67. Youth Begets Youth

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Astoria was preparing herself for the quick journey by gathering some floo powder in her hands, and standing within the transporting fireplace.

"Nott Manor!"

Astoria closed her eyes and awaited the green flames to fill her surroundings, but nothing happened. Perhaps she did not speak clear enough? She cleared her throat and tried once more.


Astoria scoffed and realized that nothing was happening. The fireplace must be locked, but it could not have been since Draco floo'd seconds before Astoria attempted.

The young witch paced around the living room and racked her brain on why the floo would be locked, then she wondered if Draco traveled safely to Theo's floo.

Astoria did not have her wand to apparate, and without the use of the floo network there was no use of transportation. Draco's broomstick was in the back room, perhaps she could fly? Astoria was never too keen on flying but this could be an emergency. She grabbed the broomstick and raced outside to witness an unexpected guest standing at the foot of the wards.

"Hello, Astoria." Nagini said with her hands clasped at her front.

Astoria held onto the broomstick tightly and tried to act as if nothing was amiss. Pretend she was taking the broom out for a ride.

Why would Nagini be here? If the Dark Lord was summoning the Death Eaters, then she should be at his side, currently, but she was here. Nagini wanted Draco out of the house so she could speak with Astoria in private, which could be the explanation for the floo being locked.

"Nagini! What a pleasant surprise." Astoria trotted down leading at the barrier of the wards. "What brings you here this evening?"

Nagini laughed lowly and began to gaze around the property. Astoria felt her palms beginning to clam, and her anxiety beginning to build. Nagini was the closest person in command with her Master. If Nagini was sent to the safehouse, then it must be for important measure.

"You're living a wonderous life aren't you, Astoria?" Nagini said in a sarcastic tone.

Astoria shifted in her stance and nodded. "Draco and I are quite happy, yes."

In truth, Astoria had not thought much about her previous life with her Master after she arrived at the safehouse. There was an abundance of happiness, that it clouded her unhappy thoughts.

Nagini nodded and pulled out her wand to twirl between her fingers, suddenly her gaze down to Astoria's fingers, and her eyes widened. "I see we are attempting marriage once again. Such a tragedy what happened at your last wedding, what a disaster! Perhaps, this time you will actually get to marry the man. Hopefully, this time it will not rain, and you won't have too--" Nagini said with a chuckle.

Astoria rolled her eyes and did not want to banter with this distant relative of hers, but she could not hold her tongue. "If you are here to mock me then you are free to leave."

Astoria attempted to walk away but Nagini called out. "Oh, now, wait a minute. I came here as a favor to the Dark Lord..." Nagini crossed her arms and planted her weight on her hip, with a smug expression. "He is angry Astoria...When did your Master give you permission to leave England and shack up in this little love nest?"

Astoria felt her blood begin to boil. She was exhausted of people telling her where she could not go or what she could not go. Even though she has told herself countless times in the past that she was tired of being ordered, perhaps this time would be different. This past year with Draco had been a dream come true, and she was not ready for it to end. Astoria wanted to spend her mornings and nights with the man she loved, not the man (or creature) she was owned by.

Always, Astoria Where stories live. Discover now