27. Rune

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The table where the Death Eaters stretched as far as the room did. The fireplace roared, and the room was dead silent. Not even a mouse dared to make a sound.

It seemed as if some members of the council knew exactly who Astoria was, but some were oblivious. Sixteen years ago, when the Dark Lord's followers were minimal, only a select few were chosen to know about the contract.

Draco's eyes were wandering around the room curiously. His foot began to tap impatiently on the floor. He began to fiddle with his rings that sat on his fingers. His face remained expressionless. He turned to his right to face his mother, Narcissa.

"Why was she brought here? What business is it of hers?" Draco inquired lowly.

"It twas' her sister that the Dark Lord captured, Draco." Narcissa said flatly.

Draco was still confused. He began to grow more impatient. His foot tapping began to become more apparent to the rest of the council.

"She should not be here. She is nothing. She is- "

"Darling. Listen to me." Narcissa lowered her head and pondered about her next thoughts.

Narcissa needed to be quite careful with her wording. The Dark Lord would not appreciate her explaining what his news was to share. Astoria was a carefully preserved secret. Only wizards of great power know the legend, and only followers of close conduct, know the truth. Draco was not a member of the high council, yet. He was instructed to attend meetings so he would be ready for his future position amongst his family.

"That young lady... is..." She stopped herself briefly and took Draco's hand. "Talk to her. You may find one day you share a common grief." Narcissa said while giving her son a warm smile and squeezing his hand.

A common grief? Interesting.

Minutes went by and still not a sound was made from inside the room. No one at the table could even fathom what was happening beyond the door. Was Astoria being tortured? Had the Dark Lord finished off Daphne and made Astoria watch? So many ideas being tossed around silently through the dark minds that occupied the dining table.

Malfoy leaned forward onto the table, with his hands clasped and his mouth brushing up against his rings. His foot tapping was in full swing and every thirty seconds his eyes shot to the door. Hoping for it to open. Hoping for any kind of sign that life was still there beyond the door.

Without any warning the doors flung open. Lucius ran toward the door, flicked his wand and the levitating Daphne Greengrass disappeared. Astoria began to walk out of the room. Slowly, every step sharp. Her hands clasped at her back and her head held high. The expression on her face was stone cold.

Her eyes met with Draco's at the table. She gave him not a smile, not an eye roll, not a peep. Draco's faintly furrowed his brows toward her, but she showed no reciprocation.

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