77. The "Precious" One

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Astoria felt distorted, her eyes almost as fuzzy as her mind. Draco was standing before her, and she could hardly believe her eyes. He made it here, to be with her, to see their child. Everything was going to be perfect. It meant they could be a family and scatter from Britain.

"You're here." She croaked out with a tear. Astoria sat up and ran her hand along Draco's jawline. His skin was cold, and something felt different.

Draco's skin must be cold from lying on a dungeon floor for how many days, it is the only explanation.

"How are you here? Did Granger get you out?"

Draco ran his hand along her cheek and smirked. "Hush now. All questions are to be answered in due time. Now, where is the baby?"

"The baby is a she." Astoria flicked her wand to cast a quick appearing charm and Priscilla's basinet revealed itself.

Inside the tiny basinet laid the tiny human Draco and Astoria created. Priscilla's chest rose and fell, mind totally unaware of how special she was.

"This is Priscilla." Astoria held the baby in her arms and Draco peered down.

"She will be perfect." He purred.

Draco reached to take the child from Astoria's arms and cradle her. He rose from her bed and began to walk towards the exit.

"I think she fancies a walk." Draco clipped as he began to walk out of the door.

"No! Not yet. She's not supposed to leave my side just yet." Astoria bellowed out while jumping from her bed.

Still not being fully recovered, magical healing does wonders for new mothers. In the muggle world, a woman can spend days recovering from a birth, but in the wizarding world with just a few flicks of the wand the witch is as good as new.

"Come now. I am her father; I can take her."

"No, not yet. I cannot walk far distances quite yet. Tomorrow you can—"

"NO! It needs to be NOW!" Draco yelled in her face causing Astoria to jump back.

"What is wrong with you!" Astoria attempted to reach for Priscilla but Draco shielded the baby. "Give me my baby!"

"She is not yours." Draco clipped.

Astoria was about to retort back until she noticed Draco's hair beginning to shed from the back, and his face starting to deform.

"What the—"

Draco's body suddenly transformed into the demon of her dreams, the man who has haunted her entire life. The body of a man, but the face of a snake. The man that has owned over her life since before she was born.

"You have done marvelous work, my precious one."

"My Lord." Astoria croaked out. "Please don't." She said with tears streaming down her face.

"Shh calm yourself, Astoria. Your sacrifice will grant me further life, which means—" Voldemort strode over to tip up Astoria's chin. "---I will be here to take care of you, always."

Astoria closed her eyes and took in a deep inhale. She inched closer to Voldemort. "Always?"

"Always, Astoria." Voldemort purred.

Astoria reached behind her body to grab for her wand. As Voldemort was walking to Disapparate she pointed her wand at Priscilla and apparated her instantly.

"FOOLISH GIRL! Where is the baby!" Voldemort bellowed.

Astoria smirked and laughed lowly. "Gone."

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