10. Owner

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A few days had passed since Astoria's initial arrival to Malfoy Manor. A day prior she received an owl from one of her oldest friends, Lilla Dubois.


Meet me in London tomorrow for a conversation.
You know where to go.


Lilla always kept her letters short for discretionary purposes. Astoria did indeed know where to meet her. When she was in school with Lilla, they sometimes would apparate to London and drink at a certain muggle pub. It was their way of escaping the stress of the world of magic.

Astoria slipped on a black pencil skirt, black stockings, a cream-colored blouse, her nude strap heels and slapped on another layer of red lipstick.

She was walking out the front door of the manor when Draco noticed her.

"Going out?" He shut the door in front of her and appeared in front of her face with an inquisitive expression.

"Indeed. Just for a couple of hours. Try not to miss me too much." Astoria shot Draco a wink and smacked his hand away from the doorknob, and apparated instantly.

After a second she re-appeared behind a building in London. She realized she had not been to London in a few years and she missed it.

Astoria loved the city life and the constant change lifestyle. She thrived off high-society life and showing off what she had. Astoria walked into the muggle pub and immediately spotted Lilla at a table in the corner.

"Why, Hello you little whore!" Lilla pulled Astoria into a quick embrace and gave her a warm smile.

"You look ravishing Mrs. Dolohov. How is Antonin these days? I have not seen him in ages."

Lilla had married known death eater, Antonin Dolohov. One of the most ruthless death eaters there was. The only known witch and wizard to match his magic were Bellatrix Lestrange and Severus Snape.

"Oh, he is just dandy. You know Antonin. Now, doll, I called you here for a reason. I had to tell you this first before he got a hold of you. I have to give you this as a warning." Astoria's face instantly fell, and she felt a knot form in her stomach. Her palms began to clam.

"Lilla. What is going on?" Lilla lowered her eyes. She looked nervous.

"Astoria, The Dark Lord is demanding Draco re-join his place in court. He is unhappy with how Lucius is handling his work and the dark lord will be demanding Draco to return. I heard him say at the last meeting the Malfoy's are displeasing him greatly, and their only chance for redemption is if Draco finishes his father's work. He also- erm- mentioned you..." Lilla stopped herself and began to fidget with the glass she had in front of her.

Astoria extended her hand and placed it on Lilla's and gave her a warm smile.

"What about me? What will he have me do now? I am already to marry Draco, what else could he possibly wish of me?" Astoria inquired lowly.

Lilla leaned forward, still holding Astoria's hand.

"The Dark Lord demands that you stand by his side if Draco fails to finish his fathers work. He treasures you, Astoria. The only reason he is tasking you with marrying into the Malfoy family is so you will always have a place in court with him. You know a woman cannot hold her own status in the Dark Lord's court unless she is married to one of his loyal followers."Lilla murmured.

Astoria took a short breath and began to organize her thoughts. Most important to less important.

"Lilla, what is Lucius' work that the dark lord assigned him?" Astoria spat.

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