14. The Girl in the Canvas

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A few days had passed. Astoria felt herself drawing more and more into herself. She was becoming introverted. She began questioning her decision to transfer to Hogwarts.

Why did she want to go through such a culture shock?


Or was she becoming bored with the person she was turning into in France.

She figured if she did not return to France then the girl who had no chance at a soaring future would die.

Astoria stuck close to Pansy. She was using her as her own protective shield. Mentally, if Malfoy would approach and call her a whore again, she might break down.

She was strong willed, but everyone has a boiling point.

Since Astoria was sorted into Slytherin house she did not see much of Daphne, since she was in Ravenclaw. She could not even consult her sister on the matter.

Astoria did not want a pity party. She could fix this on her own.

The migraines were becoming more prominent. More painful. Astoria was sneaking cranial pain relief potions from Professor Snape's stores. She needed something to take the edge off.

Before she stepped out the lavatory stall, she downed the potion and met Pansy outside for a smoke.

The girls lit up both their cigarettes, took deep inhales and exhales.

They enjoyed sitting on the ledge of the quad area and enjoying the crisp air.

It would start to get cold soon, so Astoria soaked in all the vitamin D from the sun onto her skin.

"You look like hell, doll." Pansy regarded.

"Gee. Thanks. Like I did not know already." Astoria rolled her eyes and continued taking hits of her cigarette.

"I'm just saying I am worried for you. You are starting to become quite pale Astoria. You barely eat when we are at meals. What is going on with you? This is not like yo- "

"Then what am I like! Do you know! I certainly do not anymore. Oh. Wait I do know. I am the whore of Slytherin." Astoria spat.

Pansy let out a playful chuckle. "No, that is me, darling."

"This is not funny Pansy. Malfoy said- "

"Poppycock what Malfoy says. You are NO whore, Astoria. You are a Greengrass."

"That's what I am always told. You're a Greengrass, act as so." Astoria rolled her eyes and wrapped her arms around her knees.  "I do not understand how you can fancy such a spoiled jerk of a rich boy." Astoria spat.

"So, this is about Draco?" Pansy said surprised.

"Draco and I have been friends since our first year. We have a bond. He was also my first and I regard him differently. I have always fancied him. I just told you that so I could get some advice from someone who did not know us as a couple." Pansy admitted.

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