76. Break Free

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Draco relished in the memory of when his fingers brushed with hers for a second before his cage descended into the ground. He knew behind the magic of the potion lived his wife, Astoria.

She never should have attended his trial, he never wanted her too. Why didn't Andromeda or Pansy forbid her from stepping within the Ministry? Astoria was already in enough danger with the Dark Lord after their unborn child.

Soon, his soul would be forcibly removed by the crushing kiss of a dementor. It was written in his Defense Against the Dark Arts textbook that a Dementor's Kiss is a fate worse than death. If that was true, then Draco hoped for death.

But if he died then he would leave behind everyone he loved, his wife, his friends, even his unforgiveable mother.

The Wizengamot tried against him, which was no surprise, given his records. He wished he would have spoken more passionately for his life, but maybe his passion was washed away. How can anyone develop hope behind the walls of a cell?

Even with Granger's testimonies it was no use. Draco knew how she felt about him, and how she was trying to use every trick in the book to try and convince the council to set him free. Even after all this time, Granger fought for him, but it wasn't enough. Nothing was ever enough anymore.


Hermione sprinted to the exit of the courtroom when she heard people screaming from within the entrance of the Ministry. It appeared that her hunch was correct, Astoria snuck into the Ministry to witness Draco's trial.

Just before Hermione could catch up to her, Astoria and Theo jumped into the Floo and vanished. She hastened up to her office as quick as she could to gather her thoughts.

One thing was for certain, she was not going to let the Dementor's suck out Draco's soul, even if it was already damned.

She needed a plan to help him escape, and quick. How could she sneak Draco out of the dungeons without anyone noticing?

Hermione lifted her wand to conjure a Patronus message to her husband, George Weasley. "Get to my office, it is an emergency." Her glowing otter flitted out her window and she could do nothing but sit, worry, and wait. The plan she was developing in her head was mad, but fool-proof.

After what seemed like hours, her red-haired husband burst into her office with his magenta suit jacket and worried expression.

"'Mione? What is it? What's happened?" George said while placing his hands firmly on her shoulders.

How was Hermione to phrase this carefully to her husband? There was no correct way that she needed his help to save her first love from a murderous kiss.

"If I needed something from you, would you give it to me without question?"

George furrowed his brows and shook his head in disbelief. "Wha—what'd you mean?"

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