18. Unborn Property

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Smoke filled the air. Astoria held the cigarette between her French tipped fingers. She heard someone creep up behind her.

"Tori?" The voice said.

Astoria turned around and it was Harry.

"Oh-hi Harry. I'm sorry I did not hear you come outside." Astoria said lowly.

Harry took a seat on the bench next to Astoria. He seemed to be a little shocked to see her smoking, but Astoria was used to be judging her for her bad habits. Astoria took another drag of the cigarette. She lifted the cigarette up.

"Old habits die hard." She admitted.

Harry leaned in. "Have you been smoking a long time?" Harry asked while trying to sound less judgmental.  Astoria rolled her eyes and stomped on the bud.

"I smoke when I am stressed or need a quick release. I have gotten a load on my mind Harry. I implore you to not lecture me on my bad habits." She nudged him and hoped he would drop the subject.

Astoria noticed Harry's hand was scarred and bruised. It seemed as if someone was carving on his hand with a knife.

"Merlin, Harry. What the hell happened to your hand?" Astoria said and she reached for his hand and inspected it.

Harry quickly snatched it away and hid it under a book.

"I am fine. It is nothing. I had detention with Umbridge, and she has her own ways of discipline." He admitted pathetically.

Dolores Umbridge worked for the Ministry of Magic. She was a beastly woman who always wore a shade of pink bright enough to make anyone gag. Astoria had her for her DADA class, but she kept her head low and her mouth shut to avoid trouble. She knew what Umbridge was capable of and she was not about to have her hand mangled but an enchanted quill.

Which is why Astoria had to result in smoking in secluded areas. Smoking was strictly prohibited on Hogwarts grounds ever since Dolores step foot on school grounds.

"Tori. May I speak plainly?" Harry inquired while meeting her eyes.

Astoria looked up, gave him a warm grin and took Harry's hand in consolation.

"Of course. What is on your mind?"

Harry hesitated for a moment to gather his thoughts, he took a deep breath, and turned to face Astoria.

"I am scared for you. You seem different. I am not sure how to describe it, but whenever I am around you, I get this feeling." He muttered while reaching for his scar.

Astoria nudged at him and smiled.

"Aww Harry are you trying to tell me you fancy me? You shouldn't ha- "

"No. Tori. I am quite serious." Harry interjected sharply. "Something about you is different and it is not simple to explain. Please do not be angry with me but I do not think we should associate with one another any longer. I cannot explain why." Harry said breathlessly.

Astoria was offended. What did he mean she changed? Just because she drank and dabbled at some drugs, once, she was automatically in danger?
Astoria's first thought was to yell at him and leave him astounded by her hurtful words, but she cared about Harry. He was her friend. One of her first when she arrived to Hogwarts last year. Harry was her Yule Ball date when no one else wanted to take her after the Cedric incident.

Astoria collected herself with dignity before she spoke. She did not want to lose Harry right away, so she wanted to be as kind as possible.

She reached up for Harry's cheek and cupped his face. Making his eyes meet hers.

Always, Astoria Where stories live. Discover now