38. Romania

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Author's Note: I definitely cried while writing this. I would definitely recommend listening to the song, "Harry & Hermione" while reading the middle of this chapter. I cried too much. ENJOY.


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A couple of days had passed since Astoria last saw Hermione. When Astoria awoke this morning, she found a note slid under her door that told her to meet Hermione in the owlery when she woke up. Astoria quickly tied her hair up and tossed on a Slytherin jumper and hurried to the owlery.

As she walked in, she noticed Hermione hidden behind one of the walls and waited for Astoria's arrival. She was curious why Hermione requested to see her.

"We need to collect the supplies before the next full moon. I have been doing some light reading on the procedure. It requires blood to split to cleanse your own blood. We need to use the blood of a dark creature. I suggest we travel to Romania and scavenge for a vampire. Their blood is darkest of all magical creatures and it will be a fine replacement for the blood you are losing." Hermione said lowly.

Astoria kept her arm crossed but nodded to what Hermione was saying. When she mentioned traveling to Romania, she wondered how they were going to find the time to get there. Romania was not exactly close to Britain, so they were going to need to use several portkeys.

"I do not see how I am going to be able to physically bend the bones to their original state, so I suggest this, after the dark magic is reversed, I dissolve the imprinted bone and re-grow them with SkeleGro. It will be painful, but it is the only plan I have." Hermione stated lowly.

Astoria was grateful to all the research Hermione was doing for her. In all honestly, Hermione did not need to do anything for her but perhaps she still felt bad for exiling her since last year. Whatever the reason, Astoria was more than appreciative.

"I understand. Is there anything more?" Astoria inquired.

"One more minor detail. Your imprint is tied to He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named and we all need to protect ourselves. Before the procedure takes place, I am going to change your memories." Hermione murmured.

What did she mean change her memories? Astoria was trying to figure out how changing her memories would protect anyone.

"Erm—care to elaborate on the whole 'changing my memories' bit?"

Hermione crossed her arms and exhaled.

"Astoria, dark wizards who use imprinting curses on their subjects are bound to them. They will know when their mark is being tampered with. I will not put myself, Draco, or anyone else at risk for you. I apologize but you are not that important." Hermione spat.

Astoria rolled her eyes and started to become frustrated. Astoria was important, even if it was just to one person, she was still important. She felt insulted for Granger thinking she was easily disposable.

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