12. Sorting Hat

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A Beaxubaton uniform. A Hogwarts sweatshirt. A pair of blue Mary-jane heels. All items being tightly packed in the trunk marked "A. Greengrass."

Astoria's eyes scanned her dormitory. She ran her fingers along the dresser, and she knew this would be the last moment in her dorm with Fleur.

Fleur had been her roommate for almost four years and now they were going their separate ways.

Fleur has concluded her education and was planning on traveling to Romania to study dragons. The first task of the Triwizard tournament sparked a hidden interest for the magical creatures, that she wanted to study them up close and personal.

Astoria was not going to return to France to finish her education at Beauxbaton Academy, instead she was going to become a true Hogwarts student.

She had not told her parents yet of her decision, but she knew her mother was not going to take it lightly. Eloise Greengrass had been a cultured French woman and she also attended Beauxbaton. Her hope would be that one of her daughters would follow in her footsteps and carry on the Beauxbaton tradition. Astoria almost did, she was hoping that would be enough for her mother.

Something in Hogwarts was pulling Astoria. She felt more at home there than anywhere else.

Astoria and Fleur made their way to the train platform. Fleur would be traveling back to France to say farewell to her family before her departure to Romania, so she was taking the carriage back to Beauxbaton.

Astoria decided it was best to travel the Hogwarts Express home with Daphne so she could meet her parents at the train station.

"You sure you will be alright here next term without me?" Fleur asked Astoria while putting her arm around her.

"Yes, Fleur. Trust me I will be fine. Even though this year has been, trying, I am looking forward to what the next term has in store. Now that Daphne does not loathe me anymore, we can start to build back our friendship."

Astoria and Fleur arrived at the platform to find Lilla, Pansy, Blaise and Draco already to board the train.

Lilla was going to be spending the summer with Astoria and Daphne in England. Lilla's homelife was not a splendid one so whenever she had the offer to spend her summer vacation elsewhere, she leaped at the opportunity.

"Tori! Holy shit I am glad you are doing better. You gave us such a freight at the last game. I thought you were having a seizure!" Pansy quickly ran to her friend and pulled her into a tight hug.

"Yeah, well, thank goodness it was just a migraine attack. I get those from time to time and they can be quite brutal."

Astoria has not spoken to Draco about when he apparated her to the infirmary the day she nearly passed out.

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