11. The Maze

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It had been a few months since the night of the Yule Ball. Astoria spent most of her days perfecting her legilimency and decided to start painting again.

She had a few encounters with her sister Daphne over the past months.

"I am quite excited for this year to conclude, because then your ratty ass will return to France and you will finally leave Cedric and I alone." Daphne said in her sisters face with the snare of a tiger.

"Daphne. Do not think you are anymore better than I. Just remember every time Cedric touches you, it's my body he is thinking about." Astoria said in her sister's face.

Astoria and her sister have not spoken much since. She knew Daphne resented her for shagging Cedric while they were "on a break." Astoria did not even know what a relationship break was.

She figured you are either together or you are not.

It was different relationship culture in France. When a man and woman started to shag up together, they stayed together out of respect. People did not "sleep around" while being committed to another.

Astoria needed to put Cedric to the back of her mind.

She has had a few encounters with Cedric over the past few months, but they were not as pleasant as her encounters with Daphne.

"Ria. I am sorry. Do not listen to what Daphne says. I never used you. I cared so much for you." Cedric said as he tugged on Astoria's arm as she was attempting to avoid his presence.

Astoria turned around to face the man that betrayed her most.

"Cedric. I hope you are happy with your decision in the Greengrass girls. You did have the one who was willing to show you the kind of love you never dreamed of. You threw it away for my twit of a sister." Astoria leaned in closer to Cedric and whispered into his ear. "When you make love to my sister. Just remember it's my face you once saw beneath you." Astoria raised her eyebrows at him and walked away.

She has not had an encounter with the brunette since then.

Astoria was conflicted if she wanted to go back to France to finish off her education at Beauxbaton Academy.

She knew that was the best option for her. Considering all her friends would be going back and the one family member she had at Hogwarts would thrive from seeing her being thrown off the astronomy tower.

Something inside of Astoria was telling her to say in England. To study at Hogwarts.

She decided to consult with her most knowledgeable and reasonable friend, Fleur Delacour.

Astoria was laying on her back on her bed while just staring at her ceiling, hoping to fall asleep, but she knew she wanted to have this conversation with Fleur.

Always, Astoria Where stories live. Discover now