44. Headmaster

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Before Draco could form another coherent thought Malfoy Manor began to flood with Death Eaters. Bellatrix LeStrange came bustling in with a mad like cackle, Antonin Dolohov strutted in with a suitcase, and so many more dark figures filed into the formal dining room. Lucius apparated back hurried toward his wife and son.

"Straighten up. The Dark Lord will be here any moment. An emergency meeting was called. Cissa let us go." Lucius stated coldly as he held out his cane guiding Narcissa into the dining room.

Draco felt himself falter; his feet felt stuck in position until Bellatrix crept toward him. Her hair black, curly, and amiss as always. When she smiled her teeth stained yellow and rotted from lack of hygiene. All the years in Azkaban did a number on her appearance and mental state.

"There—he is! The boy of the hour!" Bellatrix said boldly while attempting to touch Draco's cheek, but he curved her hand.

"Aunt Bella." Draco said coldly while giving her a low nod.

Draco took a seat next to his father at the dining table and locked eyes with the members of the council. He felt the urge to ask Dolohov where Lilla was, but he resisted. For it was too risky to show affection toward one of Astoria's friends, it may blow his cover of being uninvolved with her.

The minutes that passed felt like hours until Wormtail scurried into the room. Peter Pettigrew (Wormtail) was a short, plump, and precautious little man. Wormtail's life revolved around caring for the Dark Lord and being his loyal servant, for he did not need a runic imprint to show his servitude.

"The Da-Dark Lord is her-here--!" Wormtail stated almost in a frightening way.

When Draco peered his eyes over to the entrance, he saw Lord Voldemort. Voldemort was dressed in his usual black robes, no shoes, and the being followed by his pet snake, Nagini. Draco felt himself shutter when Nagini began to slither along the floor near his feet. Snakes never bothered him, but there was something about that snake that made Draco's blood thin.

"Welcome my friends. I am pleased to have you all here. I am sure you are wondering why I have summoned you. As I am sure you have noticed we are missing an important friend, Severus. Severus is off on important matters tending to an important benefactor to our future together." Voldemort paused and for a slight moment he glared into Draco's eyes.

Draco felt his heart skip a beat, but he never broke eye contact. If he broke the eye contact it would show weakness, and that he had something to hide. Only a select few know the truth regarding the depth of Draco and Astoria's relationship. Still in these times Astoria belonged to Lord Voldemort. Hermione and Draco may have switched the dark magic so it could not harm Astoria further, but it is impossible to sever the bond unless it is done by Voldemort himself. The thought of Astoria never fully having her freedom made Draco rethink his entire purpose. He only ever wanted to protect her from the mess her parents created for her.

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