28. Diagon Alley

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A bed with a canopy, lined with a red comforter that had a flower design. A bookshelf with an entwined enchantment with an endless supply of novels. Astoria spent most of her days tucked away in her room, writing letters, reading magical and muggle novels. She attempted to create a painting, but not enough light shined through her window.

Cokeworth is a large town located in England and is home to endless amounts of industrial workers. The air filled with smog and the sun hardly ever shined down on the people. Snape barely ever let Astoria out of Spinner's End for her protection. Protection from what Astoria had no idea.

Her new term is to begin at Hogwarts in two weeks and Astoria was less than prepared. She had none of her textbooks or supplies. Astoria was entering her sixth year and she was determined to make this year one she never forgot.

Astoria's parents sent her eighteen galleons for new books, robes, and anything else she needed for the start of the term. Her parents sent her more than what was needed but she assumed they were trying to provide for her as best they could.

She needed her supplies, and was determined to get them in the best place. Diagon Alley. Astoria tied her hair back behind her head, slipped on a pair of black dress pants and a dark colored blouse.

She ascended down the staircase to find Snape reading the Daily Prophet while sipping on his morning tea. Snape enjoyed his daily rituals so Astoria did not usually disturb him in the mornings, or ever if she could help it. Astoria and Snape were not particularly friends, but he was her guardian for the time being.

When Astoria realized Snape was part of the Dark Lord's council she was not surprised. Snape often gave the intentions that his heart was dark, and he wanted nothing to do with light magic. Out of all the choices on the council for her housing, she was not surprised she had been told to go with Snape. Afterall, Snape knew her from classes. Knew her true intention and was given strict instructions. Keep her safe and slowly guide her through her journey.

She peaked around the corner and held onto her satchel tightly.

"I-I am going to Diagon Alley. I need school supplies." She squeaked out.

She was not afraid of Snape but rather intimidated by his slow talking and his mannerisms.

Snape, without looking away from the paper, spoke sternly. "Do you think I would allow you to go traipsing around Diagon Alley unaccompanied?"

She rolled her eyes and shifted her stance.

"I need to get out of here. Just for a few hours. You cannot keep me locked u-"

Snape threw the newspaper on the table and glared at Astoria.

"I was given strict orders to keep you out of harms way." Snake spat. Moments later he paused and lifted his teacup to his mouth. "I do not intend on breaking orders, Astoria."

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