, wrapping his arms around his waist. Eli gasped for air, stars still dancing in his vision as sweat soaked into the pillow under him.

"You alright?.."

"Hah... Mhm..."

He turned around, wincing as he did so, and sunk into Aesop's embrace.

"You're so sweaty..."

"Haha, you are as well..."

Eli huffed. He was already feeling drowsy, and no doubt his back would ache the next morning. He felt Aesop lean over and give him a kiss before falling asleep, exhausted.

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