42. Shrieking Shack

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Astoria found herself awake in the early morning to the sound of Lilla's heavy breathing in her sleep. She rolled over onto her side and watched as her friend in a careless slumber. The clock on the wall said it was three in the morning and Astoria did not want to be alone tonight. She carefully slipped out of her covers and slipped out of her dorm.

She carefully walked down the Slytherin dorms until she made it to Draco's dormitory. Astoria effortlessly charmed the locked door and peered inside. Theo was snoring loudly and Zabini was doing the same. Astoria saw Draco looking beautiful as he slept. She wondered if she wanted to disturb him, but she figured right now was as good a time as any to do something bold.

Astoria crept over to his bed and slide under his covers. Draco jolted awake and cursed under his breath lowly.

"Shh it's just me. Couldn't sleep." Astoria whispered peering into his exhausted looking eyes.

Draco positioned himself so he could meet her eyes more properly. He lifted his hand and cupped her face.

"Are you nervous?" Draco inquired in a whisper.

Astoria was pathetically nervous for what was going to happen to her at sundown. She was nervous that she was going to lose her memories, lose the people she loved or end up being killed for double-crossing the Dark Lord's wishes. Memories of living in France, being oblivious to what her future entailed, flooded her mind constantly. Astoria desired to study and create art in Italy, she wanted nothing more than to express her life through the strokes of a brush. The feeling of never being able to experience what she desired most out of life left Astoria feeling empty.

"Cool as a cucumber." She lied.

She buried her face in his chest and he continued to stroke her hair. If only she could freeze time and live in this moment for the rest of her days.

"Promise me, you will never leave." Draco whispered into her ear.

Astoria felt her heart skip a beat and she exhaled.

"Promise." She said plainly.

Draco continued to stroke Astoria's hair gently as she felt herself fading. She started to feel his strokes becoming faint, and his chest beginning to rise higher from deep breathing. Astoria felt Draco fall asleep beneath her and felt every twitch his body made. She tilted her head up to capture what he looked like in this moment. His eyes closed, his mouth slightly open and his hair perfectly askew. She placed her hand around his torso and began to lightly trace with her fingernails.

"I love you." She whispered to herself.

Astoria knew Draco was asleep in this moment, and she wanted to say it aloud so she could admit it to herself. She was falling into a rabbit hole with the man that slept beneath her. Astoria did not know when the falling would end, or if it ever would. All she knew was she would put Draco before herself. She chalked up everything she felt for Draco and poured it into the realization that she was in love with him.

Always, Astoria Where stories live. Discover now