24. Patronus

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The dummy flitted from person to person. Hovering over the floor. Finally, the dummy made its way over to Astoria.

"Confringo!" The dummy rose before her and slightly began to crumble. The crowd went silent.

Astoria imagined it was him. Her master coming for her. To steal her away from the people she loved. The life she built for herself. It was bottled and she released some of the anger onto this dummy.

Her shoulders shuddered slightly at the sudden release of powerful magic. She slowly lowered her wand and scanned the room.

All eyes were on her. Some astonished. Some looking at one another with bewildering facial expressions. No one in this room, except for Daphne, had seen her use her magic. All the students here were Gryffindors, with a handful of Ravenclaws. No other Slytherin's and no Hufflepuff's.

"Fantastic. Absolutely brilliant, Tori." Harry said while taking his stance over the demolished dummy.

"Now that we are all warmed up. It is time for us to start an advanced lesson. This spell will allow you to ward off Dementors and allow you to conjure a patronus. Your patronus will take the shape of an animal. Now, to conjure a patronus charm you must think of a memory. An exceedingly happy memory. A memory that fills your body with joy." Harry began to raise his wand and conjure his patronus.

"Expecto Patronum!"

Harry's patronus was a stag. It was a large white animal that shimmered among the dim lights of the room.

After mere moments, the patronus vanished.

"Now. I want you all to think of your memory and when you are ready cast your own patronus. Do not fret if you cannot conjure one on the first try, this is really advanced stuff."

Astoria walked over to a corner and shut her eyes tight. What would she think of? Cedric? No, too heartbreaking due to his demise. When she first arrived to the Beauxbaton academy? No, she was crying the first week she was there.

Think. Think. Happy thoughts. What makes Astoria Greengrass happy? Not much these days except for a good cigarette. Then it hit her like a shot of fire whiskey.

Astoria closed her eyes and muttered, "Expecto Patronum!"

After a few mere moments. Nothing. No white cast. No white vapor of an animal appeared from her wand.

Astoria closed her eyes once more and imagined the memory. It was as if she was there. She could feel the memory. Smell the air.

"EXPECTO PATRONUM!" She yelled at in angst.

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