3. Diggory

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Astoria stepped out of the magical carriage and found herself standing in front of an enchanted castle. She found herself admiring the view from a nearby edge. She caught sight of a few of the Hogwarts students, some of them were young and many seemed to be around her age. Astoria pondered on why they were wearing such long, gaudy, robes. She was not in France anymore. The Beauxbaton ladies wore a light blue hat, followed by a jacket and a form fitted skirt. Many girls, including Astoria, wore heels with stockings and some just wore the Maryjane heels that were approved by the dress code. Madam Maxime preferred her girls to look like proper well-dressed ladies, so she was adamant with her dress codes.

"Alright ladies you are to wait here until we are called upon" Madam Maxime stated, and turned on her heel to face the doors, preparing for them to open.

Astoria heard the headmaster, Albus Dumbledore, make the announcement for the girls to enter and they started to file in. As she was making her way inside she locked eyes with several students. Astoria was not interested in proper English men; she would prefer a French man for their hopeless romantic personalities.

"Fleur, let's go exploring the grounds! I am dying to see what our new home is going to be like for the next year." She pleaded as she tugged on Fleur's forarm.

Fleur pondered about her friends request and said, "You know we're not supposed to leave the dorms after curfew. Madam Maxime will have our heads. You can go, but I am staying. No way am I getting sent back to France before I even have a chance to enter the tournament."

Astoria let out a huff of frustration and decided to go on her own. She put on a blue Beauxbaton jumper, grabbed her cigarettes and strode out the door to explore the grounds at night.

Astoria walked along the castle halls until she could find an exit. She desperately needed a cigarette. She has not had one since she left the academy. Astoria developed the habit of smoking from her ex-lover. He was an Italian wizard who constantly kept her on her toes with anxiety, and one day handed her a pack and told her to "calm down." That was a year ago. She has smoked everyday since.

Astoria sat outside on a ledge, taking drags of her cigarette and looking up at the sky. She was worried about when she would see Daphne. Is she going to be happy to see her? Astoria had not seen her at the entrance ceremony. Was Daphne avoiding her sister or was it a coincidence she was absent for Astoria's arrival?

After a few more moments of being alone with her thoughts Astoria decided to head back to her chambers and retire. Just as she turned a dark corner she ran into a solid human figure.

" Bloody hell! Fucking watch where you're going." Sternly said the pale figure standing before her.

"Oh-sorr- wait what the hell did you just say to me?" Astoria said while staring up at the man before her.

"I said.." the pale figure inched closer to Astoria's face. "Watch where you are fucking going next time you bobble-head Beauxbaton." The blond boy spat. With that the figure brushed against her side and left.

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